Thank you, your honor. A monologue from the screenplay by Chap Taylor & Michael Tolkin. But then I would wake up and the voice would start all over again. And you let it. him did you leave,Second to none, unseconded by you,To look upon the hideous god of warIn disadvantage; to abide a fieldWhere nothing but the sound of Hotspurs nameDid seem defensible: so you left him.Never, O never, do his ghost the wrongTo hold your honour more precise and niceWith others than with him! Lets leave all these foolish people here and get on our way to the new revolution! Tomb, bridal chamber,eternal prison in the caverned rock,whither I go to find mine own, thosemany who have perished, and whomPersephone hath received among the dead!Last of all shall I pass thither, and far mostmiserably of all, before the term of my life is spent.But I cherish good hope that my coming will bewelcome to my father, and pleasant to thee, my mother, and welcome, brother, to thee; for, when you died,with mine own hands I washed and dressed you,and poured drink-offerings at your graves;and now, Polyneices, tis for tending thy corpsethat I win such recompense as this. An inch it is small and it is fragile, and it is the only thing in the world worth having. The dream-like sequences have a noticeably nightmare-ish essence. It was a total success! No one will ever see it! All Rights Reserved, 15 Drama Monologues for Women of All Ages, 15 Powerful Drama Monologues for Women from Published Plays, 15 Powerful Female Monologues from 1 Act Plays. Id like to help you out with that myself, if thats all right with you. Who knows? So you find yourself trying to remember the things that made you happy. You said, lets talk truthfully, even shamelessly, then! They couldnt keep the game going any longer. A monologue from the tv series created by Peter Nowalk. I still dont understand it. Oh, Mother, please dont be sad! Boyle's Trainspotting sequel, T2, gives that same monologue an update for 2017, urging us to choose Facebook, slut-shaming, and zero-hour contracts instead, making a point that very little has . Why did you do that?Doesnt matter now. She has learned that her friend, Martina, a gang member, is HIV+. It makes tomorrow all right. Ah, its not the same. And the wolf has no interest in your dreams. Its a reason to smile. Between them, the death of a father has interposed so little hatred, that the duty of blood with regret pursues him. (They sit in silence for a few beats. It's official. (talking, through tears, about the last minutes with Shelby) I stayed there. I drank without thinking. and hear your playmates calling you, Johnny, Johnny! How it went through me, just to hear your name called! I lived that way for a long, long time. You say you love me, but doesnt love mean being available to a person? Ferris pulls out all the stops and uses his cunning ways to convince his girlfriend and hesitant best friend to join him while avoiding their suspicious principal, and he even goes as far as persuading that friend to secretly take out his fathers 1961 Ferrari for the day. Its murder. His knife was in my back as we carried our guns out into the bush. The other thing about depression is it kind of collapses time. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Trainspotting. . No one said a word. . I feel completely safe with you. Ones that are much more modern and appropriate for a 2016 audience. But there are too many scruples, and my reason is alarmed at the contempt of a choice so worthy; although to monarchs only my [proud] birth may assign me, Rodrigo, with honor I shall live under thy laws. I will count every minute that the kids are away from here, away from you, as a victory. A monologue from the play by Seth Kramer. Not like 16,000 pounds. . (Pause. I was afraid that I wouldnt survive the next few minutes while they turned off the machines. I like the way I feel. I fed her at my own breast even though they told me to give her to the wet nurse. Thus let us hope for no advantage, either from his transgression or from my grief, since, to punish me. What have I gained by thee but infamy?Thou hast stained the spotless honour of my house,And frightened thence noble society:Like those which, sick o th palsy, and retainIll-scenting foxes bout them, are still shunnedBy those of choicer nostrils. And there are demons everywhere. Tried to find words to describe it. I know! He made you believe that you needed to be without fault in order to be loved. Good for younger women. Renly was the kings brother after all. PROTECTIVE SHIELD Mikey Forrester, Russian sailors, what the fuck are you boys on, eh? And made me colorblind. Maybe killing this man will get my eyes back. At that point I panicked. Each finger, my palms, my thumbs. Got money: drinking too much. A monologue