Spider-Man's secret identity is one of the worst-kept secrets in the Marvel Universe. Who knew such a simple, enticing proposal, would lead to so much chaos? Spider-Man's secret identity is one of the worst-kept secrets in the Marvel Universe. Daredevil's secret identity was leaked in a 2002 comic storyline, forcing Matt Murdock to fight a years-long battle to protect his reputation, keep his legal practice and stay out of prison. Peter attempts to help without exposing his alter ego by using a stealth suit that earns him the nickname of "Night Monkey" among the European press, but MJ is still able to piece together the truth. As he comes to, he awakens in a straight jacket on the floor, looking up at Doctor Kafka who Spidey insists is his foe, the Chameleon. Identity reveals, meeting the Avengers, superfamily, field trips, etc! However, the shocking twist is that Liz's father is actually the villain Adrian Toomes, aka the Vulture, and he's able to figure out Peter is the web-slinging hero during an incredibly tense car ride to the dance. Note Unlike the actual Yost series, Peter Parker doesn't join the Avengers. Link please or picture, https://archiveofourown.org/works/12292941 - Deadpool keeps flirting with MCU Spidey until he discovers Peter is a teenager, is horrified with himself, becomes protective and starts looking out for him. It was a strange way to restore things somewhat to the status quo but nothing can beat the time Peter Parker admitted to the whole world that he was your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! Sure, he's fighting bad guys like the Vulture, but he's also awkward around his crush, Liz, and we also witness his unbridled enthusiasm when his best friend, Ned, tells him that he bought a Star Wars Death Star LEGO set. Reveal them to us in the comments! I care a lot about these characters and I hope that my writing reflects that and does them justice.This story also is heavily influenced by the comics and the 'Spectacular Spider-Man' cartoon. In later instances when Spidey becomes unmasked in Amazing Spider-Man Vol. Now James is facing real problems- death doesn't scare him, but the return of an indignant 17-year-old from France? The Avengers & GOTG Play SpiderMan PS5 4 parts Ongoing Now an official AU of Avengers Endgame, so it's differs from the actual ending Thanos is defeated. His left leg absolutely throbs in agony as he drags it behind him, leaving a dense smear of blood on the pavement below. What happens when Adrien already has Marinette's phone number in his contacts too? Peering over at his antics is Jessica Carradine, the daughter of the burglar who killed Uncle Ben, and her trusty camera. The two men battle across the city of New York until they come to a point where Doc knocks a part of a building loose, threatening the people down below. But in the one-shot Amazing Spider-Man: Parallel Lives, MJ discovers that Peter is Spider-Man when she watches the hero leave Peter's bedroom after Uncle Ben's murder. , . Don't tell Harry." She lays out a pretty extensive argument as to why it's Peter, including their shared misadventures in Washington, D.C. during Homecoming, as well as Night Monkey's apparent use of the same webs as Spider-Man. May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, peter parker doesn't know how to keep a secret, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, When Prince Charming Is An Adorable Science Nerd, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, apparently peter does have some 'splainin to do, Friday & Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, peter parker is terrible at keeping secrets, Peter Parker & Original Female Character(s), Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, steve fits the roll of spider man so well, i didnt mean for slow burn it just happened. Fury has been keeping an eye on the Spider-Man for awhile now but it seems every time he gets even remotely close, Spider-Man slips away. It had been a week after the hero known as Mysterio and the Daily Bugle had outed their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man as some kid from Queens, Peter Parker. Black Cat's pragmatic ethos serves as a foil to Spider-Man's sense of morality as a masked hero, and the two have often shared entertaining exchanges. During the events of "The Night Gwen Stacy Died," the elder Osborn kills Gwen Stacy as Green Goblin by throwing her off a bridge, and he ultimately meets his own grim fate by being impaled by his Goblin Glider. Thankfully, Spider-Man still has people in his corner. Spider-Man knows for a fact that the man he faces isn't Peter Parker (that would certainly be weird) so he deduces that he is the Chameleon. ", How These Characters Reacted When Discovering Spider-Man's Identity. Unbeknownst to Peter or Norman, Harry witnesses his father's death, and he holds Spider-Man responsible. There might be ways to make it better. Barry Allen has had a rather complicated life so far. Here's how these various Marvel characters reacted when they discovered Spider-Man's identity. asked Qi Qingqi. Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, captain america: civil war - Fandom Teen And Up Audiences Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death F/M, Gen, M/M Work in Progress 28 Feb 2023 Graphic Depictions Of Violence Major Character Death Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes Ultimate Spider-Man: Season 1 by SpiderSlayer16 347 2 10 Peter Parker looks into the crime Empire of Tombstone and works to take him down but in the process finds himself facing super criminals who are working to stop him. So much of Peters future hangs in the balance and depends on the choices he makes. Identity Revealed. When Peter sets foot on MIT campus, he's a year late and everybody already knows who he is. The biggest lesson Tony learned from being a dad was that he'd do anything to keep his kids safe. Harry recalls a time Doc Oc unmasked Peter and they get to talking. Mr. Toomes is a great guy who teaches Peter how to survive on the streets, and Peter loves him for it, despite that Mr. Toomes hates Peters hero Iron Man and says Tony Stark is out to line his own pockets by stepping on the little guy. He also tries to out Peter as Spider-Man, but the police take his confession as evidence of Harry's insanity. At least he made it to his bed ashe barely managed to strip off his shredded costume and drop it on the floor. With help from his best friends, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew, James tries his hardest to keep New York safe. A few issues after Pete outed himself as Spider-Man in "Amazing Spider-Man" #90, written by Stan Lee and penciled by Gil Kane, Doc Oc launches a plan to cause some chaos in Spidey's life. I'm nostalgic on everything related to Spider-Man. He appears to Spider-Man as none other than Peter Parker being held captive by Doc Ock(who just so happens to be dead at the time) and the two come to blows. While Aunt May hasnt relearned Peters secret, Jonah Jameson has, in the Michael Walsh-illustrated story My Dinner with Jonah, a part of Chip Zdarskys brilliant run on Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man. Peter soon regrets that decision when he's signed his name off as Peter Parker and now Deadpool can't find out the connection. Oh boy Looks like there's some crossed wires here. Spider-Man's most vocal critic (and Peter's occasional employer as editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle) is J. Jonah Jameson, a man known for running smear campaigns against the hero and labeling as a menace to the very neighborhoods he serves. However, the trip is quickly derailed by the machinations of Mysterio, as well as Skrulls disguised as Nick Fury and Maria Hill. Their friendship later blossoms into a romantic relationship, and MJ would become Spider-Man's most recognizable love interest in various universes and storylines. And that time has some parallels to Spider-Man: Far From Home. Thankfully in the following issue, Norman succumbs to a convenient bout of amnesia and Pete's identity is safeonce again. What could possibly go wrong? Tony just doesnt know what he did to deserve this. When it bonded with Eddie Brock, the secret of Peter's identity came with the new digs and superpowers, creating one of Spider-Man's deadliest foes. Being Spiderman for a year, James has grown to love his alternate ego. But because Peter had put up such a measly fight against Doc Ock, the villain assumes that Peter had been impersonating Spider-Man, and everyone else follows suit, thinking Peter isn't the real hero behind the mask. When he arrives, the only people still there are Gwen, Mary Jane, Harry Osborn and Captain Stacey. He slept late last night because of patrol so he planned on getting patrol over with right after school. Theres his buddy, Ned, and Tony Stark (well, not anymore, RIP), and, as of the very last scene in his debut movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming, even Aunt May knows his super-secret. After that, the two boys start to see each other more often than Jeongin could imagine. The various revelations of Spider-Man's secret identity not only offer some comedic beats but also significant consequences for each Spidey hero. They pick Aleksyi Sytsevich, who was currently serving a life sentence. Little does he know that the Green Goblin is out to get him in "Amazing Spider-Man" #39, written by Stan Lee and penciled by John Romita. ), Ive read all but the first one. The conflict between Miles and Venom comes to a head during the comics event "Venom War," when a Daily Bugle reporter inaccurately writes that Miles' father, Jefferson, is the new Spider-Man. I put my WIP's here so I can keep track of em! The death of Captain Stacey would continue to plague Spider-Man for decades (years in comic book time) and it affected his relationships with other people throughout the rest of his life. Spider-Man Identity Reveal Not Civil War Team Captain America Friendly Hydra agent 'Spider' is sent out on a mission to retrieve blueprints from Avengers Tower. She appears at Peter's side during Tony Stark's funeral in Avengers: Endgameand while hosting a fundraiser in Spider-Man: Far From Home. The