Pros and cons of holiday breaks. Solutions vary: Some schools have canceled Halloween, for example, as families opted out for religious or personal reasons, and many schools struggle to teach students about Thanksgiving in a way that acknowledges the impact of the European settlers on the Indigenous population. Required fields are marked *. Are Public Schools Protecting the Environment? Offering celebrations at school in line with that holiday could seem trivial to students who celebrate it. Employee resource groups will help host virtual meetings that support their community members and efforts, Young said. When the economy is unstable, employers are faced with difficult decisions around staffing, pay and benefits. This autumn, several of my English friends stressed about spending the . According to a study conducted by psychologist Tim Kassner, holidays centered around spiritual or family events are much more enjoyable than ones centered around presents and shopping. Members can get help with HR questions via phone, chat or email. var temp_style = document.createElement('style'); Teaching Tolerance, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, in 2014 graded all 50 states and the District of Columbia on how well their public schools taught the civil-rights era to students. Pembertons work around teaching students about holidays they dont celebrate reflects the value that educators see in expanding their students perspectives. In many locations, holiday parties involve decorating contests that include Christmas trees and ornaments. The Drama of Teacher Ratings: From a Suicide to Lawsuits, Failure to Read Now Grounds for Lawsuit? Now in its 40th year, questions remain about the value of commemorating it in classrooms. Brittney Paige, a fifth-grade teacher at Maple Elementary School in Seattle, remembers that activity from when she was in school. 1. Your session has expired. Watermelon and walleye; country music and hip hop; Cinco de Mayo and Syttende Mai just to name a few themes for festivals held annually throughout the state. This is where the bonds among public and private organizations, government, and neighborhood groups are forged and where connections among elected officials, staff, volunteers and interested residents are made. We love our team and love recognizing them with fun events so they can enjoy some fun at work," Hanks said. 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 200 [17] Countries such as France, Mexico, and India also observe federal holidays for elections. The Impact of Coronavirus on Public Schools. For expats, holidays can mean liberation from pressures to celebrate with family in the usual ways, but also separation from the familiar and the comforting. Members may download one copy of our sample forms and templates for your personal use within your organization. The holiday season is fast approaching, which means many HR departments have started planning their companies' annual office parties, as well as other ways to help employees celebrate the season. 2011 Classroom Size Update: Are Classes Still Growing Larger? Our nation is rich in many cultural and religious traditions, and celebrations focusing on specific groups have grown and become more popular in the last twenty years. is the institutional or organization author for all pages. The consumerism of holidays can be attributed to the growing amount of commercials and ads that we see in the media. However, these times of gratitude have turned into times of consumerism. The US ranks 26th out of 32 for voter turnout among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. There was always a focus on the civil-rights movement and it was as if black history stopped once Dr. King died, Willis said. Furthermore, children in the minority may not even understand what it is their teacher needs to know since their teacher has likely demonstrated vast knowledge on many other subjects. [1] The decision was made taking into account farmers, a large portion of the voting constituency at the time, who would not have been able to travel to polling places in winter months or during planting or harvest times. [26] Caravanas are joyful, noisy parades of cars festooned with flags and other decorations that stream through Puerto Ricos streets ahead of an election and are credited with the islands over 80% voter turnout. In elementary schools, Santa might make an appearance. 1 Mar. Elections Held on Tuesdays?, (accessed Sep. 30, 2019), Evan Andrews, "Election 1010: Why Do We Vote on a Tuesday in November?,, Aug. 31, 2018, Grace Panetta and Olivia Reaney, "Today Is National Voter Registration Day. Why Public Schools Across the Country are Closing Their Campuses, A Relevant History of Public Education in the United States, Do Lotteries Really Benefit Public Schools? Many Jewish families do not hang stockings or exchange gifts on Christmas day. Students should describe in detail a minimum of three options to resolve the conflict within the town. Holiday parties take away from classroom instruction. With research showing that feelings of belonging improve academic outcomes, its imperative that all students see their authentic selvesincluding their families culture and heritagereflected in their classrooms and schools. He said growing up it was always confusing why black history was only limited to one month. Bring on the strenuous amount of Christmas cookies, movies, and also cold weather. While a successful event enhances a community's reputation, a less-than-successful effort (or outright failure) does just the opposite. If Election Day were a national holiday, how would you ensure hourly and low-income workers would get a chance to vote? 3. With a large part of this being shopping and gift giving, Statesman discusses the gluttony and capitalism behind holidays, and whether these . if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-china.aspx") > -1) { Not all employers are ready to abandon Zoom-based celebrations. Or, for those elementary school students looking for a more . Pros & Cons (The Gluttony of Holidays) Cindy Yao and Joylyn Yang, Staff Reporters. temp_style.textContent = '.ms-rtestate-field >, .ms-rtestate-field > .fltter .is-empty.d-none, {display:block !important;}'; Should Schools Perform Drug Tests on Students? [3] In 1800, 83% of the American labor force was agrarian, but today only 11% of total US employment is agriculture-related. The problem lies not with specialized months to commemorate marginalized groups and communities, said Willis, but with schools that fail to incorporate the full range of diversity as part of their mission. Regents of the University of Minnesota. 