Because of the many battles with the Meccans, the Muslim women did not have enough men to go around to protect them. But while for Judaism the mitzvot, the ethical and ritual commandments of the Bible, remain normative, and are elaborated in the Talmud as the halakah or requirements of life, Christianity has regard only for the Bible's ethical teachings--i.e., the Ten The Dome of the Rock, where Muhammad ascended into the sky. Muslims, on the other hand, possessed neither the historical status of Jews nor their place in salvation history (the course of events from Creation to the Last Judgment). They too celebrate the birth and death of their prophet, Muhammad. Because the Jews often undertook on behalf of rulers work that Christians would not do or were not encouraged to do, such as serving as physicians and financial officers, Jews were hated both for their religion and for their social roles. e) Chastity by husbands, Which of the following lived about one Based on the New Testament, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a major significance to the Christian faith and its believed to be a testament to Gods love for his people. A. Bantu to protect the city of Medina from outside attackers prophets. b. large cities were little affected by the Mongol invasions because the Mongols usually bypassed them during their conquests They eventually had 4 daughters and 2 sons, but the 2 sons died. that the personage of Moses proved to be a great unifying force that was to quite literally forge the nation of Israel. Abraham was appointed leader of all people in Gods faith: Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying, As for me, behold, my covenant is with you, and you will be the father of a multitude of nations (Genesis 17:3-6). Only Islam acknowledges the divine selection and prophethood of all three personages, while the other two do not. autonomous city-states, E. usually consisted of independent, In addition, JP Industries must pay the debts of the machine plant. Here lie the seeds of intolerance and violence. What do Muslims believe of their fellow Abrahamic religions? What is the name of what Abraham made with g-d? was -based on a lunar calendar, so it changes every year Which of the following is true of both the Roman Empire By the end of the 13th century it had begun to pull even, and by the end of the 15th century it had surpassed both. \text{Rent Revenue}&&\underline{\text{\hspace{20pt}101,600}}\\ Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share which of the following? This feature is what makes the religions so remarkably similar. They believe that Islam is a false religion. Mecca- Muhammad's birthplace and first revelation c) Germanic E. Neo-Confucianism, The fundamental doctrine of Buddhism was Jews and Christians are respected as "People of the Book" but they have wrong beliefs and incomplete revelation. The eventual products that formed as a result of this tradition came into being after a long period of time. b. it was the first occurrence of Muslim rule in China From top to bottom: the Star of David ( Judaism ), the Christian cross ( Christianity ), and the star and crescent ( Islam ). The sacred texts of revealed religions may be eternal and unchanging, but they are understood and applied by human beings living in time. a) Loyalty to the ruler That Abraham would spread the word of god. What do the Sunni believe of their imams? Who believed that Muhammad designated a successor? \text{Cash}&\text{\$\hspace{15pt}624,500}\\ E. Path of Reincarnation, The Greeks used the word polis to refer to d) Sino-Tibetan D. Sumerian All traditions encourage their followers to seek advice and reference from their books of Gods holy word, and encourage, at least, a day of rest for prayer and worship. what -seizure of property They share a common belief in the oneness of God (monotheism), sacred history (history as the theater of God's activity and the encounter of God and . Where did Muhammad take his followers after fleeing Mecca? Although many of their stories have their own views, they happen to align in some way shape or form, each deriving from the other. All the dead would be resurrected to receive Gods judgment. judaism basic beliefs uri. d) Textiles Silver and gold C. far southern Africa Another important similarity among the three religions is their relative closeness in terms of geographical proximity. He also granted them more divorce rights. staple food of the region. C. Daoism What is the money paid for damages called? A. Mesopotamia C. to enter into permanent union with Indra and What is the most significant mosque for the Muslims? What do Muslims add to the "eye for an eye" mentality? d. Russia They would go straight to heaven. built by Abraham for Ishmael "house of worship", -rebuilt several times In. B. the city-state four? Judaism Christianity, and Islam, in contrast to Hinduism and Buddhism, are all monotheistic faiths that worship the God of Adam, Abraham, and Moses-creator, sustainer, and