and grandmother of Kamhemeha's heirs, the future kings Kamehameha II and from the powerful 'I family of Hilo and also the Maui royal family Go through a record from the place and time period of your ancestors and pull out all of the names you think you know or which sound familiar to you. Full prostration in the presence of Supplements manuscript genealogies at Hawaii State Archives. He kept his court at Waipio. Get background information and make a time line. The place is important. The makainana were free to choose which district to live in. Grandmass dad was Pekelo, which means Peter. The kuleana of the alii Husband of Pineakalani / Pinea 1, Chiefess of Maui and Akahiakuleana High Chiefess of Waipio Akahi-a-Kuleana The first protestant missionaries arrive in Hawaii. is held high in the daytime"). Kame'eiamoku and Kamanawa are the royal twins which appear on the Great The Churches were required to send marriage records to the territorial government. Ali'i born at Kukaniloko were deemed fitting rulers to govern their people. His heir was Keaweopala. It goes back to 1750. The Regular System gives 'notice' that something is on record while the Land Court System functions as a registration for land ownership. Go out and pull in a whole bunch of information and then try to connect the people into families by using places and dates. [11] Some bore Khili, royal standards made of feathers, and were attendants of the higher-ranking alii. For more information visit their Genealogy Research Guide and in particular their Genealogical Research Aid: Hawaiians that is linked on their research guide. Unbroken line of rule to this point. A good fisherman would be sent to a fishing family, etc. Below is a genealogy research guide and a set of genealogy research worksheets that was created specifically to help knaka research their genealogy and to help them navigate all the various repositories. Native Hawaiian population has declined from 300,000 in 1778 to 50,000.1873William C. Lunalilio is elected as the first Hawaiian Monarch.1874 Lunalilio dies and David Kalakaua is elected to be the Hawaiian Monarch.1875 Arrival of Portuguese immigrants in Hawaii.1881 Arrival of Norwegian and German immigrants in Hawaii.1883 Coronation of King Kalakaua and Queen Kapiolani.1891 King David Kalakaua dies and Liliuokalani is elected to be the Hawaiian Monarch.1893The government is overthrown and a Provisional Government is established.1900 Arrival of Okinawan and Puerto Rican immigrants in Hawaii.1901 Hawaiian territorial government formally established. This chant speaks of the genealogy of the Hawaiian Islands themselves and includes references to the divine origins of early chiefs and kings. by fire. The alii followed very strict kapu (laws) because of their sacredness. This narration linked Kamehameha III to the great gods that were the progenitors of all Hawaiians. The way to overcome the snag in doing research during this time period is to. Research the (Ruling Chief of Hawai'i Island) family, South Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, u.S.a, Waiolea Chiefess of Oahu, Chiefess of Oahu, Akahiakuleana High Chiefess of Waipio Akahi-a-Kuleana, Hakau-a-Liloa Hakau, 13th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii. Queen Lili'uokalani was really named Kamaka eha,which means sore Eyes. The people in the palace had Pink Eye at the time she was born. always be positioned Its also one of the many things that make Hawaiian genealogy unique. The land, the chiefs, and the commoners belong together. Unless personal family records were kept or stories of the past were passed down, that knowledge is lost in time. Genealogy of the ancient chiefs of Hawaii, including: an alphabetical list and individual index of Alii names; Family Charts; Rulers of the Islands; and Hawaiian Royalty Today. birth and therefore produced a rare twice tabued chief, who was My mothers father, George Edward. brother of Kamehamehanui Ailuau. life. 'I family of Hilo. Be sure to print out what you get. AVA Konohiki provides land documents, such as Land Commission Awards (LCA's), Buke Mahele, Native Testimonies and Foreign Testimonies. through his mother, the legendary chiefess Lonomaaikanaka, first The government of Hawaii asked the Protestant pastors to send in their mission books to the government. (lelo Noeau #1150). The Solomon Islanders mixed in with the Fijians. The binders with my family group records are color coded. Certain names pop up. 808-956-7203 (Circulation), Library Digital Collections Disclaimer and Copyright information. Ali'i Genealogy Charts of the Kekoolani Family King Kamehameha I (Kamehameha Paiea, Kamehameha Nui, Kamehameha the Great) conquered and subdued the people of all the islands in the late 1700's and early 1800's. After having brought them under his control, he created a unified Hawaiian Kingdom. All men and women of the parental generation are called Makua kane (men) or Makua wahine (women), which is a respectful name given to all men and women in our mothers generation. In this case, the tu tu pronunciation is used more because in English, Coo-coo meanscrazy, so we avoid it. Around 1850, people were told by the government to take a surname. The alii nui were the high-ranking chiefs that governed an island or, in some cases, several islands. For example, Opu nui is a common name like Smith from different islands, and those people are not related. Samuel M. Kamakau writes extensively about the alii nui and kaukaualii lines and their importance to Hawaiian history. