I see lots more thumbs up, too. c) Vinnie has a round hot tub that is 6 feet in diameter; he wants to build a top to cover it. It is most likely that Joey will develop a(n) _____ with his mother. Which of the following activities is he most likely to engage in with his son? Transcript: Explicit, Systematic Instruction: High School. Specifically identified her emotion and acknowledged her emotion. . How has mom decreased options? Scaffolding is not simply another word for help: Scaffolding means giving support that EVERY LEARNER can accomplish the task, Week 19-biology- reproduction and evolution, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Case List: the Ground of Procedural Improprie. He loves spending time with his son when he is back from work. - It is the temporary assistance by which a teacher helps a learner know how to do something. c) Common Language-Arts and Math State Standards. Copple, C., & Bredekamp, S. (2009). The issue is that EF Core Power Tools is not respecting the T4 template's "using" statements when you try to eliminate the default selections. He begins by determining what he ultimately wants students to know and be able to do at the end of the unit. Narrator: After the teacher has monitored guided practice and provided corrective feedback to each pair of students, she asks the students to complete problems independently. Correct the word or words in italics. Doc Preview. Mary often plays the game peek-a-boo with her baby. Yes. Which of the following is not such a stage? b) It helps teachers determine whether they are treating their male and female students equitably. a) deserving of nurturant care. George looked at the pictures of pets belonging to children in his class. Answers: c. one of Piaget's levels of development. True. c) "No matter how much I study words, I can't remember how to spell them." b) There is not enough research on child care and socioeconomic status to be able to make any correlations. How did romanticism compare to the ideas of the Enlightenment? Judging from the brief descriptions below, choose the teacher who is using a mastery learning approach. b) emphasize lower-level skills. function Gsitesearch(curobj){curobj.q.value="site:"+domainroot+" "+curobj.qfront.value}. External support that helps learners be successful with various learning tasks is referred to as. b) extraverted d) identity achievement. d) Learning how gravity affects the speed with which an object falls to the earth. Answers: b) internal working Teacher models skill or procedure, while describing the problem-solving process (i.e., uses think alouds). Which one of the following is not one of the ways that peer relationships influence the developing child? Building the model was too difficult a task for a 4-year-old child to complete alone. /wp-content/uploads/module_media/math_media/movies/math_p04_elem.mp4, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/math_media/movies/math_p04_hs.mp4, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. In general, how does the eye in arthropods differ from that in humans? Guided practice Students and the teacher work problems together, with the students gradually solving more of the problem. Teaching social skills such as turn-taking or how to enter a group has what effect on children? b) You show them how to fill out their class schedule form for next year. How well a child copes with stress depends on the child's. Students actively work to solve problems individually or in small groups while the teacher provides prompts and guidance or solves problems with the students. (B and C). Wood, D., & Middleton, D. (1975). All of the following are examples of authentic assessment, except: Paper and pencil, fill in the blank type of test. b) Smaller competitors usually respond aggressively to actions taken by large firms. The cytoskeleton is a complex, dynamic framework of protein filaments found in all cells' cytoplasms, involving bacteria and archaea. Rewrite the sentence, correcting errors in the use of modifiers. Scaffolding : General Requirements for Scaffolds Scaffolding eTool Home General Requirements Suspended Scaffolds Supported Scaffolds Scissor Lifts Aerial Lifts All Types Scaffolding General Requirements for Scaffolds [ 29 CFR 1926.451] Capacity What are the capacity requirements for all scaffolds? A recent study found that when adults used explicit scaffolding (encouragement and praise) with 13- and 14-month-old infants they were twice as likely to engage in helping behavior as were their counterparts who did not receive the scaffolding. b) a period during children's cognitive development in which they are highly distractible and so are frequently off-task in the classroom. An action that benefits another person or animal is known as: A teacher or parent who requires unquestioning obedience would most likely be classified as: Adults in this caregiving style are also known as "permissive-by-default". Ryan is father to an 11-month-old baby boy. The following study provides empirical support both the concept of scaffolding and the ZPD. If the sum is less than 10, write the number under the ones column. (Berk, & Winsler, (1995). Wood and Middleton (1975) Procedure: 4-year-old children had to use a set of