Virgos can be anxious and insecure, even when they have no reason to be. Like your male counterpart, you, Pisces woman, are touched by the dreamy planet of romance and spirituality, Neptune. This all feeds an insecurity that makes Cancers needy and clingy always seeking someone or something for reassurance. Why are Virgos so insecure? Quite often, perfectionists struggle with low self-esteem and self-worth, which is why they behave this way. (LOL). Because, unlike most women of the zodiac, you are not demure when you are attracted to someone. Just like your male counterpart, you, Leo woman, consider yourself a queen. They can sense that mystery in you, which awakens their desire to find out who you truly are on the inside. So if you found yourself squirming as you read the above (because it brought back memories of your failed relationships in the past), don't run away from this reality. Leos love to try new things inside and outside the bedroom. Suggest that he might try being a little more assertive or even speaking up to some of these horrible, plan-ruining peopleand prepare to be met with a logical explanation of how if your idea were a good solution, he would already have tried it, but here are 20 reasons why it wont work. This can also sabotage relationships unless they find a partner who truly understands them. They often prioritize their tasks based on financial return-- so work, overtime work and more work. Virgos are their own ideal, but negative Virgo is secretly insecure and therefore cannot tolerate other people's faults or sins. RELATED: 3 Strange Facts + 3 Common Misconceptions About Aries (Even If You Don't Believe In Astrology). This may cause them to bottle up their emotions and struggle to ask for what they need from a partnership. Worry can undermine Capricorn's confidence and belief in their own abilities. You really are at a loss for words when you finally find yourself falling for a woman who would be the perfect other-half of the powerful relationship you have always wanted. Every time he feels out of control, he becomes insecure. How can it not be when your partner expects you to back him up in every conversation in social gatherings? Just like everyone else, an Aquarius man needs his partner to be patient and give him time to recuperate when his attitude heats up. If their partners fall short of their expectations, they could be upset in no time. That's why your biggest insecurity in love is being in an unstable relationship that has no future or is destined for a breakup because you and your partner have incompatible priorities and goals in life. Your partner might feeloverwhelmed, emotionally drained, or unable to keep up with all the tasks they have assigned themselves. For instance, tell your partner that you're not comfortable with the division of labor and ask if you can talk about it and work out a different system. Stand back so this girl can buff em to a shine. In fact, you might have been that friend to someone else when you were in your last relationship! If he doesn't make a move on any of his new projects, then this will just add to his frustration of not being where he wants to be. For a Gemini to be successful, he and his partner need to always be on the same page, mentally and emotionally. Remind your Virgo man that he needs to take time out for some fun and not to let his work stress take over both your lives. The list of things that just don't sit right with them will be endless. That's why your biggest insecurity in love is feeling out of control. You are dressing up to impress both yourself and the man who stole your heart. Somehow they get away with it, and it adds to their action-hero . He will expect you to be his cheerleader throughout all this, as he will feel quite isolated when he finds that nobody else dances to the same beat. READ: 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Taurus (As Written By A Taurus). That's why your biggest insecurity in love is finding yourself hitched to a man who is just like them a controlling individual who ridicules your need for silence and solitude and shames you for being who you are. That's the main reason why you always strive for perfection in everything you do in life and every relationship you form with people, including the romantic ones. Of course, mileage may vary, depending on their specific birth chart, as well as how predominant these traits may be within persons of the same sign. She wants to clean the world of evil as much as she wants to clean her teeth or the bathtub. And so when you find yourself frustrated by something and feeling out of control, just remind yourself that the only person you can really change is yourself. Aries actors like Sean Bean and Russell Crowe are famous for brawling both onscreen and off. That's why when you fall in love, you like to take everything slow. He will have a group of close mates he has probably known since birth, but if you're the type of personality who likes to get out and meet new people, then this might not be the your dream relationship. Well, Virgo woman, to that we have just one thing to say: don't take criticisms personally. He starts to get anxious and feels like his relationship isnt the same anymore, and asks questions like how do you actually feel about me? even if the relationship has been ongoing for years. We're all different." Please consult your doctor before taking any action. It's a safe environment for you compared to the relationship, which has landmines of conflict and emotions scattered through it! Always remember not to take his comments seriously. It can be hard to handle whether you are a partner or just a friend of theirs. 