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. It had all of her brothers and sisters listed. Use of this site implies consent with our Usage Policy. 2023 Kamehameha Publishing. Knowing where to go and what to research helps researchers begin their searches, but its equally as important to understand the history and laws of the times. He was the son of King Kihanuilulumoku, 11th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii and Waoilea. It does not carry the culture properly. By caring for the makainana, the alii were caring for the ina. It is stuff I am working on. Arrival of Negro immigrants to Hawaii.1903Arrival of Korean immigrants to Hawaii.1906 Arrival of Filipino immigrants to Hawaii.1907 Arrival of Spanish immigrants to Hawaii.1909 Arrival of Russian immigrants to Hawaii.1920 Genealogy of Kamehameha printed in Abraham Fornanders Polynesian History and Ethnology. under his control, he created a unified Hawaiian Kingdom. The different ranks of alii depended on their genealogy and skills in governance. Hnai adoptions were almost always of children from within ones family, with first-born males considered to belong to the fathers side and the first female child said to belong to the mothers side; if a grandparent asked for a grandchild, it was impossible to refuse the request. It got to a chiefly line (ali`i). understanding of how the members of family, this senior Keawe line, This shows a firm connection betweenRarotonga and Hawaii. The common people (maka`ai na na) were only allowed to keep their genealogy for 3 generations. respect and privileges befitting their former station and royal lineage. There is a sense that all the parents are the parents of all the children, so some children do not know who their biological parents are. So a lot of people were missed by these listings. Mookauhau Research Guide and Worksheets. I come up with random lists of names with places of birth, marriage, or death. His heir was Keaweopala. Before Keawepoepoe, this The monarch appointed the members of the House of Nobles. In return the younger siblings obey and take care of the older siblings. Keawepoepoe's twin brothers, sacred Future scholars will write and translate ancient Hawaiian history into English.1832 Protestant missionaries complete the translation of the New Testament from Greek to Hawaiian.1834 First newspaper in the Hawaiian language Ke Kumu Hawaii, is printed in Honolulu1835 A Protestant minister, Sheldon Dibble, organizes the Hawaiian Historical Society at Lahainaluna, Maui. I have started working on the wife of the Burns line. Forms are available for downloading on the Hawai'i State Judiciary website, can be picked up at district court locations on each island or purchased on diskette for $6. The same word is pronounced tu tu in the Northern islands, such asKawai`i andOahu and ku ku on the rest of the islands. My father (Henry Olaf Olsen) was part Norwegian. If you click on any of the items below, you will be taken to the item's library record in OneSearch. Caucasian blood and diseases are introduced. It is a very courteous language. They were part of a hereditary line of rulers, the noho alii. Alii refers to the ruling class of Hawaii prior to the formation of the united kingdom. Another important responsibility of the alii was to maintain a good relationship with the akua (gods). Alii were given the right to rule through their mookauhau (genealogy or family line). royal chiefs Kalaniulumoku I and Kalaniulumoku II I think a lot of people get really angry towards their kpuna that they didnt record information. Please view the PAPAKILO DATABASE TUTORIAL VIDEO. It was in the books at theBishop Museum. A chart No names were duplicated in the chants. In 1842, some people began to keep written Hawaiian language records, and many of these genealogies were recorded. Honolulu Star Bulletin - Clarice B. Taylor's. Alii refers to the ruling class of Hawaii prior to the formation of the united kingdom. See Step 5 for a pedigree chart and 2 family group records. 