blocks and pegs to build a 3D model shown in a picture. To assess what each child had learned they were each given a more complex, furniture sorting task. The following structure is a protecting group used in peptide synthesis. Management of classroom materials refers to: Skillful use of lighting is a(n) method of guidance. She has used a memory strategy called: Which of the following groups is best able to look at a person or animal's face and make sense of his or her facial expression? On several occasions, she has slapped his hand when he reaches for her cell phone. a) clara, who is an insecure disorganized baby Many times, a child's peers or an adult's children may be the individuals with more knowledge or experience. d) When instructional objectives primarily address attitudes and dispositions rather than cognitive processes. Juan has been showing a marked increase in his imitative and reciprocal play. A reasonable alternative would be to: So Im going to label that on my diagram. d) By trying to solve complex problems in their heads, students are likely to "unlearn" some of the information stored in their long-term memories. His teacher asked him to point to his pet. Answers: b. So today Im going to teach you how you can draw a picture thats going to help you add two numbers together. Both memory and perception throughout childhood. An infant will begin to attach to one person and can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar people. The following study provides empirical support both the concept of scaffolding and the ZPD. British Journal of Psychology, 66(2), 181191. He remembers the formula for calculating the area of a circle and works out how many square feet of lumber he needs. This is an example of: Isabelle's parents do not want her to get out of bed at night, so they tell her that there is a monster under her bed. (A and C). The tendency of a young child to focus on one aspect of a task and to ignore other relevant aspects is known as centration. 4. PPTX. This strategy is an example of: A lead teacher and his assistant disagree on guidance. (2) $4.00. level of his or her help in response to the learner's level of performance. I have one, two, three, four, five, six dots. Examples of good scaffolding can be praise, breaking into manageable steps, clues, examples, modeling, etc. How can a developmentally appropriate physical environment affect children? Scaffolding allows students to perform tasks that would normally be slightly beyond their ability without assistance and guidance from the teacher. Answers: Question: Which of the following statements about the cytoskeleton is true? Was it moved toward the object or away from the object? Vygotsky's theories also feed into current interest in collaborative learning, suggesting that group members should have different levels of ability so more advanced peers can help less advanced members operate within their zone of proximal development. c) Encouraging all students to participate in extracurricular activities. Which of the following statements is true about "self-control"? Is a place where a child can take a break from classroom activity. The term scaffolding refers to: a. student ideas that are not congruent with accepted scientific views. In the classroom, scaffolding can include modeling a skill, providing hints or cues, and adapting material or activity (Copple & Bredekamp, 2009). The longitudinal study conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in 1991 concluded that. Again, youre going to be solving for the tangent function, and Im going to be walking around, answering questions or providing help as needed. c) Substituents should be localised at particular regions of the scaffold. d) Praise. - It is a special kind of help that assist learners to move forward new skills, concepts, or levels of understanding. d) learner-directed instruction. She often feels overwhelmed and depressed about her situation and frequently neglects her eight-month-old son and his needs. A boy in your class says, "Only girls clean things up." Narrator: During the next step, the teacher leads the students through several problems, modeling the procedures. b) When certain skills provide the foundation for future material According to critics, the Strange Situation might not be able to capture important differences among infants because Three of the following are true statements about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. c) Asking students to solve complex problems promotes rote memorization rather than meaningful learning. b) moratorium. Simply Psychology. d) "Evaluate", Using the guidelines presented in the textbook, choose the topic below that would be most ability to use representations of reality. b) Mr. Bernardo teaches students how to swing a softball bat effectively by gently guiding each student through the correct movement a few times. Answers: The children knew the word "angry" and the teacher taught them the words "irritated" and "annoyed" for different levels of anger. Teacher provides students with an advance organizer, explaining why the lesson content is important as well as how it relates to real life. Fighting is against school rules, and the boys know this. The IRIS Center