01 /6 Brutal truths about loving a Virgo. But to understand that we need to spell out your three biggest personality traits your love for knowledge, your intense need for freedom, and your incredible sense of integrity. Your leader is communicative Mercury, and as it moves out of eccentric Aquarius and into shy Pisces and your seventh house of marriage and commitment on March 2, you have good creative ideas about how to improve your love life. See additional information. Loyal. They will make you feel like the luckiest girl in the world. And if you are happy and confident, the world will find you beautiful automatically. An Aquarius mans biggest insecurity is his temper. It's important, to be honest with yourself if you are asking "Are Virgo men Jealous". Control is comforting for the Virgo man. Social anxiety can cause Pisces to feel insecure. And while that may not be apparent when people interact with you in day-to-day life, only the people in your inner circle know how emotional you are behind that tough, nonchalant exterior. And this can spell trouble for you because men aren't really known to be diplomatic when confronted with the question, "How do I look?". Leo men are most insecure about their tendency to be lazy. If you do want to change these routines, then make sure you provide notice as perfectionists can emotionally spiral out of control if they feel their set way of life is being threatened. READ: 11 Brutal Truths About Loving A Libra (As Written By A Libra). On one hand, you want to immerse yourself in a relationship that consumes you completely and makes you feel like you are bonded at the soul level with your partner, and on the other hand, you also want the freedom to go off into your cave to reflect, introspect, and be alone. Trust us, you and your relationships will both be grateful for doing that inner work. But what he really means is that he created a library-caliber cross-referencing system for his Lego collection. That's as good as a betrayal to you and you never make that woman your queen. Insecure One of the most frustrating traits that Virgo males have is the fact that they are so insecure at times. Work with your own situation because comparisons are aggravating. Therefore,even if you know more about the topic, a true Virgo guywill always believe he knows best. That's why you too, like the Pisces man, tend to be happier when left alone to your own devices. Fear of making a bad decision can cause feelings of insecurity in Gemini. It is very easy to irritate a Virgo because they are so insecure. Think about more productive ways of resolving conflict." You will most likely catch him flicking through dream mansions on his phone that he one day hopes to buy. They hold everything in and their emotions take over. A lot of it is because of their knowledge. In a relationship, a Cancer man needs his partner to be loyal and understanding. That's why your biggest insecurity in love is being considered ingenuine by people and your partner. Virgos are one of the most complex signs in the zodiac. 1. Perfectionism not only can cause insecurity, but depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and chronic fatigue as. You really can't bring yourself to decide unless you have all the facts and figures in front of you, which is something that we don't always have the luxury of in life. That is why, due to bad past experiences, they can become more insecure about themselves in the future. It is widely believed that people who get to experience true love in their life are extremely lucky. But, surrounding yourself with people that love and understand you is the first step in attempting to shed the insecurities that lurk behind you and rid of them forever. They often avoid others, choosing to work or spend time alone. They will frustrate the hell out of you by picking at how slow you drive, how long it takes you to get ready for a night out, what foods you buy and that you finish your food too fast. Imperfections (both external and internal) can cause Virgo to feel insecure. No wonder you get really agitated when your partner commits a major faux pas when you are out and about! We all have insecurities at a higher or lower level depending on our sensitivity. Virgo men are naturally calm, considerate and make the ideal life partners. And this nature of yours is starker when you fall in love. As work always tends to come first, Virgo guys don't make friends very easily. It's a way for you to truly immerse yourself in an experience and learn the most from it. Aries will take risks, but they don't like feeling like they're the one who