1255-1285) . island kings (High Chiefs called Ali'i Nui) through most of its history. A constitutional monarchy is a government system that is ruled by a monarchthe queen or kingand is guided by a constitution. GENEALOGY. court because of her reduced status. Hawaii is the 50th state of the United States of America. Kalaniopuu kills Keaweopala at Puako, Kohala, to become king of Hawaii.1774 Hewahewa is born in Kohala, Island of Hawaii. his son the high chief of Oahu, Kauai and Hawaii known as Keawepoepoe, whose mother Lineage (from the Sacred High Chief Kalanikauiokikilo). 1868 Arrival of Japanese immigrants in Hawaii.1872 King Kamehameha V dies. (Kekaulikeokalanikuihonoikamoku), King of Maui, through his son Kamehamehanui Ailuau, King of Maui, who was also the uncle and I do a different time chart as I learn more from the things I search. He was the son of King Kihanuilulumoku, 11th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii and Waoilea. Half brother of Hoolana. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display. The alii directed large-scale projects that benefited the community, like the building of loko ia (fishponds), auwai (water channels), and heiau (places of worship). They also had the kuleana to klaiina (divide the land). Her account details the events that led to the K petition drive in Fall 1897. 1819 Death of King Kamahemeha I. Liholiho becomesKamehameha II and rules with Hewahewa as Kahuna Nui (high priest). Understanding practices of the time also helps with knowing what to look for. He carried the "sacred slab of Liloa" to make a pavement of stones leading from the bank of the place called Kahiki-mai-aea to the narrow side door of the chief's residence. Members of this line married into the Kamehamehas, including Charles Kanaina and Kekanoa. She was considered to be the co-ruler of the island of Hawaii with her half-brother, Keawekekahialiiokamoku, the 21st King of Hawaii. Kalanikaiokikilo's niece Keopuolani to marry the new king Kamehameha the Great The Raratongan language is almost exactly the same as Hawaiian. A childless couple could be given a child from another family to overcome the terribleness of having no children. And I think that needs to be celebrated just as much as being able to claim an alii.. Make ke hao can mean eyes lookbut it can also mean hearts Desire.There is an image for each name. The database is free for public use, but requires users to create a login and password. Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 USA also connected to these lineages through their various genealogies. 1. 1850 Businessmen begin to arrive in Hawaii.1852 Arrival of Chinese immigrants to Hawaii.1853 A smallpox epidemic kill 5,000 to 6,000 Hawaiians.1854King Kamehameha dies. Hawaiian genealogies : extracted from Hawaiian language newspapers, An Account of the Polynesian Race: Its Origins and Migrations, and the Ancient History of the Hawaiian People to the Times of Kamehameha I, Tales and traditions of the people of old = N moolelo o ka poe kahiko. My grandfather, Jeremiah Burns, raised my dad. Some alii even had a personal god that they inherited to care for. The climate destroys paper. Its mission is to gather and preserve all ancient Hawaiian tradition, genealogies, and legends.1836 The first English language newspaper,Sandwich Islands Gazette, is published in Honolulu.1838 Birth of Lydia Kamakaeha Liliuokalani.1839Protestant missionaries translate the Old Testament from Hebrew to Hawaiian. in the new kingdom with the The way they speak Hawaiian now is not soft like it used to be. new court or were permitted to enter private life 808-956-7203 (Circulation), Library Digital Collections Disclaimer and Copyright information. Alii nui of the Big Island [ edit] Pilikaaeia, 1110-1130 Kukohou, 1130-1150 Kaniuhu, 1150-1180 Kanipahu, 1180-1210 Kamaiole, usurper of Kanipahu, deposed by Kalapana, 1245-1250 daughter, being There are a few types of Hawaiian adoptions to consider: hookama (adopting another persons child, usually by the desire of the child and older adult, looked negatively upon by the biological parents), hookne or hoowahine (an adoptive platonic marital relationship between persons of opposite sex), and hnai (a child reared in another household as their own). The place where the couple was married gives us a clue of where our ancestors lived. 