lord of the universe. She was a wealthy woman who had hired him to sell her belongings in Syria. d. they recognize the existence of Adam and Moses. c. it was founded after the Mongols overran the Song dynasty e) Both chose administrators on the basis of A message of love and compassion for ALL people. The Jews restricted status after that time encouraged many of them to turn to moneylending, which only served to increase Christian hostility (Christians were forbidden to lend money to other Christians). In Judaism, they also popularly celebrate Hanukkah, an eight-day memorial to a Jewish revolution against their genocide in Egypt. The time interval between the advent of Moses and Muhammad (peace be on them) was roughly nineteen centuries (1300 B.C. He promised to bring Ali's killer to justice. Shaykhs---> free warriors ---> slave families, The Umayyad clan of the Qureysh bedouin tribe. c) Well-defined gender-role distinctions The Crusading movement failed for many reasons but mainly because the material requirements for sustaining a military and political outpost so far from the heartland of western Europe were not met. Assuming that the perpetual inventory system is used, costing by the LIFO method, determine the cost of merchandise sold for each sale and the inventory balance after each sale, presenting the data in the form illustrated in the exhibit. beginning with the reign of Augustus -he refused to "recite" the Lord's word at first What did Muawiyah promise Ali's family to keep them from rebelling? (Craig, Albert, et al; [The Heritage of World Civilizations, page 60]). Terrorist killings and destruction, civil war and deprivation of human rights thus become identified with the names of religions -- and are regularly reported on the news. Islam shares with Judaism the narrative of Abraham's destruction of idols in the service of the worship of the one true God. Arshad Khan What might then happen? enter into permanent union with Brahman The importance of this covenant can be recognized from a close scriptural analysis of all three religions. The three main faiths of this world are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. a) They are polytheistic religions For those who were saved, the delights of paradise awaited. What did Abraham's covenant, or promise, with g-d say? To the regular Muslims, it is a holy struggle to better themselves. Abu Talib promises to protect Muhammad, no matter what. What do Christians think of their fellow Abrahamic religions? JP Industries, Inc., is searching for a new business to buy. What is the root word for the word mother? Abraham and his wife, Sarah, were getting very old and still didn't have any kids, despite god's promise. E. usually consisted of independent, \text{Sales Returns and Allowances}&\text{\hspace{20pt}162,312}\\ C. hieroglyphics Other gods were responsible for the livelihood and welfare of man during times of war and chaotic upheaval such as Baal for the Canaanites, and Ishtar for the Sumerians and Assyrians. a. they were equal to men socially and legally For Christians, Jerusalem is also the place where Jesus preached, died and was resurrected. A. slaves by an elaborate system of competitive examinations. Yet, in spite of this, all believe that their religion contains the full and final revelation of the same God. B. nuclear family Another important holiday is Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of holy month of Ramadan, during which the Muslim will participate in a strict fasting from sunrise to sunset (Quran: Al-Baqarah 2:184). D. a desire to spread their monotheistic d) There are more Muslims than Hindus. b) About half of the people are nonreligious. C. Teotihuacan a. large cities lost importance as trading centers as the Mongols provided safe and secure passage for long-distance travelers d. large cities absorbed Mongols as residents as they slowly abandoned their nomadic customs and beliefs, a. large cities lost importance as trading centers as the Mongols provided safe and secure passage for long-distance travelers, one result of the custom of foot-binding during the Song Dynasty was that, the patriarchal system grew stronger, particularly among aristocrats, during the Post-Classical period, gender relations in China and the societies of Sub-Saharan Africa were, different because some societies in Sub-Saharan Africa were matrilineal, and women there were not as restricted as women in China, Alvin A Arens, Mark S Beasley, Randal J Elder. When and how did the use of force become acceptable? Mesopotamians -raised by his uncle Abu Talib B. modern day Nigeria And when the tempter came to him, he said, if thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. E. they produced representational art, D. their writings have provided a wealth of the Mesoamericans had B. Egypt b) Both were overrun by Germanic tribes in their b) Romance D. to fulfill the individual's special destiny as What is the sacred text of the Christians? a) Silver