loves more deeply and passionately than their partner. RELATED: The Ultimate Taurus Compatibility Guide: Understanding Love And Relationships. He is very . After all, you rely on open communication to prevent misunderstandings and deepen your bond with your partner. After all, you are a true introvert and find your inner world of dreams and fantasies far richer than the real world outside. Arguments will last for hours just for the sake of a Scorpio being right, even when he's wrong. Like your male counterpart, you, Sagittarius woman, put a high premium on integrity, honesty, freedom, and independence. Unfortunately, this excessive focus on the luxuries of the world is the main reason why your biggest insecurity is your status in society. In fact, a Capricorn woman cannot comprehend why someone would be unfaithful due to their dedicated ways, which is why a loyal Virgo man can . Having too much pride can take over our lives and the Virgo man knows this more than anyone else. 3. You never know, you might meet a more amazing woman the very next day! Well, there's nothing wrong in wanting privacy. The very thought of failure sends them into a panic, as their brains work overtime trying to think of all the projects they have lined up that will be the next big thing. Youd have to be crazy tonot date a Virgo. It's because your purpose in this life is to learn to transcend your existence in this material world and ascend spiritually. And that is not just a reference to your zodiac sign's earth element because you share that with Virgo and Capricorn as well. Confidence is one of our most important characteristics of all, because it is the belief we have in ourselves. Remember never to blame yourself, as the faults they are picking at are more of a reflection on their own personality than yours. An overriding feeling of inadequacy. Think about the last time you both took a roll in the hay. It's fueled by authentic experiences of competence and ability, and well-deserved feedback." This leonine nature of yours, coupled with your strong creative mind, is the reason why you always dress in a manner that's guaranteed to evoke "oohs" and "aahs" of admiration from people and make you stand out from the crowd. Because deep in your heart you consider yourself a king. This can often leave their partners feeling left out and can cause themto lash out or become upset. By month six of a Virgo relationship, youll know WebMD was invented to ruin your life. When it comes to having a Virgo guy around all the time, you will begin to pick up on one thing -- you just can't seem to do anything right. Sometimes it takes a trigger to make them start to feel insecure. If he has low self-worth, he'll analyze the heck out of why she would be with him. While you may have greater expertise on the topic as a whole, the decision-maker may have greater expertise about the specific decision to be made." That's why your biggest insecurity in love is unfair treatment. That will allow you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game once again. Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. So if you know you don't like something, be upfront about it and let your lady love know your sore points beforehand. If you don't, he would think you aren't as invested in the relationship as he is (which isn't true at all), and if you do, you might end up losing some friends down the line. After all, the king is never supposed to be embarrassed. If you look to astrology and to your horoscope, it gets easier to identify the zodiac signs that need someonewho can help them see their self-worth. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Trust us, just because someone is better than you at something doesn't mean you aren't the best overall. And this insecurity becomes even more apparent when you finally get a girlfriend because now the world expects you to be the alpha in the relationship and be a leader when deep in your heart you are content with letting your lady take the lead instead. That's why your biggest insecurity in love (and life) is tarnishing your reputation. Tina Tessina, amarriage and family therapist practicingfrom Long Beach, California, told Today online, "The key is not to insult, hurt or demean your partner by what you say, but to communicate pleasantly. It can turn us into poets overnight where we once considered ourselves not the "romantic type" and bring out insecurities from the core of our being that we did not even know was buried inside. In her free time, she loves reading Tarot cards, writing her breakout novel's first draft, and thinking up cute ways to say "I love you" to her partner-in-crime. Refrain from diagnosing your partner ("I feel like youve shut down") or the marriage ("We dont really communicate anymore") Instead of communicating about communication - talking about how you dont talk - just try talking." Virgo men are naturally calm, considerate and make the ideal life partners. Comparing themselves to others makes Libras insecure. To the excitement and inevitable nervousness thats the hallmark of the early days of a relationship." Both of which ultimately ends up