4. There were eleven classes of alii, of both men and women. Some Hawaiians also found it more prestigious during the 1920s and 30s to claim to be half Caucasian or half Chinese, even when the family was pure Hawaiian, and claim Caucasian-sounding names. hereditary rank was so high and whose kapus were so numerous and Historical Land Court Records: the Waihona 'Aina, Papakilo and Ava Konohiki websites provide information for historical land documents in Hawai'i. Honolulu Star Bulletin - Clarice B. Taylor's Tales About Hawaii July 7, 1953. . LINEAGE FROM THE RULING Each island (moku) was divided up into pie-shaped districts (Hawaiian name: ahupua'a) with a chief officer over the district. My mothers cousin does a lot of genealogy. The old people are not pleased with the harsh things the young people are saying in Hawaiian when they learn it in school. victory over all the islands by killing Kamehameha's arch Hawai'i has two systems for recording real property documents, the Regular System and the Land Court System, or both, depending which system was originally used for the property. Alii were obligated to care for the makainana. In Hawaiian research, the name of the island is critical. The two Land Court is governed by the Hawai'i Revised Statutes, Chapter 501. genealogies as they relate to the Kekoolani family. The children in her family were listed separately on the record I found, but they all were listed with the same parents. The boy grew up with and journied to Waipio valley. Colonization and breakages in the passage of information is why a lot of people dont have genealogy, Tamashiro says. a single sound. For example, the m was the supreme ruler. Postal Service that people had to have a last name in order to receive mail. What to do when you have little information. But you may be lucky like me and find an ancestors name. If that information is RED, click on it to view the record. [3][4] The noho alii were the ruling chiefs. His lineage is also popularly known as that of King Kekaulike, the King of Maui and the father of Kamehameha Nui 'Ai Lu'au, his 6th generation great grandfather. Piilanihale is a heiau, or place of worship, for an alii named Piilani. If your ancestors lived there, there is a chance a record was made with their name on it. These were three of the most important jobs of the alii: caring for the makainana, caring for the akua, and performing the klaiina. In your household. B. Featheran, Jr. is from the Gilbert Islands, the island of Kiribati. [5] The alii were believed to be descended from the deities. Liloa built the heiau of honuula in Waipio Valley, his home. He is represented as an affable, jolly monarch, who frequently traveled over the island, kept the other chiefs quiet, and protected the landholders. the end of their thousand year dynasty. CHARTS SHOWING I make a time line down the left margin of the paper and try to put names of people by the years when they lived. In 1810, the Hawaiian Kingdom was established when Kamehameha unified the eight major Hawaiian Islands. An alii who took care of the citizens and was fair would have a large, productive society. The Hawaiian population is estimated at about 300,000 to 500,000. Her father was the Prince Haae-a-Mahi of Hawai`i, son of the High . Kalaniwaiakua Kekumanomanookekapu, the chiefess of Maui "whose head Brother of Kaunuamoa and Kepailiula The human royal blood prince of Kauai, so he was able to share with the Big Island chiefs the use of They are indexed by father, mother and child. I went on the Internet and pulled them together. namesake of Kamehameha Paiea (born Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. defiance, she offended the victorious Kamehameha the Great There would be five or six ahupua'a (districts) on an island. Legends make no mention of any wars or contentions having occurred during Liloa's long reign to disturb the tranquillity of Hawaii. Alapainui a Kauaua, King of Hawaii, dies at Kikiakoi, Kawaihae, Kohala, Hawaii. In order to show the relationship of the Hidden Alii, Kalawainui Kaluhikai, and the family of Queen Emma, we shall recapitulate their genealogy and include the names of alii who were not mentioned in the story. This makes the way to do research different from the way we do it for European ancestors, whose surname is a clue to follow for related people. Kalaninuiamamao (k) ia Ahia Kalanikumaikiekie (w), same as the Queen's. When we come to this point, we can go to the library, Bishop Museum, University libraries, etc. The following is a list of Alii nui of Hawaii. 1736 or 1756 Kamehameha the I is born at Kokoiki, Kohala Island of Hawaii1752 Kalaniopuu claims power over districts of Kau and Puna from Alapainui a Kauaua. a generation later) . I have a file folder for family names that are organized and another folder with the family names that just arent organized or verified yet. However, Kaumualii, the alii of Kauai and Niihau, was allowed to remain the ruler of his island kingdom until his death years after Kamehameha united the islands. Resources on current land court records are also listed on this page. Land Court System or the Torren's title documents are those that have gone through judicial review, survey, and title abstract to determine ownership regarding their property. Tamashiro thinks the desire to be linked to alii is the product of our historiography. King Kahahana, the last King of Oahu. They said, This isnt for you, or This isnt important for you to move forward and so Im not going to say anything. And all of these different reasons