Rooted and perpetuated by human imagination." His debut recording, "Real Talk," was released in 2004. smh. Put down the symbol of death (the cross) and Sankofa. Carl B Grant , That's a good point. It is not God is is actually Noah doing the cursing and race was not even mentioned. Just because a person is not "religious" doesn't mean that they aren't Spiritual in any kind of wayYes he is right by saying he work hard to achieve his success. Christianity spreads love? As Salam Walaikam. He would and could vouch for himself in that case. You rappers ain't hungry like us They talk about me like I'm here, they talk about you like you was, woo! 3) You clearly seem to think you know everything about God, the universe, and humanity so much that you take the words of 2000+ dead men and believe them over the reality that has objectively debunked them for technically millennia, not just centuries. Just lingo and semantics as believers' marketing and public relations. We would actually value and nurture our real loved ones instead of wasting our entire lives on mythology (religion) and imaginary friends (gods). I know about Karma and the only Karma that is going come around is back to you for the bigotry, falsehoods, and ignorance you display and spread everyday both on and offline as a Christian. Its appointed unto man once to die, but after death there comes the judgment. Thor may have been a real person, but He was not "The GOD". The DSM-5 the Psychiatric Guide has declared pedofilia not a mental disease just like the DSM-4 in 1973 declared homos are normal. Cheryl South It's also a huge part of just being human as well as part of being a humanist! groove and all the rest of the donkeys STOP wipping a dead horse !!!!! I can't see faith, but I know I have it and it is my Faith in GOD that makes me a better person. Religion is not an absolute path to Heaven or GOD. MIND YOUTHE UNITED STATES BANNED THIS MOVIETHIS IS A TRUE STORY/DOCUMENTARY THAT WAS MADE INTO A SEMI-STORY LINE. if you cant see God you can see His organised system in the structure of the universe, the universe does not just exist but it is fashioned in a way more than a built house with furniture and whatever, Can your brain ever accept that a built house can ever exist without been built by someone? Daron, these celebrities are self-proclaimed non-believers. IT IS ABOUT TIME WE WAKE UP AND REALIZE THAT RELIGION IS THE REASON WHY WE ARE IN THE GARBAGE PIT WE ARE IN. This religion was forced on them during the dark ages when 95% of them couldn't read or write. You all don't need to be left alone as long as there is bad in the world created by your theism and the theism of others. Show me the objective proof/evidence of your Jesus claims. Religion is a lot of ritual. So, if you have those views, I hope you're refraining from insulting people with them. Christians and Jews claim to live the way they thought Prophets lived according to what they know of them. You are correct. You cannot get more screwed up and immoral than that. It is when you break through whatever religion you serve and make your life profound in a metaphysical and spiritual way beyond the earthly physical realms of course you can not believe. It's called "Theism." Despite the struggles during slavery and Jim Crow black folks still believed in God and led moral lives. Religion is total bullshit and black people need to wake dafuq up. Otherwise I'd probably be the same. I've always thought it was important to respect other's beliefs. Tell me why, the galaxies are perfectly and precisely distanced from each other. You cannot prove "God" doesn't exist. You are entitled to your beliefs but you not entitled to your own facts. My God is the father or mother of a black man from the middle east named Jesus who taught peace. Thereby, experiences are not evidence. @kamilah as you fail to realize that nothing from nothing leaves nothing and the something that exist came from somewhere best explained by the 2000 year old dead men and not in anyway explained by you, you ma'am are a dam arrogant fool. Mark Greene he did not create light twice. How DARE you value fiction over real people. It should because you all have been getting away with literal and figurative murder and abuse for millennia. He is a Myth that was made up to compete with other Gods of the day. if we start naming all the things people do that they hv no "proof" for we'll be here all day. We are all just trying to live and use what works for us to make it easier for us to do that. Tell me why the human brain is so complex and holds the ability to compute so many things, and learn how to think, love, feel, work, elicit hormones, and rest. that it doesnt exist so we wont try to find them. We do what we do because it's needed. Dennis Spurling Ok. You went through all of this BS to make what point? To just take anything on "faith" is not wise. No, I'm not "God's creation" and neither are you considering the fact that humans created God. Vast majority of objective proof and evidence backs me up. Point? I see you are very passionate about your faith. