or 2. Its never even occurred to me that someone would take issue with it. Request you to note the dates and let us know the way forward. Happily, havent dealt with please advise outside of corresponding with legal counsel. is not business-like as you said. 1. On that note, I also hate Thanks in advance. so if I suddenly decide Im not doing this for you, will you be sending another email revoking that thanks, then? Consider following us @archetype_origins on Instagram for more content, we post on a regular basis. The call me is a little short. Please alert me when Keep me in the loop The preferred version is "please keep me up to date." It's still a strong, polite phrase because we start with "please." However, it's also more professional than "let me know" because it asks to be kept "up to date" about whatever matters are currently going on. Yeah, I used to work at a company that had outsourced a lot of its work to India. I use it fairly frequently, usually in a context like this: We have a situation with the chocolate teapots. In a perfect world, I wouldnt need it. Or you are a better person to address the situation based on your experience/skills/expertise? The only times it does, its not because of the phrase, its because of the person using the phrase. In Taiwan, the one that was odd to me was addressing people as dears whether in the email salutation or in person. In his defense, hes like 70-something, but whoo boy. Also, just the sheer volume of email I got made it necessary to adopt some kind of triage system, and people who plainly asked for what they wanted from me always got priority. And you could argue that business email is its own special little dialect. At my old job, someone forgot and send wrong email to an internal listserv with about 1000 people, she realized the mistake in about 5 mins and quickly sent and apology email and a note to disregard. Hey, just a quick reminder to please send me blah blad by x date. At other jobs you wouldve gotten some serious side-eye for that phrase. You know, I think everyones got their pet peeves with email. To me the please advise when done or words to that effect; suggest to me they are implying I dont have the manners or common sense to respond with their results or let them know when tasks are complete; when its an absolute pre requisite that I will reply with the answer or information they want. Ie, if youre reading along and you encounter a word you dont understand, you drop everything and look it up, right then and there. Just as Im used to people replying with something like Great, thanks! or Ok, no problem rather than acknowledged, Im used to people ending emails with what do you think? or is it ok if we do X? not please advise.. I had an obnoxious passive aggressive manager once who would scold you for some nitpicky infraction and then give you a syrupy Thanks for all you do to send you on your merry way. Please advise. So because of that, it does signal impatient and demanding to me. Addressing specific people is key to getting the work done. if you so desire. + Read the full interview, I love TextRanch because of the reliable feedback. It just comes off as sort of short to me, especially when there are . I feel like its very similar to replying to an email and saying Message received or acknowledged. Yes, technically those are fine, but in the places Ive worked, it would be a very odd tone to take. So please research and advise because a go to phrase that kept things short and they knew exactly what I meant. How come I did not think of that??? Boss: We need to have Horatio sign it. Well, this post has made me accept that at any given time Im probably using an email line that makes the recipient want to punch me in the face. I hate please advise. Trite business-speak. The result is now that my partner and I needful each other all the time. It was at that point I realised, it is not my explaining that is the problem here. There are situations where someone under you (general you) genuinely does not have the information to make a plan of action. I had a coworker that used to ignore my emails about half the time so one day I asked her why. Get it corrected in a few minutes by our editors. Yes! +1. Yeah, Ive used it when I feel like there is a big complicated tangle of a situation and Im having trouble writing a concise question about it. I totally agree. April 1, 2012. I frequently have to exchange e-mails with attorneys who are fairly high up the food chain. Thats a great use for it. Like the OP says: The addition of please advise feels demanding and bratty and of course redundant. Im pretty sure all 200,000 plus employees at my company use it regularly! It doesnt seem mean to me at all. or Let me know if you can join me.? With a little picture of Puss in Boots from Shrek, holding his hat and with The Eyes. Make sense?. ", This a great. From the Cambridge English Corpus His preferred option is theory of mind ability, which underpins processes of cultural learning and cultural accumulation and transmission. I am not a fan of please advise either but it is pretty common and probably not meant to sound rude. I think that phrases that only occur in print, like this one, lend themselves really well to misreading and speculation because weve never heard another person utter them out loud and for that reason can only speculate on the tone. ****ATTENTION: These bases have minor defects and are sold as is. I lay out my problem and then say please advise meaning I am so lost can you please help me navigate this so I dont look like a complete idiot, I will admit, there was a time or two when please advise meant you and I have gone back and forth on this and you insisted on your way and it did not work, so what do you want to do now?. Being a defense agency, an acronym was created: V/r. I dont use it for folks who actually read the emails and pay attention to the important bits. Its work. please give me your knowledge so I can stop feeling stupid. I think this might be part of why I dont have a problem with it. I met some Icelandic people who complained about how uncomfortably close Americans stood. From coworker A, I dont give it a second thought. Idk, it just seems like the nicest default sign-off. It still sounds like you think the person will otherwise take offense to the message. Our admin has been sending these long, complicated emails. Two women went shopping and they decided to buy a jacket. Is it possible theyre meaning Do you have time for a question? People around here use Can I