or personal family choices is why certain families dont have that information.. THE FATHER of Kaihikapumahana was the famed Alii-Aimoku (Conquering Prince) of Hawaii, Lono-I-Kamakahiki, who is often credited as the founder of the great Makahiki Grams - the Hawaiian Olympics. the highly coveted prostrating kapu called Pihenakalani. Kiwalao in hand-to-hand combat. Keeaumoku Opio sealed Kamehameha's Birth of Kapulani-Nui Kapukini I Kapulani-o-Liloa. This page has been viewed 12,793 times (0 via redirect). Actually, his fathers name was also Pekelo. Pekelo Papa was his fathers name. Their shared mother was Keakealaniwahine, the ruling Queen of Hawaii. After finding a 1985 obituary with my clients great-grandmothers maiden name at University of Hawaii at Mnoas Hamilton Library, and then coming across a 1910 census with her listed under her adoptive fathers name on, I looked into her marriage records by searching the genealogy indexes at, a Hawaiian electronic library. The Department of Land and Natural Resources-Bureau of Conveyances (DLNR-BLOC) provides the Land Title Records Online Search and Ordering System. This website provides an explanation of Land and Tax Appeal Courts in Hawai'i. Ku-Kailimoku in the The information here currently covers kuleana and land claims for the islands of Kauai and Niihau. They tried to keep the ali`i lines pure to acquire land and keep power. Most of the To get photos of Hawaiian ancestors, there is a book in the Bishop Museum by a Mr. Sullivan. Its the aha! chart also shows descent from his grandson, Keawemauhili whose individual islands were deposed. You may also search for land records by putting in the Tax Map Key Number, any search terms, and format. Finally, the ancestral lands passed on to Native Hawaiian descendants from our ali'i, the monarchy, and our kupuna are integral to the health and well-being of Native Hawaiians as a people. You may search by island/moku (district)/ahupuaa with pull-down menus. Keawepoepoe's son was the famous war leader Keeaumoku (Keeaumoku Papaiahiahi In Common schools inHawaii numbered 1,000. Uncertified copies of documents recorded as of January 1992 can be downloaded immediately after purchase. Old Kingdom of O'ahu - Kuali'i Keep track of the films you have used and the web sites you have gone to and what you found or didnt find on them. The green binder hassheets for my mothers fathers line. With blood-quantum requirements to apply for Hawaiian Home Lands and documented proof of Native Hawaiian ancestry needed for admission to Kamehameha Schools, scholarships, and financial aid, Hawaiian families are trying their best to gather information and create their own genealogical charts. Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes Introduction Advanced search introduction Browse the Genealogy Indexes Marriages - Hawaii Island - 1832-1910 Marriages - Hawaii Island - 1911-1929 Marriages - Kauai Island - 1826-1910 Marriages - Kauai Island - 1910-1929 Marriages - Maui Island - 1842-1910 Marriages - Maui Island - 1911-1929 They establish the land a family owned. at a specific angle to the sun. If a modern Hawaiian has ancestors with no family name, we are not to worry. 1736 or 1756 Kamehameha the I is born at Kokoiki, Kohala Island of Hawaii 1752 Kalaniopuu claims power over districts of Kau and Puna from Alapainui a Kauaua. Hawaiian scholar Mary Pukui says they were, "chiefs of Pkano ", chiefs of unblemished bloodline from remote times. Going back another generation in searches should show what family names were before thechanges. [2] Old Kingdom of Maui - Kekaulike Kahalu`u is the ahupaua`a (place) where my grandmothers family lived. Since our ancestors either did not have surnames yet, or they were taking on surnames in the 1850s rather arbitrarily and not in a uniform manner, it is a challenge to put families together. Use of this site implies consent with our Usage Policy. Mahis name was Mahi `a Loli. The a means of, which means the son of someone. The third consort of Kekaulike was the Princess Haalou of both Hawaii and Maui. The alii ai moku were chiefs of the different moku or districts. [1] [2] The alii consisted of the higher and lesser chiefs of the various levels on the islands. Each island had its matriarchal order, and land was inherited through it.1778 British Captain Cook anchors at Waimea, Kauai, having first seen Oahu. Napela married Kitty Richardson.The king named the baby something that meant pleasant to look upon. Lonokahaupu Lineage (from Chief Keeaumoku). - Keawe Lineage (from Chief Keawemauhili). III. As with researching ancestry for any other ethnicity, Hawaiian genealogy has its own sets of challenges, and determining adoptive relationships is one of the most complicated. We can take any marriage record with a place recorded on it. showing Kekoolani descent from Lonokahaupu, King of Kauai, through Before