and gold Pepper They believe they are infallible manifestations of God and perfect interpreters of the Koran. \text{Equipment}&\text{\hspace{20pt}465,099}\\ timeline of jewish history jewish history. -the coming together/solidarity of Muslims Self-defense Like the prophets of the Old Testament, Jesus preached doom and gloom. Jews were depicted in particular ways in art, and the fourth Lateran Council in 1215 insisted that Jews wear identifying marks on their clothing. Husayn is also Muhammad's grandson. The lessons of the late Han China and the late c) Both empires were characterized by religious unity. \end{array} Confucian social order except The Middle East, and indeed the world, continues to be rocked by political controversy, forceful oppression and violent attacks stemming from members of these three religions, both against each other and against groups within their own religion. D. Coptic (Ibid, p. C-1) At the apex of this tradition sits Abraham, who is recognized as the founder of their faith by all three religions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Although the Christian church drew from other sources as well, its retention of the sacred Scriptures of the synagogue (the Old Testament) as an integral part of its Biblea decision sharply debated in the 2nd century ce . \textbf{GARAGE PARTS UNLIMITED}\\ Second Triad Instead, the problems come from political or governmental authorities as well as from self-appointed (often illegal, immoral and highly violent) groups in the name of a religion. E. alphabetic, In Mesopotamia, prisoners of war, convicted CashAccountsReceivableEquipmentMerchandiseInventoryAccountsPayableCommonStockSalesInterestRevenueRentRevenueSalesSalariesExpenseOfficeSuppliesExpenseSalesDiscountsInterestExpenseSalesReturnsandAllowancesCostofGoodsSoldRentExpenseDepreciationExpense:OfficeEquipmentInsuranceExpenseAdvertisingExpenseTotalsDebit$624,500100,233465,099277,34029,8785,942112,4319,560162,312208,01619,1918,65710,23422,389$2,055,782Credit$287,693564,500885,244216,745101,600$2,055,782. The whole truth was comprehensible only when Jewish Scripture was interpreted correctly, in what Christians called a spiritual rather than merely a carnal manner. a) There are more Muslims than Christians. -bowing down, head to the ground so that you are completely vulnerable to Allah, shows submission Judaism was relatively unique in the ancient world in that it was monotheisticbelieved in only one God Judaism was influenced by the historical contexts in which it developed Contextualizing religions Historians do not try to determine whether the beliefs of a certain religion are objectively true or not. E. results from a lack of religious conviction. Who didn't? His grandfather was responsible for turning him into a merchant. It was the 13th century B.C. Although early Christian texts and later papal commands had prohibited the persecution and forced conversion of Jews, these doctrines were less carefully observed starting in the 11th century. discovered the agricultural potential of They are on display during September at the University of Wyoming Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts, at the Lander Arts Center, at Western Wyoming Community College in Rock Springs and at Northwest College in Powell. The great tradition that gave raise to these three faiths traces its origin and birth to a tiny group of nomadic Hebrew people, simple in lifestyle and habits. c) Both empires were characterized by religious Amongst this diverse conglomerate of varying polytheistic cultures and beliefs, emerged a single great tradition that was to later fuse the foundations of three great religions of the world: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Islam. Here also lies the cause of their division. It is often assumed that the God of Islam is a fierce war-like deity, in contrast to the God of Christianity and Judaism, who is one of love and mercy. What problem is still occurring today from those decisions? A. maize What sacred Jewish documents recount the history of the Jews? C. Daoism and Buddhism became much more religions in China (Ibid, p. 56). It is not coincidental that all three great monotheistic religions of the world today have a common ancestral homeland: the fact that Abraham was the father of the faithful for all three religions also would signify that the place where he lived and led his people would be the place where all three faiths would be born. Each would be presented with a record of his deeds in the right hand for those to be saved, in the left for those to be damned to the fires of hell. b) Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha Based upon the preceding data, would you expect the inventory to be higher or lower using the first-in, first-out method? Several paintings focus on the bridge itself. D. their writings have provided a wealth of a) Both empires had long-established traditions of The Jewish people were constantly expelled from their land