I promise that we can get through this together- don't give People who suffer from depression often lay quietly, staring Thank you! padding-left: 0px; I thought the OP was a perfect description of severe depression..I can count how many days its been since I last did that. DISCLOSURE: We are not veterinarians. Try not to panic, as there is good news on most cases of vestibular disease. transition: height 0.35s ease; You will probably also notice changes in their eating and sleeping habits, and potentially that they lick and chew excessively. } Teaching them something new, such as a trick or a task, can help to give them that purpose and lift their spirits. DH has been sitting in the lounge room staring at the wall for at least an hour. If you're wondering, yes, dogs get depression too. It could be that they are actually staring at something that you cant see but they can hear or smell. /* Widgets */ grid-template-rows: 1fr auto; I don't know what to tell u because I'm not a,psychiatrist. But, this obsession with a wall doesn't seem healthy. You can't do this for the rest of one of our favorite dog food is called. } It is also said that animals have a special spiritual connection and understand the hidden secrets of this and the parallel universe. } CrazyBoards.org the reason i'm even typing this up is to drive me away from staring at the wall. The downside here, though, is they'd probably get used to it if your dog is only doing it to get your attention. This is all getting a bit weird for my liking! His g Depression Fallout Message Board. font-size: 0.8em !Important; .archive footer.entry-meta, .relpost_content{ I would spend 20-30mins at it. How long is the duration? .wpsp-grid .wp-show-posts article:nth-child(3), .wpsp-grid .wp-show-posts article:nth-child(4) { https://www.history.com/topics/great-depression/great-depression-history Virtual support group for LOVED ONES of people suffering from depression and bipolar disorder. Such seizures can occur for several reasons, such as cancer and epilepsy. .main-navigation ul li:after { } as this require a massive amount work? When you walk your dog, you always pick up his waste. Animal communicator and psychic clairvoyant Suzan Vaughn said that animals in general have a stronger sixth sense than people. } -ms-flex-pack: center; this feeling is getting worse. My dog keeps staring at a wall! .header-widget .lsi-social-icons li { And so if if the Derrick Rose situation doesnt play out, which looks like it, most likely wont, then they have t Overall, its a scary scenario. If their interest in the wall seems more obsessive and difficult to break, it could be a sign of emotional problems such as boredom, frustration, or depression, all of which can be managed with some lifestyle changes. My life has been so shit since my accident last year. Link exchange is nothing else except it is simply placing i'm also tired of trying to be possitive. Many of us have lived with guilt, shame and regret for our past. Fortunately, there are medications available for canine dementia. It could just be that they have sensed something interesting that you havent picked up on. } I don't know, I guess I just thought it was me. padding: 0; These include brain tumors, head trauma, encephalitis, nervous system infection, exposure to toxins or poisons, and metabolic problems. } but mostly I feel like gizmo response fits more with what happens to me most often. I zone out too when I'm severly depressed. It is difficult to determine why your dog is staring at the wall in isolation. What medical conditions can cause it? display: inline-flex; If they are cooped up inside for long periods at a time, give them intellectual stimulation with a puzzle toy. There could be a lot of reasons why your dog stares at the wall all of a sudden, and it may or may not be a cause for concern and panic just yet. the other persons weblog link on your page at suitable place and other } Also, consider what things might have changed in your dogs life recently. external_links_in_new_windows_load(external_links_in_new_windows_loop); display: -webkit-box; And maybe you were demonstrating signs of MI, but weren't aware of it, the lengthy periods of zoning out being one of them, cetkat. Anyone else get this/ have any advice on how to stop it etc? } if(all_links.href.search(/^http/) != -1 && all_links.href.search('shelterapet.com') == -1 && all_links.href.search(/^#/) == -1) { This article is purely informative, at Shelterapet we do not have the right to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any type of diagnosis. transition: all 0.1s ease-in; .wpsp-grid .wp-show-posts article:nth-child(3) { pointer-events: initial !important; There will be a day when you are enjoying life again. Dogs have better senses of smell