driving him away. Virgos seek unconditional love and loyalty with someone who is willing to appreciate their tendencies to seek perfection and someone who will be happy to overlook their flaws. Which leads me to. Change makes you feel insecure because your role is to maintain. After all, you know you were born to accomplish great things in life, and you can't do that if you are distracted by fun but frivolous activities when you can utilize that time to advance your career and goals. Toronto-based couple's expertKaren Hirscheimer told Canadian Living magazine how to deal with a partner who will always put work first. . Through the haze of all the fixing, helping, dissatisfaction and anxiety, you are the alpha dog of Virgo GFs world, the point of sense and stability in a chaotic, perpetually breaking-down universe. Love is a strange emotion. Many of us have insecurities that hold us back, but sometimes we honestly just need a little push from someone other than ourselves to get us back on track and focused on being happy. RELATED: 25 Best Sea-Goat & Constellation Tattoo Ideas For Capricorn Zodiac Signs. The fear of failure becomes an anticipated reality and further immobilizes the procrastinator.". 1) The Mercurial Man. In fact, Scorpios fire is often the result of a long-coming buildup, where as a result of their passivity, they have held all their feelings back, until it all boils over, resulting in an explosive outburst or act of revenge. That's why your number one requirement in a romantic partner (or friend for that matter) is intelligence, followed by an open mind when it comes to experiencing new things and the ability to chatter away with each other deep into the night. A Virgo man is one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac, which appeals to a Capricorn woman. That's why you are so afraid of being in a committed relationship. Just because you're the boss won't keep him from catching your mistakes and bringing them up; this is because more than sacredness of position and titles, a Virgo believes in the pursuit of perfection. Sometimes, he just isnt reliable. Isolation causes insecurity in Scorpio. And so you become frustrated when you have to overcome human hurdles like miscommunication, differences in tastes and interests, and conflicts and frictions. You are an air sign, after all, and so place a high premium on your social life, which will cease to exist if the people you hang out with suddenly decide to outcast you or call you unfit to be in their company. They want perfection: Virgo men are perfectionists, they always want things and people around them to be in order, for this reason, they like to be in control. You have uncompromisable beliefs and ideas about the world around you. It's because you are ruled by the inconstant moon and its pull on you as it waxes and wanes in the night sky. If Aries has any doubts. They are picky with people. That's what I find annoying about them. They tend to question the validity of their emotions and give more weight to their intellect at the expense of "going with it". . They are looking for mental stimulation to be perpetually attracted to a lover. Being a follower or a subordinate doesn't make Aquarius feel empowered, it does the opposite. So the thing that makes them feel most insecure is the fear of being criticized. And this brings out your insecurities by the bucketful. You are honest, sometimes rude, and tend to have a lack of filter when speaking. Leos may appear not to have an insecure bone in their body, but even they have their insecurities. Virgos often repress their feelings and opt for alcohol and other illegal drugs to combat emotional pain. Taurus man, you are a diehard romantic at heart. So long as your Virgo lover is building a clock or cooking soup for an elderly neighbor, she's happy and fulfilled, but don't even try to get that girl to nap in a hammock with you unless your idea of relaxation is listening to the low buzz of her unexpressed to-do list. You just can't understand why your partner is not as invested in being in a perfect relationship as you are. Virgos are thorough researchers and use logic to solve most of their problems. You can follow her on Instagram @iamvaleriablack. While it may be hard to think of Capricorn as being insecure or passive, especially with their leadership qualities and drive they absolutely have their passive side. That's why, like the Cancer and the Scorpio, you are in touch with your emotions a lot more than the rest of the men of the zodiac are. Virgo men are always on the lookout for their soulmate, andwill stop at nothing until they find the one. They can be over-sensitive and feel out of place in certain social events. Astrologers say that Virgo tends to be most compatible with Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries, Taurus, and Cancer. It might look fun from the start; however, Libras burn through a great deal of time, and Virgo is about effectiveness. They get so easily annoyed, they probably won t get past the 2nd paragraph. Even the strongest relationships cant work if there is too much distance there. Check outher website, herFacebook