and enslaved. (Copyright Even when not savagely persecuted, Jews were considered the property of the territorial monarchs of Europe and could be routinely exploited economically and even expelled, as they were from England in 1290, France in 1306, and Spain in 1492. God (Allah) is one. extensive examination systems. d) They recognize the existence of Adam and They all share the same place, stories, the Old Testament and have the same God, with different names. Several paintings feature an Adam and Eve theme. What are other people of the book called? This forms the fundamental basis for these monotheistic religions. What significant change did this mark? For Muslims, Eid al-Adha is known as the Feast of Sacrifice, its celebration is for the patent end of the journey to Mecca (Quran: Surat Al-Baqarah 196). The Almighty Creator is seen as a Being actively concerned with the deeds and doings of His creatures: thus a turning to Him would eventually lead to a path of divine Grace and Mercy. a. d) Emphasis on well-educated rulers Muslims, Christians and Jews do all worship the same complex God. Islam. If the religions move, jump about and cause the pole to jiggle, then he will find it difficult to stay balanced. One of the best documented of these massacres took place at York, Eng., in 1190. a. My favorite is Yasser Rostroms The Tree. Here, the bridge is a branch from which grow a male and female figure. D. Egypt A. extended family Ranging from their original prophets, prayer and worship to holidays and fasting, all faiths practice similar aspects from their Holy book. If the religions remain quiet and still, then he will keep his balance and cross successfully. They believed it should have stayed in the family. Islam's views of Judaism and Christianity. What are the Jews' views of other Abrahamic religions? In Christianity, Christ. civilization, whether temporary or permanent, This could only be done if the individual, or the society at large, would acknowledge the fact that they were created for a divine purpose, and according to a pre-ordained plan. In Judaism, worshippers go to the Synagogue to worship on their Sabbath, starting Friday evening and into all of Saturday, where they read from the Torah: If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words (Isaiah 58:13). Who did the Sunni believe should succeed Muhammad? It is this tradition that serves as the backbone for each religion. But, then the Jews started to side with the Meccans, which started the ongoing war. So, Sarah allows Abraham to father a child with Hagar, his secondary/slave wife. The three religions trace their origins back to Abraham, who, in Genesis, had humanitys first relationship with God after the failures of Noahs flood and the Tower of Babel. The three main faiths of this world are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. & & 20 & 1,200 \text { units at } \$ 48 & 14 & 830 \text { units } \\ They all believe in the holy word of the same God, given by the various prophets. the Han empire c. Greece criminals, and heavily indebted individuals The belief in God is one of the most important aspects of humanity. popular, The phrase pater familias refers to Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as), Love for All, Hatred for None. Why did the Meccans begin to turn on Muhammad? The theme of The Bridge is to visualize how members of the rival religious communities can cross the divide between them, moving from conflict to peace. Jews believe the messiah has yet to come, while Christians believes Jesus was the messiah. c) Muhammad What happened to Muhammad while he was meditating? These three religions can all be linked to one common religious tradition that goes as far back as the time of the patriarchal prophet Abraham. Abu Talib and he simply confronted Muhammad, but knew that Muhammad was so wrapped up in it that it would be impossible for him to give it up now. Who succeeds Abraham as the leader of the Jews? Not until the Treaty of Carlowitz in 1699 was a stable frontier between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire established. -to keep Allah at the forefront of your mind, all the time c. large cities were often torn down by the Mongols in order to force people to adopt a nomadic lifestyle Although this was highly unlikely, considering Ali's killer was most likely a Umayyad man. Is there a separation of church and state for Christians? B. squash The God of Jesus in the four Gospels in the New Testament had a similarly ambiguous character. c) Respect for the old images to represent its deity? \text{Advertising Expense}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}22,389}}\\ B. cuneiform (The Holy Quran: 2:48), And remember when We gave Moses the Book and the Discrimination, that you might be rightly guided. In learning that in all faiths stories aligned it creates a stronger mental, emotional and of course spiritual growth in who my God is. 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