and hearing than we do, so they can pick up on things that we cant sense. color: #333333; -webkit-transition: height 0.35s ease; So he might sit next to the wall and stare at it if the voice is coming from that direction. Instead, look out for a loss of equilibrium and difficulty controlling their body movements in general. } } -o-object-fit: cover; They might also forget their toilet training and even begin to forget the people and other animals in their lives, sometimes showing aggressive behavior. . .generate-columns .inside-article:hover { Mix together some plaster of Paris (dry mix) with water in your bucket. display: -webkit-box; Apart from the barking and the tail wagging, staring is another way dogs try to communicate with people or other animals. .wpsp-align .wp-show-posts-inner { It is what it sounds like. /* Add wpsp-grid class to WPSP List shortcode wrapper */ It could be the early warning that you need to deal with whatever the problem is. it very rarely happens to me now, when i have more than 5 or 6 challenging life/buisness questions in my mind,and they ALL need very very urgent replys,my brain starts working MADLY trying to solve them ALL in the same time,no attempt to stop that prosess can work,and suddenly..my brain somehow will niglect ALL and works on only one stream,this is where my eyes,face,neck look to others like if my head is paralyzed,and i dont come out of it till that stream comes to an end,and the answer is clear to me. For a list of all the supplies we get for our new service dog puppies check out our New Puppy Checklist on the PuppyInTraining.com blog. Go about your merry way. } There are a variety of different causes of seizures. } A change in environment, boredom, or grief over the loss of a human or animal companion are just some of the possible reasons dogs feel depressed. Just like people, older dogs can develop dementia. You need to look at what is happening in their lives and at other unusual behaviors that they might be displaying, in order to figure out exactly what is going on with your pup. background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35); text-align: center; These are all serious conditions, and the only appropriate course of action is a trip to the vet. .generate-columns .inside-article>*:not(.post-image) { The smells and texture also provide important stimulation, which they just cant get if they are stuck inside all day. WebI spend hours just sitting and staring into the distance, feeling so numb, feeling like my life is crumbling around me. If you are concerned that your dog may have dementia, take it for a checkup. Having a stroke isnt as common in dogs as it is in people, but there are risk factors for dogs. If a tumor is suspected, an MRI is done. It's good to do that. I should try it! You're awfully smart. You're actually doing something mental health experts recommend. You're becoming prese box-sizing: border-box; I hope that things have improved since then. Hence, it is not uncommon for a dog to hear noises from the road or the neighborhood. Their normal brain function deteriorates which results in weird and unwanted behaviors like, yes, staring at walls. Good for your brain. Well, today and yesterday i have been a little bit low, nothing to write home about. To make sure it's not a seizure, try calling your dog while he is staring at the wall. it doesn't matter the trigger its there. -webkit-box-direction: reverse; Sometimes it lasts for a minute or two, sometimes it will last for an hour. It could be that your dog is standing still while staring at the wall, staring into the corner, or just staring into space, in general. -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; } But more than just being a bit weird, if your dog does start to stare at the wall frequently and for long periods of time, it could be a sign that something is wrong. [CDATA[ -ms-flex-direction: column-reverse; owners please share. Your dog will probably do this to try to relieve some kind of pressure that they are feeling inside their head. I wont go into specifics about my issues, cause honestly, does it even matter? .blog .inside-article, .archive .inside-article{ Nevertheless, if you often find your dog staring into space or at a wall, you should take him to a vet for an expert opinion. I agree with your last At school I look at my pencil all day. Something that really helps me is just even going outside and sitting on my porch or front steps. A dog staring at the wall or nothing has symptoms of this disorder. when it gets really bad theres a weight on my shoulders and i cant movr amf i spend weeks/months in bed on my phone, watching tv, staring at the wall wondering what im doing all of this for. margin-left: unset; overflow: hidden; } This disease affects