loud intake of breath drains Peter of his success. Fortunately for Peter, Matt knows a little something about maintaining a secret identity, so he doesn't immediately blab his newfound knowledge to the rest of the world. Peter sees Venom's eyes glare at him with profound hate. What issue was it? Sign up for the Yep, you heard it here first, folks! Spider-Man rushes over to see if his girlfriend's pop is ok, only to hold him in his arms as he dies. Ben Reilly was the clone Spider-Man disposed of all the way back in ASM issue #151. ). -Negligible angst Work Search: When they get home, Peter takes MJ on a real date, web-swinging through New York City as Spider-Man. I had stopped two armed robberies and three attempted muggings. -Irondad and Spiderson Bleed the Water Red by aloneintherain - Deadpool & a villain both discover that the villain has been torturing a kid. Smart Wade Wilson. Vienna really was just trying to survive life in New York.The blog was supposed to help her anonymously cope with her day-to-day struggles that's all.Or, at least, that was all until a series of rather unfortunate events leads to her being recognized and linked to Mr.Friendly-Neighborhood himself.Maybe she could manage suddenly having to deal with a stubborn masked guy (with a hero complex) better if she wasn't also having to deal with her roommate's nosy co-worker Peter.Maybe if she hadn't posted her blog in the first place, she wouldn't be facing quite so many life-or-death situations A fanfic I started writing to tease my friend, but you know what they say. - -: , . , , -. The Punisher naturally on Caps side saved him and took him to the HQ of Caps Secret Avengers, where, after recovering, Spidey issued a statement pledging to fight the Registration Act. The time of reckoning has come, the day where Peter Parker will finally be proven innocent.They've been waiting for this day for months, and now they can finally put this issue to rest, howeverThat man still lurks in the shadows, regardless if he's dead or not. His responsibility? Peter Parker has been appearing in comics as your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man since he debuted in "Amazing Fantasy" #15 back in 1962 and his secret has remained pretty much that except for the times it hasn't. But after her full introduction in The Amazing Spider-Man #42, Mary Jane (MJ) becomes a part of Peter's close circle of friends, which includes Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy. Nope. When "Civil War" kicked off in 2006, Pete aligned himself with his mentor, Tony Stark. (I know the pacing of this story is not ideal, but its mostly been exploratory for me, since Id never written before, and weird things sometimes happen when you make up the plot as you go along, and just want to hang out with your characters in a cool AU as they live their lives! (NSFW)12 Grab Ass (sort of nsfw)13 Do it (NSFW)14 Couple Fluff15 Wanna make out? Although May doesn't answer, it's clear that she's there as the camera pans to see her standing in the doorway while Spider-Man unmasks after trying the suit on. Due to the Superhuman Registration Act, it became necessary for anyone with powers to register with the government, though their true identities would (hopefully) be protected. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. As he is disposing of the body, he unmasks the clone to look down on his own face. Driving his beat up old moped down Broadway, Peter Parker could sense the terror of people fifty blocks away. Poor Peter Parker. Shameless Peter Parker whump to Irondad Spiderson fluff :). Enraged, Peter attacks him, but without his powers, he gets knocked out and tied up. What if there was another Spider person in New York? During Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spidey's first solo film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Peter must learn to strike a balance between being a normal teenager and a wall-crawling superhero. But regardless of who's wearing the mask, you never know how people are going to react when said mask comes off. The three-part Amazing Spider-Man arc, Mr. One of the first stories to showcase a scenario where Spider-Man's secret identity being revealed was The Amazing Spider-Man #12, where Doc Ock kidnaps Betty Brant from the Daily Bugle and orders J. Jonah Jameson to print out an ad challenging Spider-Man to come to find him. Little does he know that the Avengers are hunting Spiderman down (metaphorically), intent on unmasking the young vigilante. In one of Marvel's most controversial stories ever, Spider-Man made a bargain with a mystical force in the comics to get the world to forget his identity by turning to the devilish figure Mephisto, who erased the world's knowledge of Spider-Man's identity on top of their earlier deal to save a dying Aunt May, irrevocably changing the lives of So maybe Peter hasn't told the Avengers that he's Spider-Man yet. maturespidermanstory adultthemes fancast +9 more # 12 Spider-Man meets the Flex Fighters by HunterPrime Studios 319 4 5 Work Search: In "Amazing Spider-Man" #248, written by Roger Stern and penciled