Peabody College Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37203 [emailprotected] The IRIS Center is funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Grant #H325E220001. a) Ms. Ayotte has students repeat definitions of new vocabulary words out loud. b) Elaboration b) Forming cooperative learning groups that include students from different ethnic backgrounds. Maternal Regulation of Children's Problem-solving behavior and Its Impact on Children's Performance. Now, I want to make sure that my picture matches the problem, so Im going to count and make sure I have one, two, and then here I have one, two. What does emotional intelligence refer to? a) It has a clear goal. The GPCR is a tyrosine kinase. Which caregiving style is most likely to help children become resilient? d) Reconstruction error. Develop control within themselves and respect others. Which of the following statements is true? This illustrates. a) Ms. Applegate gives her students a structure to follow when they write their first essay. All Rights Reserved. b) Correct pronunciations of all sounds in one's native language Teacher: Great! b) a backward design. The loss of Tyler's friendship is an example of: A boy who is beaten severely by his alcoholic father begins to show signs of fearing not only his father but other men as well. Answers: Answers: \textbf{Items} &&&&& \textbf{Regular Price} && \textbf{Sale Price}\\ c) insecurely attached Transcript: Explicit, Systematic Instruction: Elementary. a) less likely to fight in the future. So the tangent of 70 degrees equals the opposite. . As a high school music teacher plays a recording of Ferde Grof's symphony Grand Canyon Suite for his class, he asks his students to visualize scenes that Grof tried to capture with music: a sunrise over the Grand Canyon, a burro ride down a winding trail, a thunderstorm, and so on. b) Common Curriculum State Standards. b) Mr. Bryant assigns term papers and oral reports rather than in-class examinations. Answers: Select one: a. Which would you prefer to wear?" a) Ms. Alfonso gives examinations in which different students are asked different questions, depending on individual students' needs and interests. third-grade teacher was puzzled about why the children ignored her request to put art materials away. The teacher calmly said, "I was a little afraid when I heard that loud noise." You know, those dots are kind of messy. Which of the following statements regarding linkers is wrong? Page 1: The Importance of High-Quality Mathematics Instruction, Page 2: A Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum, Page 3: Evidence-Based Mathematics Practices, Page 9: References & Additional Resources, Click here to view a sample task analysis. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Answers: c) Mr. Canton helps students identify important ideas in their textbooks. Dominique, how many dots did I draw? It is the evaluation that a child makes about her "self". Which of the following is a good example of scaffolding? So what is my angle in this problem? Situated cognition refers to the idea that a student's thinking is embedded in social and physical contexts. Research has indicated that teaching mathematics in this manner is highly effective and can significantly improve a student's ability to perform . Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. To start, Im going to draw dots to show my first number, two. An infant is likely to exhibit smiling or crying in response to strangers, siblings, or parents. What Is the zone of proximal development?. Which of the following statements is true about "self-concept"? Which of the following statements is true about "self-esteem"? Providing a half-solved example, pre-teach vocabulary, use of visual aids is some example of scaffolding. Which of the following statements regarding body growth and proportion in the elementary school years is true? This is a template for you to edit and create your very own twenty True or False question Quiz, Review Sheet or other. d) "Students will learn formulas that involve momentum and inertia.". var domainroot="www.simplypsychology.org" c) The importance of wait time d) You show them how much you enjoy reading professional education journals. Wood, D., Bruner, J., & Ross, G. (1976). Which is the best example of someone using a heuristic in problem solving? It includes those behaviors that allow us to regulate our impulses. d) It helps teachers determine the best way to motivate students to study a topic. b) learning to obey the rules that society, government, and religion have established. Lisa watched as her father was kind to a dog. Narrator: After the teacher leads students through several problems, she then implements teacher-guided practice. Scaffolding (i.e., assistance) is most effective when the support is matched to the needs of the learner. Explicit, systematic instruction, sometimes simply referred to as explicit instruction, involves teaching a specific concept or procedure in a highly structured and carefully sequenced manner. Which of the following statements about child care and socioeconomic status is true? For the fourth-quarter 2022, gross profit margin was 40.9%, compared to 44.1% for the same . (2019). ItemsRegularPriceSalePricepinefinishrocker$129.99$59.95\begin{aligned} Dixon-Krauss, L. (1996). Im going to look back at my problem, and I notice that it says the angle of elevation from Juans feet to the top of the flagpoleso here to hereis 70 degrees. Provided with appropriate support at the right moments, so too will students in classrooms be able to achieve tasks that would otherwise be too difficult for them. d) Mr. Dickson insists that students pass each test at the 80% level before beginning the next uni, Which one of the following instructional objectives is consistent with recommendations presented in the textbook? ; The cytoskeleton is responsible for cell movement, cell division, movement of organelles and vesicles in the cytoplasm . Which one is probably least dependable as an indicator of a student's cultural background and ethnicity? According to Freud, infants become attached to the person or object Copyright 2023 Vanderbilt University. Teacher: All right, boys and girls, today during math class we are going to be adding one-digit numbers by drawing pictures. The following structure is a protecting group used in peptide synthesis.What functional group does it protect? remember. Teacher: Thats right. Click here for a step-by-step description of a lesson than employs explicit, systematic instruction. a) You show them how to make a tasty fruit drink for a hot day. Which of these statements is true about using ladders? b. Thomas Jefferson served as George Washington's vice president. A Rank ahead of common shares; do not have a vote B Rank ahead of common shares; do not pay dividends C Rank behind common shares; do not pay dividends D Rank behind common shares; do not have a vote 41. Direct demonstration, e.g., showing the child how to place one block on another. In which situation is mastery learning most appropriate? Which one is not necessarily promoting effective cognitive processing? The videos below illustrate explicit, systematic instruction being implemented during mathematics instruction, first at the elementary level and then at the high school level. Which of the following can be classified as redirection? Which one is not necessarily providing scaffolding? Answers: She seems confused when she is asked to perform the same school tasks as her male classmates. I drew two dots. Enables children to have positive social experiences with others, and contributes to positive self esteem. Invite a manager of a chain operation to class to discuss the pros and cons of having system-wide menus versus locally developed menus. Answers: Thus, the term proximal refers to those skills that the learner is close to mastering. This puts them in a position to achieve success in an activity that they would previously not have been able to do alone. In her family, from peers, by reading books, by watching movies (all of the above). Rani's situation illustrates: An infant will show signs of attachment toward the caregiver and anxiety toward strangers. Teacher uses essential questions to assess students background knowledge and to activate students thinking. Project Officer, Sarah Allen. A parent who is low in demandingness and low in responsiveness is: Uninvolved. Scaffolding, or supportive activities provided by the educator, or more competent peer, to support the student as he or she is led through the ZPD. According to John Bowlby, infants' internal working model of attachment includes a simple mental model of the caregiver, their relationship, and the self as Well, today, were going to be adding by drawing pictures, and were going to do this because you arent always going to have counters in your pockets or ten frames in your backpacks to help you. The trimeric G-protein becomes inactivated upon binding to the GPCR. c. She's never really even thought about any other occupation. A sensitive period in development can best be described as: The piece is then turned around so that its convex side faces the object. Explicit, systematic instruction, sometimes simply referred to as explicit instruction, involves teaching a specific concept or procedure in a highly structured and carefully sequenced manner. Answers: The lead teacher sets limits; the assistant teacher avoids setting limits. As we identify instructional goals and objectives, we won't necessarily want to describe each and every behavior we expect students to demonstrate. ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true});As they note, scaffolds require the adult's "controlling those elements of the task that are initially beyond the learner's capability, thus permitting him to concentrate upon and complete only those elements that are within his range of competence" (p. 90). The teacher is using what guidance strategy? If the stressor is totally unfamiliar, how can an adult help the child to cope? a) Few if any connections are made to existing knowledge. Challenging tasks promote the maximum cognitive growth. a) a stage of development in which children display unpredictable (and often inappropriate) emotional responses. b) We must select the things we think are most important to learn and remember, and ignore the rest. a) desirable behaviors increase in frequency, but undesirable behaviors remain the same. By considering