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. Don't tempt Him, but try Him. God is so real & I am a living witness. Toby's solo career began in 1999 after the band disbanded. Who will you find on this rappers who are atheist or agnostic list? Samantha A. Christian Praying for ya Sister. The whole thing about Satan convincing people be doesn't exist is a line from a Shakespeare play, not the Bible. There are scientists who were Christian and other types of theists prior to becoming scientists. "One day you'll meet me and I'll bare witness against you just for these conversations alone. I do respect the songs and the dance that has afforded me my life because it comes from the African soul. If we are to be judge by the heart, or if we believe in Jesus Christ, we are all saved. It should not. Dwaine I cannot I can explain infinity to you but I cant understand infinity for you. Allah (which is the proper name for God) is eternal and self subsisting. How else do you explain Jim Crow, and a few influential Southern Leaders bringing about the KKK and Jim Crow? I LOVE ERYKAH BADU'S SONG THE HEALER, SHE SAYS, "DONT BELIEVE WHAT YOU THINK, WE'VE BEEN PROGRAMMED, WAKE UP, WE MISSED YOU." 4) No, theists including you do not understand the non-theistic/atheistic position. I don't mind playing the fool every once in awhile to instigate a full time fool. John Piper encouraged readers of his book When I Don't Desire God to "wield the weapon of music in the fight for joy in God" because the Bible repeatedly commands us to sing and to play instruments ( Exodus 15:21; 1 Chronicles 16:23; Psalm 33:2-3; 57:8; 81:2; 96:1; 150:1-6 ). Or invalidate Atheism to the Atheist, nor invalidate Christianity to the Christian. Religiosity isn't a necessity. and I'd like to thank neil tyson for putting out some choice quotes over the years. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. Yup nothing screams love like telling slaves to obey their masters as well as it basically saying that slavery is ok. They made shit up. The truth is that nobody knows the origins of humans including you & those 2000+ year dead men when they were alive. Yes, you are obliged to assimilate and indoctrinate the planet. Gosh I hate that more than anything else ugh!!! 2) Atheists do not need to be silent at all. Go tell that to the people who believe what you believe and leave those who do believe in God alone. Bet you and people like you still think that Eve was the first woman created by God and that women are 2nd class citizens according to scripture. Yawn, oh all the same old BS. What are you going to do now?? God is proof of the lengths in which human imagination can be stretched in order to try explaining things that humans are still trying to figure out and find answers to. Nothing is perfect. I seem to recall that many of those same people that gave us religion, "believed" the earth was flat and they would fall off if the sailed or traveled past the horizon (Horus Rising). Where is your evidence? [6] So it was we who strayed from the way of truth, Jody Javiera Andrew Hey Jody. Interesting. Neither of them exists btwnevertheless, theists (especially of the more fundamental type) will go very much out of their way to convince you otherwise. They should also not assume that if you are not a church goer you are living some hedonistic lifestyle. There is a reason why poor people all over the world are the most religious. 28 Feb 2023 22:30:41 ". Funny how you claim that I'm wrong but have nothing in objective proof/evidence backing up your claim/s that I am wrong. Your have put the European lie on Christianity. Stop being big babies and scaredy cats, confess before Christ lol oh really! You. He's easy to see right through. Your "God" who you claimed calls himself/herself "daddy and mother of the Black man from the middle east named 'Jesus'" does not exist. After believing that we are the most intelligent beings in the absolute is very optimistic there are cases look at nature around us to realize that it is balanced in its perfections and imperfections . Period. To touch upon a few things you said though, it is obvious you know nothing about Islam that is of any true significance. Take a look at this list and find out which famous rappers lack religious faith. If it were not for slavery, black folks would not be Christians. Just sayin'. If you were talking about anyone or anything else everyone would think you're delusional because. True, but that is Christianity. Cheryl South you don't have to be a christian to love and help others. We DO live in a multidimensional Universe (thats just science) however modern religions have it all screwed up. The One thing I can say about other written about rulers before Jesus and anyone mentioned in the bible! Mark H Edwards It's funny how every time I come to this particular thread on the comments, my posts are missinglike they've been deleted or something. Pretty funny and very hypocritical. Then again, that's what you and ppl like you do. There is no need for religion, god belief, any belief, drugs, alcohol, or smoking. It makes no mistakes for Allah makes no mistakes. Instead of all that love, time, energy, appreciation, kindness, and love being given to things that don't exist it would be given to each other. I'll wait. Objective evidence/proof yet to emerge having had over 24 hours to present back up to your Jesus & other claims. With that I say, find Islam and find the truth. Salam. No, Islam is a spinoff of faiths/religions that preceded it. If you don't like it, oh well. BULLSHIT!! Really?! etc. #didntthinkso. Who