writer's page, andher Instagram. Also, be aware there is a big difference between nitpicking and bullying. Expect to give your Virgo man a lot of reality checks on a regular basis. That's why your biggest insecurity in love is being saddled with a good-for-nothing man who keeps embarrassing you with his public failures. Geminis can trust their own instincts sometimes and that makes them feel as if they're on shaky ground. Being mired in impenetrable system of self-criticism and personal goal-setting puts this girl a little on edge. Holding grudges could be a significant obstruction for Libras and Cancers for getting along too. That's the reason why your biggest insecurity in love is being criticized by your partner even if his criticisms are constructive in nature. As an earth sign, sex and love are natural and healthy ways for Virgo men to express the body and soul. If Aries has any doubts about the level of affection their loved one has for them, they will feel profoundly insecure. Sort of awesome when shes killing herself to be the perfect girlfriendand considerably less awesome when perfecting you becomes her favorite new hobby. Valeria Black is a freelance lifestyle writer. Virgo. It is the key to their patience and discipline. Decide exactly what kind of relationship you want with your guy and then make them understand this. If you notice someone is too neat and a little bit too quiet, you may be face to face with a Virgo. Cancer man, you are a Class A softy. Most of the time he might not even know he's experiencing anxiety and will just brush it off as yet another busy day in his mind. Can the zodiac actually determine whether you are insecure or not? So when your lady fails to speak up or keeps vital bits of information from you, it makes you feel like she doesn't love you anymore. This will prevent mishaps in public that might force a wedge between the two of you. Want more serious insight into your Virgo sweetheart or your Virgo self? They seek perfection, take a long time to complete the most basic of tasks, are quite challenging when it comes to running a household, and have a tendency to be critical about almost anything. They may claim they have OCD, but as this disorder only affects 5% of people, it's more likely their personality is just fussy. By Caitlin Butkiewicz Written on Aug 16, 2017. Want more serious insight into your Virgo sweetheart or your Virgo self? That's why when you fall in love, it's always with a man who can keep up with your mercurial ways; someone who is as talkative as you and as open to trying out new things in life. Like the Virgo, you, Capricorn man, put a high premium on perfection. Winch explains what everyone needs:"Things that actually make us feel proud, accomplished, appreciated, respected, or empowered, or take steps that make us feel that were advancing toward our goals. Prepare to be cuddled withcautious and orderlyabandon. A Libra cares too much, too quickly, and it always leaves him in pieces. Virgos will always know where they put their things. This, coupled with your intense aversion to emotional displays (because emotions disrupt perfectly good workflows), is the main reason why your biggest insecurity in love is your lack of experience. This will build up his trust that new things can be fun too. You just can't spend a single minute without talking about something or learning something new about someone! Unfortunately, that's exactly how love is a rollercoaster ride of emotional highs and lows where both partners need to learn to find ways to be together even after realizing they aren't as similar as they thought they were initially. Both of which are unacceptable to you. Internalizing their feelings causes them to have profound anxiety, which may send them seeking new depression meds or worse turning to alcohol or substance abuse. Why Are Virgos So Attractive? Well, Libra woman, your zodiac sign is a set of scales for a reason. Only a Scorpio can handle them without being harmed. And this insecurity isn't restricted to just other people's failures. 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Your Man's Biggest Insecurity According To His Zodiac Sign, the right partner with the right amount of patience, How You Deal With A Broken Heart According To Your Zodiac Sign, Why Everybody Crushes On You Based On Your Zodiac Sign, The Secret Thing You're Good At According To Your Zodiac Sign. Past experiences, they can sense that mystery in you, Pisces woman, consider yourself king... Natural and healthy ways for Virgo men are always on the lookout for their soulmate, andwill stop at until. Best Sea-Goat & Constellation Tattoo Ideas for Capricorn zodiac signs at heart not demure when you ruled! His phone that he one day hopes to buy know more about the topic a. Their insecurities Taurus ( as Written by a Taurus ) invested in being in a committed relationship. both... On edge by month six of a Scorpio can handle them without being harmed grateful for doing that inner.! Committed relationship. most frustrating traits that Virgo males have is the fear of making bad. 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