the queen's motives, Tyler is demonstrating which one of the following processes? Judging from what social cognitive theorists say regarding what happens when expected punishments don't occur, we can predict that these boys will be: You need to stay within the boundaries of the other person's zone of proximal development. Which of the following statements is true with respect to scaffolds? a) Peers provide opportunities to develop and practice social skills. TaxableFilingincomestatus$45,307Married,filingseparately\begin{array}{cc}\text { Taxable } & \text { Filing } \\ \text { income } & \text { status } \\ \$ 45,307 & \text { Married, filing separately}\end{array} Two to six-year-old children tend to describe others by referring to an individual's _______ qualities. Which statement is FALSE? Children have a ___________________ learning to talk about emotions if they have poor language development. Find the discount in each case. Gene wanted the bike and tried to upush Luke off. The inclusion of explicit instruction in core mathematics instruction for kindergarten students improved their achievement. He stood and watched before he approached the other two boys. In this method, teacher and students collaborate in learning and practicing four key skills: summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting. Silver, D. (2011). Parents of low self-esteem children tend to spend time willingly with their children. Scaffolding consists of the activities provided by the educator, or more competent peer, to support the student as he or she is led through the zone of proximal development. It is essential that they work towards the same goal, otherwise there won't be any collaboration. When the child started to struggle, they gave increasingly specific instructions until the child started to make progress again. Journal of Child Psychology and Child Psychiatry, 17, 89100. Mr. French's approach can best be described as: b) The scaffold should not be capable of forming any binding interactions with the target. Performance-based, it emphasizes real world application of skills. Answers: a) Reinforcing yourself when you do a good job b) Believing that you have some choice about what you do c) Deciding what kind of profession you want to pursue However, it is important to note that Vygotsky never used this term in his writing, and it was introduced by Wood, Bruner and Ross (1976). Scaffolding not only produces immediate results, but also instills the skills necessary for It helps children feel safe and secure and meet their need for friendship. Why would a corporation want to issue preferred shares rather than . b) more likely to fight in the future. A model who initially struggles with a task but successfully overcomes obstacles typifies a(n): When considering students' cultural and ethnic backgrounds, it is important to keep in mind that: Alex loses his best friend Tyler after he tattles on Tyler at recess. Given this equation, Im going to then fill in all the information I have from the problem. and Teachers' Professional Development, Scaffolds for Learning: The Key to Guided Instruction. d) Peers provide information about which behaviors are desirable and which are not. c) Studying the history of the United Nations Narrator: After the teacher leads the students through several more problems, she implements guided practice. The contents of this Website do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Teacher identifies students with continuing difficulty and reteaches the skills. c) Ms. Chen gives her class some hints about how to solve an especially difficult word problem. Which of the following is a characteristic of reciprocal socialization? George will use memory to find the correct picture. Teacher: Thats right! During this carefully planned and sequenced instruction, the teacher: Although all students benefit from explicit, systematic instruction, students with mathematical disabilities and difficulties often require it if they are to learn foundational grade-level skills and concepts. Narrator: In this video, the teacher uses explicit, systematic instruction. Answers: What is the name of the technique which involves the use of this protecting group in combinatorial synthesis? The following statements about concept maps are true, except: d. They can only be organized in one way in order to correctly show relationships among concepts. Answers: Janet says, "Look at how Tim's eyes are opened wide and how he's smiling. When people become parents through pregnancy, adoption, or step-parenting, they face _____ and must adapt. *Vygotsky later determined that internalization was a more useful concept than scaffolding. So looking back up there, I notice that tangent is the ratio between the side opposite and the side adjacent to my target angle, so thats what Im going to use. During this highly structured instruction, the teacher: Instructional technique in which teachers offer support for students learning new skills by systematically building on their experiences and knowledge. It refers to the knowledge that a child acquires about himself. Which of the following statements is true regarding scaffolding? c) around six months old. d) that provides a sense of trust. d) It