3. Woodsons dedication to the research and promotion of black history has been memorialized by his actionsin 1926 he declared the second week of February Negro History Weekand his words: If a race has no history, if it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated. Holiday is like a day or longer break which provides much needed rest to the people or students over burdened with . The festival features log rolling, live Swedish music, a street dance, parades through the town, and more. A star performer might not show up, or the stage might collapse. Festivals promote community pride by celebrating things that make a town special and evoke good feelings. Rose Marcario, CEO, stated, demonstrating your companys commitment to voting will reinforce how essential it is that every eligible voter shows up. The holiday season is the most common time to have time off work and school. John M. Cunningham, "Why Are U.S. New Utah Bill Would Offers Funding Directly to Students, Rather than Schools, 40% of Teachers Call in Sick in Wisconsin. For example, visitors stop at local gas stations, souvenir shops, and restaurants the list goes on. A driving force behind Woodson setting aside time to study and reflect on black culture was his frustration that childrenblack and nonblack studentswere deprived of learning in Americas schools about black achievements. Will Public School Students Soon be Taking More Standardized Tests? Especially in diverse communities or schools with ELLs, celebrating your students' cultures and observed holidays can help everyone feel respected and included. Compare and Contrast: Columbus Day On the second day of Monday in October, we celebrate a holiday. Accept input and rework some segments of the activities if they appear to draw a lot of criticism. With all the presents we need to purchase for Chanukah and Christmas, the obsession for grabbing the best deals have been triggered by popularized shopping trends similar to Black Friday, notorious for its chaos and interference into Thanksgiving. Celebrate the season of giving, from human being to being. "With the difficulties we have faced this year, we feel our team deserves a day to celebrate and enjoy themselves with their co-workers at our offices," she said. I wouldve loved to have delved into African history, the Harlem Renaissance, black life in the 1970s, and beyond.. CSCOPE: Innovative Curriculum or Threat to Americas Youth? Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. Additionally, many of these individuals rely on school days as childcare for their children. [8], Among registered voters in the 2016 US presidential election, being too busy or having a conflicting schedule was the third-highest reason cited for not voting, accounting for 14% of registered voters who did not cast a vote (about 2.7 million people). There remain many public schools in this country that engage in holiday celebrations that revolve around Christian ideas and principles as they pertain to Christmas. No: Too Inconvenient, Early-Voting Options Ample,, Nov. 5, 2018, Henry Farber, "Increasing Voter Turnout: Is Democracy Day the Answer?,, Feb. 2009, Sarah Issenberg, "The Mystery of the Puerto Rico Voter,, Jan. 27, 2012, Paul LeBlanc, "Virginia Governor Makes Election Day a Holiday and Expands Early Voting,". For example, he discusses the history, geography, and cultural influence of China when teaching students about Chinese New Year. January 25, 2015. In fact, these voters may be more likely to have to work as a result of a federal election holiday, where they may have had time off previously on a random Tuesday in November. Sweden came second with 82.6%. Yet with all things, there are some downfalls. Woodson was optimistic that America would willingly recognize the contributions of black Americans as a legitimate and integral part of the history of this country. But research shows this goal is far from complete. }); if($('.container-footer').length > 1){ Those things can be as "big" as ethnic heritage, or as "small" as a piece of pastry. Pemberton uses Bitmoji libraries from the Facebook group Bitmoji Craze for Educators for celebrations like Hispanic Heritage Month and Indigenous Peoples Day. At LA Tutors in Beverly Hills, Calif., celebrations will also be in person for its 58 employees this year, said Eric Kim, the firm's program/HR director. Please note that Statesman has the right to monitor comments and accepts comments at staff discretion. Pros. Done thoughtfully, holiday activities also promote a sense of community among children in the program who celebrate different holidays. Instead, people look forward to the holidays for the presents that theyll receive. Margot Toppen, founder of a nonprofit called EduMotion, highlights commonalities and differences between different traditions through dance. In one corner, advocates of Black History Month argue that a special month is needed to celebrate and recognize the achievements of black Americans in a country where European history dominates historical discourse. Impossible to celebrate every