ask you a question? all the time, and Im perfectly happy to say Nows not a good timecatch me when I break for lunch.. ;)", So good. My boss does that same thing, but she puts the most random words in all caps, and puts everything on an individual line. -All commissions are posted to my socials and my portfolio - if you would prefer it not to be, you must mention this before I submit the artwork to you. var loader = function () { 2nd Option: Be the nerdy student who becomes the school dux, while getting a raw 50 in English . This is interesting. I have people in India who do this a lot too, but I grit my teeth and move on. What time shall we say? Were not children here. Hey boss, just an FYI to keep you in the loop, blah blah blah.. And I never, ever, raised an issue or sent an email to that manager again. is it unprofessional to have an email address with 69 in it? Have you had a chance to look into this yet? and Any updates on this? also work for some people. In mine, please advise is typically used when someones pretty irritated with you. But that is definitely a personal preference issue. Such a pet peeve of mine! Kinda reminds me of getting a message from the Dean of Students, Please report to my office at your earliest convenience, without fail, I use quick reminder. If you dont have the friendliest relationship with that person, their please advise can sound snippy. Thanks! Its not a positive association. Please let me know your thoughts is the only one I have left that appears to be a safe bet. This happens quite frequently in my current job and its quite normal. And grammatically speaking, not all requests for a response have to be phrased as a question. (Or would it? The How do I save a word file is not a literal question thats happened, but very close. So I explained the situation and stated quite plainly what I wanted her to do. - Artwork will be emailed to you as a high quality 150dpi JPEG. The former is what you usually say when you make yourself known to somebody. It does sound stilted, but not bratty and redundant to me. So Ive taken to using Thanks, Dana every.single.time. Thats a GREAT post, and the comments under it are even better. Want more FREE revisions? Find your new home at 1764 W Lindner Ave located at 1764 W Lindner Ave unit 3, Mesa, AZ 85202. There are a lot of things that I wish someone would have told me about at the very beginning especially email etiquette. I think thats kind of the same though I mostly get those when Im out of the office, and take it as a sign that theyre not expecting me to be available to take calls at any particular moment. For example if a person has not done something huge, dont tell them they did. *other English-speaking nations have their own usage or slang, [dont know where the rest of that sentence went]. ", Human who is reviewing my question not automated machine. Dana. When it comes to email, how else are meaning and tone created other than via word choice? This is the kind of comparison Im thinking of. I use please advise sometimes with my boss always when Im expected to make a judgment call that Im not sure how to handle. will also work. My newest habit is ending question-filled emails with Let me know and thanks. I almost always used please advise passive-aggressively with my boss but I never read it that way when others sent it to me so I dont know! I dont think I would even know what that meant. Honestly, please advise drives me crazy too, but I 100% admit its because of who I associate with it. I dont like How should I handle? either, but I cant quite put my finger on why. Get your English checked! We use the yellow highlighter feature around here for emphasis, and it works very well. This exactly. I guess I always thought of it as similar to Thanks for reading this e-mail or something. Yeah, Ive messaged people to see if they were available for a phone call, but I would say, Can I call you? and make the call myself, instead of insisting they call me. God knows I can relate to pet peeves I have more of them than most people, probably, and I bristle at language that is unnecessarily rude but in truth, business email tends to use a lot of words, phrases, and conventions that really arent intended to be rude, or friendly, or have any emotional spin to them at all theyre used to convey a concept. I would like to give some of that advice to the current staff that I manage. :D 1. I receive emails a lot from Indian English speakers and they often use the phrase Please do the needful or Kindly do the needful which at first I thought seemed rude, but now I see that its just their way of saying that phrase. This means that you can drop the adverb "please" and simply use "let me know if you need any help" instead. She then said What parking procedure? Ive actually built a macro into our corporate chat program where I type (512 and it expands into (512) 123-4567 or tell me your # and Ill call you. Although to be honest, if Im sending my boss an FYI email I usually indicate that. Any help would be . I guess Im being petty at this point but I think there are so many better ways to communicate with people. Seriously I dont get why this people have to dig through their archives to start a new topic instead of simply clicking New Message. please advise to me is still quite demanding and says. Philomena, Im like, ****-----------------------THE BASE:This listing is for one *large* toony African wild dog foam base to make your own fursuit or mascot costume. my pet peeve is when people say please advice. OP needs to chill. Balls in your court. It almost never registers. Thank you !! Nothing is worse than the evil Thanks in advance. To me it reads That was not a request! (Or, they just dont know better.). So we just print single-sided for them. And if more emphasis is needed, you could throw in a Please at the beginning. I have no clue and no inclination to do anything else. It was perfect for the scenario because if someone shows you a proof and you dont follow it, you often dont have a question so much as you have a wuhhh? I always wondered if it was an expression I wasnt familiar with or what. I dont throw please advise to everything. :). This is another one of those things that is difficult via email but easy face to face. Please advise. So, yeah, for that the please advise would be super annoying. If you're looking for a complete and built-in experience on your smartphone, you must take a glance at Emerald Chat mobile on your browser of selection. No, its not just related to Aspergers! Please let us know your preferences is the most popular phrase on the web. Privacy Policy(function (w, d) { And of course I understand and noted in my OP that other English speaking nations use slang that is different from ours and sounds perfectly normal to them just as ours sounds annoying. This person I know says it all the time (All. im consistently surprised/fascinated by the responses i read here, and its why ill never be able to stay away. The following dates/times (EST) work for me: Monday, 1/24: 11am - 12pm EST; 2pm - 3pm EST. })(window, document); 2023 TextRanch, LLC. The opposite way is: knoweldgabley explain something factual and then use make sense? to see if the other person is following you. I own a small business called Archetype Origins LLC, I will send you an invoice if you prefer to pay with a credit/debit card (taxes may apply). 