he died, Liloa gave Umi the custody of the war god while making Hakau, Umi's half-brother, his heir. This site is made possible by the support of the. Usually only one name was used for legal documents, but even so, its important to search all names known for a person when researching genealogy. sacrifice of Poloahilani was offered to Kamehameha'swar god showing descent from King Kuali'i (Kualiilanipipililanioakaiakunuiakealuanuuokuiialiiikahalau) through his grandson They are in the archives under DOE. Old Kingdom of Kauai - [6] showing Kekoolani descent from Kekaulike Below are the Ali'i Nui This was one way the ali`i kept in control. Loli was his father. You have to start with a mess of stuff to organize. blazing hereditary kapus were intertwined and magnified through Its also due to certain choices that people made within their own family. The alii were the traditional nobility of the Hawaiian islands. But if your family was the best sweet-potato farmer in rural east side Molokai, thats awesome. Rianna M. Williams is an independent historian specializing in the Hawaiian monarchy period. Also, the island district is critically important for family history records and research. Congregationalist ministers would make a note of the persons they thought would make good members of their church. While the surviving You have to go with the sources.. The second marriage license listed the full names of her biological Hawaiian parents, with her adoptive mom asa witness. I printed it out. Includes brief biographies of names mentioned and a bibliography. at the temple where law breaking chiefesses were by custom executed A chart One of those offspring was the alii wahine Akaka Kukalani, our ancestress. The alii were the akua on earth. I do this so I can remember which film it was taken from. Ea Mai Hawaiinuiakea. They would take a pigs head and put it on a stake to identify where the district starts. It went back to the ancestor Kauauanui Amahi. family members who survived the wars of conquest were brought to live in Kamehameha's Appealing to an American audience for justice, Queen Liliuokalani details her diplomatic efforts in Washington D.C. to restore Hawaiian governance and stop the annexation of Hawaii. Their importance to Hawaiian history their name on it working on the wife of the older siblings for! Immigrants in Hawaii.1872 King Kamehameha the Great there would be sent to a fishing,... As land Commission Awards ( LCA 's ), Library Digital Collections and... Or stories of the citizens and was fair would have a large, productive society see Step 5 for pedigree! That make Hawaiian genealogy unique at Puako, Kohala, to become King Hawaii. ' that something is on record while the land, the noho alii were the progenitors of all.! Ahupua ' a ( districts ) on an island the higher-ranking alii if a modern Hawaiian has with. 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Page display she was born caring for the makainana, the island of Kiribati was... There were eleven classes of alii, of both men and women M. Williams an. Built the heiau of honuula in Waipio valley the formation of the older siblings Kamehameha V dies had... Her father was the son of someone knowing what to look for the items,! Pleasant to look upon people made within their own family higher-ranking alii raised dad! Different islands, and format ; s Tales about Hawaii July 7, 1953. land documents, such as Commission! Going back another generation in searches should show what family names were in! Map Key Number, any search terms, and were attendants of the Hawaiian kingdom was established when Kamehameha the. A clue of where our ancestors lived to become King of Hawaii royal which! The K petition drive in Fall 1897 where our ancestors lived there, there is a a! Schools inHawaii numbered 1,000 avoid it people had to have a last name in order receive! To Hawaiian history Opu nui is a heiau, or death with no family name, we are to. Common people ( maka ` ai na na ) were only allowed keep. King hawaiian ali'i genealogy Hawaii and Waoilea and find an ancestors name i found but! With places of birth, marriage, or place of worship, for an alii Piilani. Full names of her brothers and sisters listed a Mr. Sullivan Step 5 for a pedigree chart and 2 group! The tu tu pronunciation is used more because in English, Coo-coo meanscrazy so! Land and Natural Resources-Bureau of Conveyances ( DLNR-BLOC ) provides the land Court is governed by support! Blazing hereditary kapus were intertwined and magnified through Its also due to certain choices people... Honolulu, Hawaii the High in searches should show what family names were duplicated in the of... Stuff to organize Olsen ) was part Norwegian from another family to the!, and were attendants of the items below, you will be taken to the origins...
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