culture. Teaching about a holiday requires that teachers make very clear that the class can enjoy learning about each other's holidays while holding to their own family's beliefs and traditions. Attendees at the 2011 Irish Fair of Minnesota, for example, spent an average of $50 at the festival site. State law allows only three parties per school year anyway, and those should be focused on more acceptable events like Christmas. While gifts and presents may be seen as kind gestures, the best gift you can give is the gift of love and companionship. According to, in 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving . Families who live a long distance from relatives are able to travel, sometimes across the ocean, in order to connect with their loved ones. [8], In the 2016 presidential election, 55.7% of the American voting-age population cast a ballot. Texas Public Schools in Financial Mess: State Sued by Districts, What Our Public Education System Can Learn from Teach for Americas Superstar Teachers, As Louisiana Governor Jindal Fights to Reform Louisiana Schools, Teachers Push Back. However, during Karl Oskar Days, Lindstrom's hometown and cultural pride is on full display. All these goings-on are part of what makes Minnesota a great place to live. The focus for students moves away from school and onto family and culture. The Pros and Cons of Celebrating Holidays As an Expat. First, Chanukah does not hold the same importance for Jews as Christmas does for Christians. Is a Major Overhaul Coming to Texas High Schools? The Karl Oskar Days event attracts visitors from as close as nearby St. Paul and as far as Sweden itself. Should Election Day be a national holiday? "Given the small size of our team, we will do an in-person Christmas party this year and people can bring their spouses and partners along," he said. The economic benefits of festivals are easiest to see and most often cited festivals attract visitors, which stimulates the growth of tourism and other businesses in a town or region. Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. Contact us on Facebook. Now a well-entrenched, nationally recognized observance, Black History Month is a commemoration that might be short in days but is increasingly long on controversy. The pros (and cons) that every December . But having a discussion that casts such good-intended events in a negative manner can be difficult to undertake. By comparison, Belgium reported the highest OECD voter turnout: 87.2% in the most recent national election. 2. Paiges school, Maple Elementary, doesnt have Christmas or Hanukkah parties. Especially around this time of year, many commercials are advertising new technology and gadgets that would be the perfect gifts for friends and family. This autumn, several of my English friends stressed about spending the holidays with their families, and asked what Id be doing. And Siegel teaches students how winter holidayslike Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Chinese New Yearare connected by the theme of light. At the start of the year, she surveys students to see what they celebrate and teams up with families to share their experiences. SHRM's Employee Engagement Survey service focuses on more than 50 aspects of job satisfaction and engagement commonly linked to performance. When black history is not taught throughout the year, it is reinforcing anti-blackness., A classroom in Alabama's old Mount Sinai Junior High School, which was built for rural blacks during the Jim Crow era, Private Schools Have Become Truly Obscene. As a result, my team deserves to be honored with a Christmas party, even though it'll be small.". In an effort to add diversity to holiday celebrations, some teachers believe that recognizing the Jewish holiday Chanukah or mentioning Kwanzaa, both of which also occur in December, is enough to make holiday parties and curricular activities multicultural. With holidays becoming more commercial, Christmas and Chanukah have lost some of their value. What other improvements could be made to voting and Election Day? May offend families with different beliefs. Although this argument may only apply to those with Christian beliefs, it is still a point worth respecting when looking into the significance of the Easter festival . Recently, there has been an increasing emphasis on gift giving, getting the best deal on the right gift and shopping to make sure all of the items on the checklist have been purchased. Teaching elementary students about religious and cultural holidays is tough, but in schools across the nation culturally responsive teaching is opening up new possibilities. What is Race to the Top and How will it Benefit Public Schools? When discussing religious holidays, Siegel keeps things simple, explaining Christmas as the story of the birth of a baby who symbolizes hope in what was a challenging time. With older students, he elaborates that the baby Jesus represents life to Christians and tells them thatas is true of all religious beliefssome people believe the story is true while others dont. If kids want to dress up like ghosts or goblins, they can trick or . God, Allah, Christmas, and Ramadan: Should Any Religion Be Expressed in Public Schools? More people would vote if they had more time to cast their ballots Furthermore, celebrating our democracy publicly would send the message that we value each others citizenship as much as we value honoring past presidents. [13], Donald Green, PhD, Burgess Professor of Political Science at Columbia University, found that nonpartisan community parties celebrating Election Day in 2005, 2006, and 2016 increased voter participation between 2.6 percentage points and about 4 percentage points. Chanukah have lost some of their value Grounds for Lawsuit use within your organization Major Overhaul to... 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