do you "know" beverly. To think something that stands outside of time and not only created our galaxy but billions of galaxies is a man lacks all common sense. GO WITHIN YA'LL, GO WITHIN THEN YOU WILL FIND THE FACTS. I'd confess Lady Gaga was lord after enough torture. We have been taught to believe many things since we were born by people whom we trusted(our parents.) He uses religion as a stand-in for being a good person and living a good life. The lead singer of a Christian rock band and the son of a pastor announced on Instagram that he no longer believes in God. We love that white Jesus more than we love the people we live with and we wonder why we cant get along. If you have a certain skill, and you are very good at it, matter of fact you are very professional, profinant in what you do, you know this skill like the back of your hand, do you need a piece of paper to say that you are qualified and profient in that skill?" As do alot of believers, you should stop your own version of hate and judgement. Gullible people are the ones who believe something that isn't supported by a shread of real evidence other than tradition or emotion. Thank You for Your comment! You also don't know the real history of Christianity, the bible, or g/God. As long as religion exists and people still think fictional characters like gods are real humanity will remain enslaved, blind, deluded, and immoral. Came to earth in the body we now have we lived with our Heavenly Father we were sent here and given the choice. To each its own!Oh well. Islam is unlike the rest of those religions anyway because the Qur'an is the primary source. I only concern myself with believers. Jesus Christ is a combination of Zeus and Krisna, yet Yahshua is the person they speak of in the Bible. Let's get that out of the way 1st. And He has a Son name Jesus! Oh yea which god are you talking about? With faith that all changes. Allah proves Himself with His words, for without them we would have no knowledge of Allah. weather or not we go back to our Heavenly Father. Why do these people have to be wrong? (Always be indoctrinating) or A.B.A. It's you who doesn't comprehend vast subjects. How about a descendant? Who, did they called on. Oh yes, surely they must, because we all know that Christianity is an imperialistic religion, the "Great Commission" is an imperialistic edict. It's what only you have that are unproven assertions, assumptions, & presumptions. It was obviously written by a believer who thinks lack of religion is a terrible thing, which is like a person thinking a lack of cancer is a good thing. Until you provide objective proof/evidence of your "God's existence," my suggestion is that you keep your lies to yourself. And they want to tell you about it It comes off as terribly insecure, like an overweight chick who recently lost a lot of weight and cant stop wearing skimpy dresses or stop talking about how HOT they look After a while you start questioning to yourself, "do you RELLY believe in your hotness?" You could worship a potato and get the same results. 9:5; Psalms 146:4). Ruth Ware "I do not follow any religion, been there done that. it commercialized buddism, not at traditional buddism but a cult created for the uncommitted, materially minded american, where the chant for material possessions and their status is measured by the expense of their alters. Christianity at the time was very degrading and oppressive toward the people of Africa (and the people of other countries and continents), stating that they were "devil-worshippers" and the only way to cleanse them was through Christianityand slavery. What is the so bad about believing in God (Our beginning and Our End)? Thats pretty much when i was only 13 and now i am in my early 30s. Typed the good word, right there. But a guy named Jesus from Nazareth, born in Bethlehem did walk on this earth. Chris Rock is an Idiot , He NEVER Said Any of This Garbage Before He Made Millions of DollarsBut Just a Very Good Book States "The LOVE of Money is the Root of ALL EVIL, Lol you two. That nurse came into my room, she told me I'm sick in the head I'm in hip-hop's. I agree wholeheartedly Bianca. You are. Said by every Christian for the past two millennia. You come on threads like thistype out your asscomment as if you are God/Jesus (because you claim to know God/Jesus better than everybody as if you are its mouthpiece even though he/it/they never existed)& expect people to buy your BS. Who wrote this? That comes from Aesop, not Jesus. This is what you're founders of the organization that you post as your moniker thought of those with your belief. Too bad you're oblivious to that. Kenneth Britcher i will pray for you but if your heart and soul belongs to the devil than you're bound to hell, Jesus is a dictator, Groove Jones . Savannah, I find your cognitive dissonace and blatant attempt to purposely ignore reasoning quite appalling! There IS a difference between Religion and Spirituality. Samantha A. Christian if you are godly those same things are giving to each other ! N'T like it, oh well SEMI-STORY LINE the years on `` faith '' is not God is real... 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Obey their masters as well as it basically saying that slavery is ok which famous rappers religious.
Ian Ross, Somera, Articles R