the dogs thalamus and forebrain. As a few posters mentioned, its defiinitely a recognizable spacing out but not catatonia.in deep DP. // Load } His eyes roving around the wall could mean he is looking for or seeing something. It might also be that there is a dead rat in your walls, which you cant really smell (yet), but your dog can. My worst symptom is the 24/7 Tinnitus. The first step is to understand the causes of climate change and how we can reduce our impact on the environment. And yes, it can make them do unexplainable things too, like standing still and staring into space. .navigation-search.nav-search-active { document.links[t].removeAttribute('target'); /* Theme Global */ } Vestibular disease can result from ear infections, injuries, tumors, or diseases such as hypothyroidism. Head pressing in dogs is only a symptom of forebrain disease. } transform: scale(0.9); } Their sleep schedule can also get thrown off, and they might be barking more than usual. Again,dog depression symptomsare no different from those that plague humans. But like all the waves it subsided eventually, and again I felt more vitality in the subsequent window. Share your experience with the community in the comments section below. Surfing the internet is both bad and good for that: Bad because it distracts, good because I can look up information about anything I am "thinking" about. .right-sidebar #right-sidebar { .wpsp-align .wp-show-posts-image { } height: 100%; margin-top: 0.5em; @media (min-width: 769px) { Staring at you while you're busy doing something could mean they want your attention, too. How to Stop a Dog from Excessive, Nuisance Barking. probably not. As the Promises state in so simple a manner, this does not mean that oh well, we made some mistakes so lets forget about everything that happened in the past after all its in the past. And we can spend a lot of wasted time wallowing in the self-pity that occupies any addiction. var all_links = document.links[t]; flex-direction: column; Otherwise, it's occaisionally been because my brain is so fucking fast that I'm like, paralyzed. The other thing is to be patient. } text-transform: uppercase; This means it's possible that they've become aware of some kind of strange presence in the house. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Because paying attention to someone else is so stressful. It is just easier to stare at something simple and plain than listen to some liberal prea It is worth noting that wall staring is quite different from head pressing, which is when your dog not only focuses on the wall but presses their head into it. if(force != '' && all_links.href.search(force) != -1) { But if there's none, it's best to bring him to the veterinarian for further evaluation. (Should I Worry?). Your dog might find those noises amusing and want to know where they are coming from. Humour him and ask? @media (max-width: 768px) and (min-width: 420px) { /* WPSP Card Styling */ In addition to disorientation, symptoms of vestibular disease include tilted head and loss of balance. Anyway, if you have any suggestions or techniques for new blog WebIf your dog is staring at the wall, there are various possible reasons, ranging from dementia to dog depression. Ultimately, the best thing for you to do is consult your vet about it. ALSO RELATED: 25 Most Common Dog Behavior Issues: Habits and Problems That Are Not Normal. As we know, dogs have super senses. Treatment depends on the diagnosis. Losing an owner, family member, or other pet can lead to depression. grid-row: 1 / 2; margin-right: unset; WebFocusing on a spot on the wall allows you to blurr what you see and sink inside. Lets take a look at the main reasons that your dog might start staring at walls and what you can do to help them. If you do identify one of these things as the root cause of the problem, then you will need to make some changes to alleviate your dogs boredom. . It's like they are possessed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If apart from staring at nothing, your dog displays other worrying symptoms, it's best to immediately call your vet and schedule a visit to look into other possible neurological reasons. } When I'm manic, I've been known to pace and count my steps obsessively and when I'm depressed I wander and sing to myself. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. } How many times a day do you catch your dog standing still and staring at the wall? I was exactly like that for months while in a tolerance withdrawal, although I did not know what was wrong at the time. I don't know how to do anything. It doesn't necessarily mean you should call the paranormal experts to inspect your house (or does it?). We also might regret all the time that we wasted staring at the blank wall, alone and trying to figure out in the circling of our thoughts the whys of our immobility, passivity and pain. I was at a point for a little while a few months back where I didn't even want to turn on the TV. Oh, that was one of the hardest times for me. Less than a month later, Wall hilariously ended up If your dog loves you, it is no wonder that he stares at the door in your absence! Hence, staring at any particular object or barking at nothing are usually thought to be the signs of dogs seeing any nonhuman energy. Sounds to me like some sort of meditation, basically focusing on a certain object and essentially turning off all inner chatter. Meditation could I really think staring at the wall for 20-30 minutes at a clip is a bit of a red flag. Or it could be that they arent feeling emotionally stable, perhaps because something has changed in their lives. But it doesnt always manifest in the same way, and it is not always possible to point to a clear cause. However, only a vet can confirm what is making your dog stare at the wall. if(change_link == true) { Wish I didn't have to walk through there to get to the kitchen. @media (max-width: 768px) { but, I'm not so far gone that i can't appreciate the help. The Oldest? Carry on. There's something about staring at a blank wall that just makes you feel productive. I'm down to 2.0mg and it feels like all I can/want to do is lay in bed and stare at the wall all day. Teach them something new Again, not unlike humans, dogs like to feel useful and like they have a purpose. Dogs with CSD can appear disoriented, lost in familiar settings. } And When Should I Be Worried? To see if your dog is just zoning out or if something else is going on, try to get their attention. In addition to this, dogs also have the sixth sense they get the gut feeling when something is not right. They get close to the wall, stare at it, and slowly move their heads forward and press it against the wall. Head pressing in dogs does not have to literally mean dogs head against the wall. var change_link = false; Remember the symptoms you've been observing in your dog when you consult with the veterinarian. grid-row: 2 / 4; /* WPSP Grids */ Dogs have a great sense of smell, especially the long nose dogs. WebThis is a discussion on Staring at the wall within the Depression forums, part of the Depression Forums category; I have been unemployed for two years now. box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #d6dade; Louisville, KY. background-color: #eeeeee; Why Does My Dog Sleep with His Eyes Open? It can be disconcerting to walk into a room and catch your dog staring at the wall. If you dont see any improvement with these activities, your vet may be able to recommend some alternative treatments. You can read about exactly how much exercise a Labrador retriever heeds here. Remember that you can't have him repeat this behavior in the clinic, so taking a video would be much easier to show your vet than trying to explain your dog's behavior. It's important to consider the soil composition and how it will affect the plants. object-fit: cover; A dog that occasionally looks at the wall(or a corner)is not a concern for dog owners. One way to figure out if your dog is having a partial seizure is to try your best to distract him. .wpsp-grid .wp-show-posts { padding-left: 10px; background-color: transparent; They will probably also feel very lethargic, and you will notice that their eyes lack focus and may even move in strange directions. really. I didn't have MI yet when I was doing this, so I don't think it's a reaction to that. .vc_column_container>.vc_column-inner { Sudden stiffening, facial twitching, fly biting' or biting into the air, and staring into space are some of the common symptoms of a partial or focal seizure. Here are some of the possible reasons why your dog is suddenly staring at the wall, into space, or into the corner. /* Add wpsp-align class to to WPSP List shortcode wrapper */ Have you changed their food? I hate my life. Suddenly I stopped and slowed down and just stared and I felt "something" that I didn't know what it was at the time but in hindsight I realize that feeling was depression (a combination of meaninglessness of it all, nothingness, and yet some sort of negativity/sadness/hopelessness it's really quite paradoxical actually). But it doesnt always manifest in the subsequent window isnt as common in dogs is only symptom... Does not have to literally mean dogs head against the wall for 20-30 minutes at a clip is a weird! It? ) the dogs thalamus and forebrain not normal minute or two, it. Mostly I feel like gizmo response fits more with what happens to me most often defiinitely a recognizable spacing but... 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