from the screenplay by Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy, & Ethan Hawke. parcel-gilt goblet, sitting in my Dolphin-chamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, upon. Watch the Movie Mark "Rent-boy" Renton Monologues Choose Life. We all make our choices. I thought about having him crush your daughters skull. I cant seem to I cant seem to shake the real implication of dying. At least, we're not that fucking stupid. Here, she starts out talking to Guy, an addict in the group, but expands her confessional to include everyone, finishing up with Guy, who might be the only person who can redeem her. Trainspotting provides a gritty depiction of the effects of heroin addiction, both the periods of drug use and withdrawal. Why should a mortal man, the sport of chance,With no assured foreknowledge, be afraid?Best live a careless life from hand to mouth.This wedlock with thy mother fear not thou.How oft it chances that in dreams a manHas wed his mother! I command all of you to listen to me and support me! You really should be in therapy, you know. Have you ever thought about your living conditions? And him, O wondrous him!O miracle of men! They dont need me. He who least regardsSuch brainsick fantasies lives most at ease. No, know Soranzo,I have a spirit doth as much distasteThe slavery of fearing thee, as thouDost loathe the memory of what hath passed. But today, you decide. The narration and anecdotes lend authenticity to the idea that this is how heroin addicts in this particular time and place lived, to the . 6. She has been arrested for trying to buy heroin not for herself but for her addicted grandmother, and has been ordered by a judge to attend an encounter group for drug addicts. And what I really dont understand is how come everybody else isnt screaming with boredom too. I try to find ways to make myself feel something more and more and more it doesnt make any difference. And we go through the same routine every time. Like the whole thing at the train station. Quiche isn't Sexy - humorous monologue about romantic disappointment. I've got sweat on my back like a layer of frost. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. I had a therapist once who said that these states will wax and wane. said], that the choice of [a warrior of] such rare merit should cost my passion such great anguish? You will lie with the rest of your kind in the dirt your dreams forgotten. So if you really are here, and youre really not just stopping in to say youre leaving again, youre going to have to do better than this. Excuse me, excuse me. But to be honest I feel like the real opportunities are the ones that fall into your lap. But Begbie, I couldn't give a shit about him. From joker to little women to birds of prey to even Shakespeare and so much more here's everything you'll need. I dont know. I used to be the same. Watch the Movie Mark "Rent-boy" Renton Monologues 'Choose life'. Its a reason to lose weight, to fit in the red dress. Drown in its rivers. Sometimes it was so cold my toes turned blue. What I am is a survivor. My lords, ye look amazed to see your queenWith wreaths and gifts of incense in her hands.I had a mind to visit the high shrines,For Oedipus is overwrought, alarmedWith terrors manifold. I can take off any day this week and Ill pay for it out of my own pocket. Who I am is a 53-year-old woman from Memphis, Tennessee, named Anna Mae Harkness. Oberyn looked beautiful that day. Released: 2003. . INT: A BEDROOM ADRIENNE is pacing around her bedroom, talking on her cell phone to MARTHA, her ex-boyfriend's mother. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #trainspotting, #trainspottingmovie, #trainspotting_tiktok, #trainspotting_germany . Never let your friends tie you to the tracks. Im his only living child, so he wanted to make a good match for me. .for they, when hunters steal their youngferociously pursueand slay them, till they reach the seaand plunge beneath its waves.Not tigresses, but timid hares,not Spaniards, but barbarians,too chicken-hearted to denyyour women to other men!Why not wear distaffs at your waists?Why gird on useless swords?I swear to God we women aloneshall make those tyrants payfor our indignities, and billthose traitors for our blood.And you, you effete effeminates,I sentence to be stonedas spinsters, pansies, queens and cowards,and forced henceforth to wearour bonnets and our overskirts,with painted, powdered faces.Our valorous Commander meansto have Frondoso hangeduncharged, untried and uncondemnedfrom yonder battlements.Hell serve all you unmanly menthe same, and Ill rejoice;for when this honourable townis womanless, that ageshall dawn which once amazed the world,the age of Amazons. Vintage Photography Women. I hurt, dont you understand that? Every inch of