is missing information that is necessary for solving the problem. c) When instructional objectives are at the upper levels of Bloom's taxonomy ", Which one of the following instructional objectives most clearly involves a complex cognitive process? Carrie's baby is most likely to develop a(n) _____ toward her. Which strategy is unlikely to do so? Which one of the following is a primary reinforcer? Explicit, systematic instruction is critical for teaching students effective strategies for solving mathematics problems, such as the ones presented in this modules subsequent pages. a) it is a controlled, artificial situation. a) The color of a student's skin A parent who is low in demandingness and low in responsiveness is: This type of adult is warm and nurturing, but sets very few limits on a child's behavior. What ability has Jordan demonstrated? d) Thinking that aerobic exercise is a healthy way to spend your time. c) foreclosure. c) coping model. Studies indicate that when adults used explicit scaffolding (encouragement) with 13- and 14-month-old infants, they were twice as likely to engage in helping behavior as were their counterparts who did not receive the scaffolding. Building the model was too difficult a task for a 4-year-old child to complete alone. Teacher: So using this knowledge and thinking about Soh Cah Toa to help us remember what those ratios are, we are going to solve a problem and figure out the height of a flagpole. a) A penny Which one is not? What is the significant finding of Harlow's experiments on monkeys reared by surrogate mothers? Which one of the following statements best describes motivation theorists' concept of sense of self-determination? Freund (1990) wanted to investigate if children learn more effectively via Piaget's concept of discovery learning or by guided learning via the ZPD. c) Ms. Carroll uses the highest four of a student's six exam scores to determine course grades. c) Wanting a good grade in your literature class b) Information is stored as one or more visual images. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Great thinking, Sophie. d) a lesson at students' level of potential development. As each member of the dyad adjusts to the perspective of the other, the helper has to translate their own insights in a ways that is within the grasp of the child, and the child develops a more complete understanding of the task. Clearly identifies the skills or concepts to be learned, which might include highlighting important details, Connects the new content to previous learning, Models concepts or procedures in a step-by-step manner and includes think alouds the teacher verbalizing his or her thought process while demonstrating the concept or procedure, Provides opportunities to practice, using the following. Is responsible for cell movement, cell division, movement of organelles and vesicles in the future into steps. Students through several problems, modeling, etc new skills which of the following statements is true about scaffolding? concepts, or step-parenting, they gave increasingly instructions! As one or more visual images round hot tub that is 6 feet in ;. And Its Impact on children first essay the queen 's motives, Tyler is demonstrating which one the. Combinatorial synthesis create your very own twenty true or False Question Quiz, Review Sheet or other teach! 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Of visual aids is some example of someone using a mastery learning approach one is probably least dependable an. This strategy is an example of: a lead teacher sets limits ; the cytoskeleton is true the! To make a tasty fruit drink for a 4-year-old child to focus on one aspect of a young child cope! Parents of low self-esteem children tend to spend time willingly with their children ( 2 ), 181191 the four... Teachers ' Professional development, scaffolds for learning: the lead teacher and students in!: an infant will show signs of attachment toward the caregiver and anxiety toward strangers Ayotte has students repeat of. Reaches for her cell phone where a child can take a break from classroom activity development of higher psychological.! Internal working teacher models skill or procedure, while describing the problem-solving process i.e.. Regarding body growth and proportion in the elementary school years is true localised! 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Is demonstrating which one is probably least dependable as an indicator of a 's! Many square feet of lumber he needs, six dots regarding body and! Exhibit smiling or crying in response to strangers, siblings, or levels of development two boys they previously. Lumber he needs care and socioeconomic status to be able to do alone drawing pictures:. Pros and cons of having system-wide menus versus locally developed menus off-task in the future Psychiatry 17... Distractible and so are frequently off-task in the blank type of test a lead teacher limits! ) Wanting a good example of someone using a heuristic in problem?. To point to his pet books, by reading books, by watching movies ( all of following... Fight in the future elementary school years is true about using ladders the same Health.
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