by John Romita Jr., a story called "The Kid Who Collected Spider-Man" features a sequence where Spider-Man meets a nine-year-old boy named Timothy Harrison (aka, Spider-Boy!) No one on the team knew who Spider-Man was. Peter Parker has a secret identity and he desperately wants to keep it that way. Your gang one of the deadliest out there and are assumed as males when the ga [Welcome visitors to the reaction room!] Whatever you have to say, save it, Im too tired for your shit.. (I do not intent to insult anybody or any of that, I'm just making a stor What happens when the Avengers want a new teammate? when sam found spider-man slumped against the dirty wall of an alleyway, he never imagined how much the vigilante 's presence would affect the entire team. Psshh, Yeah Right, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes & Matt Murdock, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes & Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Post-Spider-Man: Far From Home Mid-Credits Scene, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), with a hammer and nails and a fear of failure, being a college freshman is harder than being an avenger, the mortifying ordeal of being a public figure, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant. Theydo, however, get your standard match of superhero misunderstanding-inspired fisticuffs in "Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man" #110, written by Peter David and penciled by Rich Buckler. Homecoming is getting closer and closer and Jeongin struggles to find the courage to invite Felix, the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. Realizing he was just ill when his powers returned, he asks Hobie Brown (The Prowler) to put on his costume and trick his friends back into believing Pete not to be the web-slinger. Brought Down to Normal: Venom's plan is to definitively expose Spider-Man's identity and then use the gene cleanser on him to leave him vulnerable to his enemies. This led to whats still the most controversial Spidey story of all time, One More Day. Straczynski even took his name off the story. Now, Peter has to hide his superhero identity and wrestle with some less than holy feelings, as he and Wade find themselves in a string of absurd situations. Even though he could have retained his anonymity, Peter did the unthinkable in "Civil War" #2, written by Mark Millar and penciled by Steve McNiven. (Age discovery is a fairly common thing in aloneintherain's fics, as you can see. when clint broke into sam's apartment at 3am, he was just looking for blackmail. Only this time, because May had married Jonahs father, JJJ and Peter were now step-cousins. One thing the Avengers dont know is how powerful the secretly mutated boy really is. There stood Flash Thompson dumb founded seeing Peter Parker, a person that Flash had constantly bullied was secretly the spectacular Spiderman that has saved his life and was Flash`s biggest hero. me. I once found him passed out on the ceiling. Tom Speelman is a freelance writer, proofreader & editor based in Lansing, Illinois. Set after Spider-Man: Homecoming; While out on patrol, Peter gets into an accident that leaves him helpless in an alleyway. Call him.. He grasped Spiderman's mask at the top of Spiderman's head. One name every Avenger knew as family but do they really know him? While initially hurt that her nephew has been lying to her for years, she comes to understand his decision and supports him as Spider-Man. Bleed the Water Red by aloneintherain - Deadpool & a villain both discover that the villain has been torturing a kid. Everything changes when he saves him as Spider-Man. Peter got a job and yknow what comes with that. Just before she dies, she instructs Miles never to reveal his secret to his father. Peter Parker's Aunt May initially tried to set him up with Mary Jane Watson in early issues of The Amazing Spider-Man, although Peter assumed that they wouldn't be compatible based off of May's approval of her. Hydra agent Spider is sent out on a mission to retrieve blueprints from Avengers Tower. Why do they keep pursuing him and how far are they willing to go till they catch him? Although it seems as if his dream came true, how can Jeongin keep his relationship with Felix without getting him involved into the dangerous world of superheroes? AKA Wade has a crush on Peter and Spider-Man, but he doesn't know they're the same person. Of course, it ends up being used on him instead. Flash finally goes too far and he wants to make amends. Hes spent the last seven years in foster care wishing nothing more than to find a forever family. This revelation takes the shock the thugwas already experiencing and ramps it up a notch straight into a fatal heart attack. He tells Peter that since he saved his daughter's life in Washington, D.C., he'll spare him on the condition that he not intervene in his criminal activities. He thought the Parkers were going to be that family, but an unfortunate accident two years ago left Peter and their three children once again at the mercy of the system. or, a 6,000-something word crack fic about sam wilson being a therapist. This issue launched a return to the familiar red and blue costume fans grew up with. !!! Thank you for the effort. So why are the Avengers on his case? After Mysterio reveals his identity and frames him for murder, Peter Parker's world is falling apart. Secret Identity? Turning into a narrow alley, he ditched the moped behind a dumpster and began to strip. But we have seen it in Marvel Comics. Spider-Man can only watch from his perch on top of a lamppost before yelling the same phrase his Aunt May used in the last film: "What the ! In it, Peter tries to deny his web-slinging nature to Nate Grey (X-Man). However, their romance is short-lived. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. [Also in Miraculous Salt Collection]. A little one-shot about Peter accepting Stark Industries after Tony makes him the heir, and following in the footsteps of his father-figure in how to face your fears, and the world. Generation Z responds. They're out to cause mayhem and they don't care who gets in their way, plus taking down a certain annoying crime fighting bug at the same time is just a chance they aren't planning on missing. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Or - Steve Harrington is spider-man and is having a hard time keeping it secret from his new roommate, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (153), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (72), The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb) (31), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (73), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (62), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (125), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Not Civil War Team Captain America Friendly, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, May Parker Eating Popcorn in the Background, Peter Parker/Original Female Character(s), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Adopted Child, I Am Not Known (If Im Not Seen or Heard), Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Yang Jeongin | I.N has a crush on Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin & Yang Jeongin | I.N are Best Friends, Han Jisung | Han & Yang Jeongin | I.N are Best Friends, Han Jisung | Han Has a Crush on Lee Minho | Lee Know, dont worry theres no jumpscare surprise pregnancy trope, spider-man actually getting along w/ the sinister six, Mary Jane Is Fixated By Peters Chest And Abs, Sharon but I don't think they have an account, Clint Barton/Laura Barton/Natasha Romanov, sam makes god tier brownies and you can fight me on this, peter parker slowly realizing that people actually care about him, GUYS EVERYTHING WITH PETER IS PLATONIC/PARENTAL DONT BE WEIRD, guys i lied sambucky have a situationship, Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson & Peter Parker, Luke Cage & Jessica Jones & Matt Murdock & Peter Parker & Danny Rand, Fix-It for Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Alias Investigations | Jessica Jones's Detective Agency (Marvel), Matt Murdock Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure. When Iron Man appears one day and presents Spider Man with an opportunity too good to pass up, Peter finds himself having to make up his mind about what helping the little guy really means. Cold, tired, hungry, and homeless, 14 year old Peter Parker gets taken in by Adrian Toomes and his crew. As Peter begins to grow impatient, a familiar face enters the room, his face painted with apologies, but before he can open his mouth to say any of them, Flash blurts out: Youre The Falcon., The man, Sam Wilson, as Peter mentally fills in for himself, smiles indulgently and nods. Norman Osborn's eyes meet Spider-Man's for a moment as he gives one last wheeze, whispering a pained, "Peter. Something went wrong. Sometimes, all it takes is tearinghis civilian clothes from his body telekinetically to reveal the costume underneath. He's preparing for college. They grow closer and closer with age, but feelings grow into something else, especially with the junior dance. But you can be pretty sure that itll mean that the people close to him May, Ned, MJ, and probably his classmates will be in a lot of danger. In aloneintherain 's fics, as well as Skrulls disguised as Nick and., Peter tries to out Peter as Spider-Man, but spider man identity revealed fanfiction his powers he! Still the most controversial Spidey story of all time, because May had married Jonahs father, and. As Spider-Man, but the police take his confession as evidence of Harry 's insanity what if there another! ( X-Man ) slept late last night because of patrol so he planned on getting patrol with... Deadpool & a villain both discover that the Avengers dont know is how powerful the secretly mutated boy is... And frames him for murder, Peter Parker could sense the terror of people fifty blocks away ( )... Fluff15 Wan na make out from Avengers Tower x27 ; s mask at the top of Spiderman #... Would become Spider-Man 's identity the young vigilante to reveal the costume.. 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