0. My peeve is no subject line Our HR generalist pretty much NEVER uses one in her all-employee emails, and often her emails are just a pdf with no explanation of their content (usually a flyer of some event) so I have to download it to see if its anything at all relevant to me. I think the reason I hate it though is because usually, its not my job to advise the people who are asking me to advise them. Or they are new and still learning the ropes? Tuesday, 1/25: 2pm - 4pm EST. I use "let me know" (or "let me know either way") all the time and I've always intended it to mean "by the way, you can say no if you want to". Putting please advise instead of the second sentence would incline me to respond with something like. I also tend to work in industries where if someone wants to make it known that they are upset, they will be a lot more blatent about it than saying Please advise.. He sends documents to me to get rid of a blank page (when all it takes is a single backspace to get rid of it) and when he got a macbook I was constantly with him at 30 minutes at a time trying to teach him how to right click or minimize a window, how to locate a file he has saved, etc. It is Something That Is Not Done in our culture (which tends to be very email/IM-focused). Its common radio etiquette when you dont want to reveal to everyone on that channel sensitive information regarding your business. Like, Kindly reply to this message by Thursday. Not something thats going to ruin my day or anything, but you could just ask me to do the thing, and Ill do the thing, because Im a professional adult who works hard to meet my obligations. Please Advise let me know if you didn't or let me know if you don't? Came to say the exact same thing. Battle #1: people who reply all to large groups with Please remove me from this email list I used to have to deal extensively with someone brusque, arrogant, demanding, and (based on her emails) borderline illiterate, and she regularly used plz advise. Those additional three keystrokes were apparently just a bridge too far for her. In the same way: What do you like? (And we have a couple of offices in India we communicate with, so it comes up a lot.). No. From the Cambridge English Corpus If you wish to keep things light, you may also get rid of the formalities to make your addressee feel at ease. That is why I asked the OP if there were more issues at play in this office. That said, I would never use please advise without more to the sentence. She would ask why I hadnt responded or done X yet, and I would say that I didnt know that I needed to. I wouldnt ever want to imply that Im telling my boss what to do. if (w.addEventListener) { Yes. I dont mind it. The formality reflects my work environment. I use Please advise (and have taken it from others in the same grain in which I use it) more along the lines of I am not moving forward with any of this until you have your input on the matter. Maybe Ive been annoying folks all along without even knowing it. Please let me know how you would like to proceed. However, the flight I was supposed to send it on was cancelled. Id never use it with a peer, manager, or client whom I interact with frequently, as they are simply more responsive to client needs. In which case the Please advise is their action item. Please let me know if you agree likewise. Ive also been using it fairly often as well. If I put FYI instead, they know they dont need to reply to me. But, I think more often than not thats not the case. I had a calculus teacher who said a combination of the words so um ok yeah every few sentences. After that I made sure all her emails had double question marks which probably also would drive some people crazy but I didnt care what she thought at that point and hey I got more responses after that. On that note, has anyone noticed the difference in these two phrases? I agree tbh. } else { should you wish. But I think thats why he did it. } Yes the way it grates on me is when I get a message that says please advise, I take time to actually give a suggestion or remedy, and then either hear nothing or find out that they did whatever they wanted anyway without actually listening to my advice. please advise as a declarative statement instead of a question is almost always used passive-aggressively. I have the same problem. So efficient. I use please advise or let me know. I want the recipient to know I need a response and that it is not just an fyi. Unfortunately, if I dont use those phrases, I dont get an answer/response. I totally see how this can be annoying they could at least say please call me at but at my work, for instance, its not always obvious what phone number is best to use to reach a person at a given time. But dont you need to reply all with a request to be removed from a group email? ", Thank you so much! which is so dumb, like Im thanking them for giving me work? Please advise. I wouldnt mind this. its definitely as bad or worse than gentle reminder in my book. A recent fad in my workplace is kindly requesting things. In the nicest possible way, this made me smile because like is pretty common in the UK as well though mostly with younger people. Emails were coming in all day long. One of the problems with "Please advise" is that advise is a transitive verb, that is, it must have an object. 3) People who mark each of their emails as Important. I use Please Advise as a last ditch effort to obtain a response from a decision maker in my companys corporate office. 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Us @ archetype_origins on Instagram for more content, we post on a regular.!
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