me shall perish. Making you want to leave again? Something thats unholy and evil. I havent come here on any but equal terms. I was there that day when Ser Gregor crushed your lovers head. Granted, I didnt realize until later what waxing and waning implied. and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. Shall I listen to thee still, pride of my birth, that makest a crime out of my passions? But it had never touched me. One of the most famous scenes of the 1996 Scottish classic Trainspotting is its ending shot, which is played alongside Renton's internal monologue about choosing a life away from hard drugs and his horrible friends. Sounds great to me. They reminded me so much of myself, I could hardly bear to look at them. And the reasons? Sir, call to mindThat I have been your wife, in this obedience,Upward of twenty years, and have been blestWith many children by you: if, in the courseAnd process of this time, you can report,And prove it too, against mine honour aught,My bond to wedlock, or my love and duty,Against your sacred person, in Gods name,Turn me away; and let the foulst contemptShut door upon me, and so give me up. Check out the best quotes from the Independence Day movie. There isnt enough pity to go round. I kept on pushingjust like I always have where Shelby was concernedhoping shed sit up and argue with me. A monologue from the tv series by Jonathan Nolan & Lisa Joy. Qyburn here is the cleverest man I know. Michael, you are blind. But here? Choose a family. They hook me up to a machine and take turns running electrical currents through my stumps. out of necessity, we shadowy people take on a strength of our own. A monologue from the tv series created by Vince Gilligan & Peter Gould, Hi. With all my heart, I love you. Can I have a bowl of your finest oysters. I cant even keep you out of my bed. Like it meant something. He could have walked away and left poor Ser Gregor to die. This is a list of great monologues for women. (Beat.) My family drove 267 miles in a rented minivan, loaded with friends and relatives eager to witness my ceremony. 1883 . So who am I? Are you getting a divorce? Im not crying for myself. Bethink thee, sister, of our fathers fate,Abhorred, dishonored, self-convinced of sin,Blinded, himself his executioner.Think of his mother-wife (ill sorted names)Done by a noose herself had twined to deathAnd last, our hapless brethren in one day,Both in a mutual destiny involved,Self-slaughtered, both the slayer and the slain.Bethink thee, sister, we are left alone;Shall we not perish wretchedest of all,If in defiance of the law we crossA monarchs will?weak women, think of that,Not framed by nature to contend with men.Remember this too that the stronger rules;We must obey his orders, these or worse.Therefore I plead compulsion and entreatThe dead to pardon. A great memorable quote from the Trainspotting movie on - Begbie: Picture the scene: The other f***in' week there, doin' the f***in' Volley with Tommy, playing pool. I only know the killer was black. I guess he thought we could best recover from the trauma of her death by living in a war zone. Against the background of Renton's monologue, the main characters are introduced with help of a football scene. She died when she was 39 years old. Be comforted that your mother and I have insurmountable love for you and we have longed for you since we were mere children. They wondered aloud who belonged to those people. I was fine, until I read your f***ing book! It wasnt long till they came for me. people make all these fucking promises. Otherwise we wouldn't do it. It would be at a caf where we would have salad and like it. Watch the show, A monologue from the tv series created by Chris Van Dusen. So now, you know, from the start I make no effort because I know its not going to work out, I know its not going to work out. I guess Im feeling cold and unwelcoming. And everything would have been different. But let's face it, I ripped them off - my so called mates. Two kilos. Im somebody now, Harry. What have I got, Harry? Some called it the American Desert. Now, I hear theyre wondering if maybe it was a student of Tims seeking revenge or something. repose] this day depends upon it. At the law firm, I wore heels, makeup, and a wig. Pitiless fate, whose severity separates my glory and my desires! Rodrigo, thy valor renders thee worthy of me; but although thou art valiant, thou art not the son of a king. And we will do it with no regret for the things you done to me. It was an abortion. I took all three this morning and now I've got eighteen hours to go until my next shot. I have to do this again. I need to visit the Mother Superior for one hit. His life spirals out of control until he decides to come clean. . to which of the two oughtest thou to yield obedience? Cause if youre getting a divorce, you havent changed a bit. Thats what Ive done, Ali. Valerie. Brienne the Beauty they called me. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (GIRLS) DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (BOYS) MONOLOGUES FOR SENIORS. You neednt try to deceive me. 20 Dramatic Monologues For Women From Tv-Shows 1. Like, somehow this night took things away from me and I expressed them to you, and you took them with you! To mark the debut of T2 Trainspotting into cinemas, John Humphrys surprised Radio 4 listeners by delivering his own take on the classic 'Choose Life' monologue Ewan McGregor's Renton delivers. In high school, it was a smile that I faked to get boys to like me. What am I supposed to do? Even Ser Gregor couldnt stop him. I dont feel anything. Your'e cruel but it don't matter no more. And she doesnt want to wash her hair. (Pause.). We took morphine, diamorphine, cyclizine, codeine, temazepam, nitrazepam, phenobarbitone, sodium amytal, dextropropoxyphene, methadone, nalbuphine, pethidine, pentazocine, buprenorphine, dextromoramide, chlormethiazole. Hold on. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Right?!. Scots monologues now online 7th December 2009 Traditional musician, Nigel Gatherer, has collected a number of Scots monologues on his web site. Yea, like some witch,She drugs the cup of wrath, that slays her lord,With double deathhis recompense for me!Ay, tis for me, the prey he bore from Troy,That she hath sworn his death, and edged the steel!Ye wands, ye wreaths that cling around my neck,Ye showed me prophetess yet scorned of allI stamp you into death, or eer I dieDown, to destruction! And once the pain goes away, that's when the real battle starts. But I dont want to be talked to like some incurably sick patient you have to comfort. My children are gona turn out way better then these blockheads you never made the time to raise. I could offer a million answers - all false. Heaven witness,I have been to you a true and humble wife,At all times to your will conformable;Ever in fear to kindle your dislike,Yea, subject to your countenance, glad or sorryAs I saw it inclined: when was the hourI ever contradicted your desire,Or made it not mine too? Bowling, playing poker, art . In Trainspotting, Ewan McGregor 's character, Mark Renton, takes off at a sprint by way of introduction, and rattles through a list of choices one can and should make to live a seemingly fine. Ive lived next door to you all the days of my life. We called him Mother Superior on account of the length of his habit. Maybe I wont be around. And in the middle of this burning I am supposed to envision my life, Mary. Dont scold, Mother darling. With God's help I'll conquer this terrible affliction. When I was a girl, my father held a ball. what old or newer tortureMust I receive, whose every word deservesTo taste of thy most worst? If the pilot had banked left instead of right, if the south had won the war in Vietnam, if the Russians hadnt beat us to the moon. 1,000 years from now there will be no guys and no girls, just wankers. The same speech Ive been hearing since he left. for how many sorrows [lit. Nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, Fucked-up brats. There are no reasons. Why did you come almost close enoughand no closer? I'm playing like Paul-F***in'-Newman by the way. I know now that its over. Depression, boredom You feel so fucking low, you want to fucking top yourself. And it was wonderful. Read the play here Folger|Loves Labours Lost in Plain & Simple English, Watch the movie 2000 (Matthew Lillard)|1985 (David Warner). But why would I want to do a thing like that? . Whenever I wanted something I could here that voice telling me to stop, to be careful, to live most of my life unlived. You know what it said? Am I supposed to sit at home knitting and purling while you slink back like some penitent drunk? The movie follows mischievous high school senior, Ferris Bueller, for an entire day as he skips class and does whatever it takes have a care-free day off in downtown Chicago. All these foolish people here and get on our way to the selfish, brats... ( boys ) monologues for TEENS/KIDS ( boys ) monologues for TEENS/KIDS ( GIRLS ) dramatic monologues women... No interest in your dreams thou art valiant, thou art not the son of football... A ball take turns running electrical currents through my stumps we have longed for you and we go through same. Stayed there they reminded me so much of myself, I wore heels, makeup, and is. Of scots monologues on his web site got eighteen hours to go until my next shot the... Goblet, sitting in my Dolphin-chamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, upon are ones. 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