He was like a father to me, and in a way, he'll be with me when I do something he never thought I'd be able to do. Casteel and Kieran have a beautiful life long friendship that brings them as close as brothers. But hes the one thing in all the kingdoms that you, and only you, never have to fear., Poppy: Dammit. His relationship is an extension of both of them, but it's still separate. Poppy is not only on the verge of losing her heart and being found unworthy by the gods, but also her life when every blood-soaked thread that holds her world together begins to unravel. It will be wise to behave appropriately. Would you rather it be him? 5 Stories. Casteel's head swung toward mine so fast, I was surprised he didn't crack his neck. That could've been my shock, though, because I'd never felt anything like that from him before. ", Casteel: "It will be my most prized possession.". This series blows my mind. This was a huge disappointment for me. 2 years after her sister Alice's mental breakdown, things seem back to normal. He wants the crown. I knew it wasn't my naivety or lack of experience. She's like I didn't. But they all heard her And We're Finally Off to Atlantia! For romance readers, this is almost even more important than for general fiction readers. together. It wasn't a lie. When all is revealed, I wonder if Cas will kill him himself, or if he will let Poppy do the honors after that stoning attack.<--------. I refused his proposal at first, just so you know. I finished this book 24 hours ago, and I still feel like I'm in the middle of a book hangover. Casteel grunted out a curse. They are already together non stop, Kieran is their advisor, all major conversations involve the 3. But I still chose him despite it all. ", Kieran: "Casteel will announce you as his fiance. And each time - every damn time - I spoke to you, each time, each time I saw your smile or heard you laugh, and the more I got to know you, the less those plans made sense. He. Due to this, my theory is that JLA is going to kill Casteel off in the next book (probably via the blood queen). The breath I took got stuck as I grew incredibly still. An attack on Atlantia after Poppy and . ", Kieran: "You should be asleep like them, Your Highness. What I believed about Malik changed. But do you really intend to keep her? - Listen to Beauty in her Madness by The Sexy Scary Book Club instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. But I definitely agree with what youre saying about Kieran now seeming to be the epitome of a third wheel. This book showed many of the same flaws. All of you? Again. My fur should be reserved for something far more luxurious than a cloak. There was no reason to because what he didn't know was the he already held too many of them. It fits that a Lion would have such a fierce daughter. Is that less vague enough for you, Penellaphe? Indeed, Im not sure how you can be a fantasy fan and have problems with that! This is better. Hot . You just aren't ready to accept it. ", Casteel: "Then you should get changed. You smell like honeydew. Poppy: "So yes, I was very angry, but what I felt for him before remained, and after learning the entire truth about the Ascended and what had happened to him and to his brother, I could understand why he set out to use me. Of course, Mom excels equally at both.". That was the plan. He claimed my lips as if he were staking a claim to my very soul. ", Casteel: "You're beautiful when you're quiet and somber, but when you laugh? ", Poppy: "Yeah, well Would that have changed anything? The relationship between Casteel, Kieran and Poppy has been building since the second book, especially with all the talk about the joining. A War of Two Queens is on several lists, but I think it most deserves to be on this one: Most Disappointing Sequels/Prequels. ", Casteel: "Some say patience is a virtue. This would open up the door for a Kieran/Poppy romance, which wouldnt be shocking as they have a very weird relationship anyway. I inhaled deeply through my nose and exhaled slowly. I fell in love with him when he was Hawke, and I kept falling once I learned that he was Casteel. That would be quicker. I couldn't because I didn't want to know what he was feeling. Casteel: "Then I guess it would be repetitive of me to tell you how much you're turning me on now? Jansen had passed another story to the Duchess saying that groups that are smaller will attract less attention from other traveler's as well as Craven. That it's a blood exchange that often turns into something, um, more intimate.". You're clever, and you are kinder than even you realize - even though I know you have earned the title of the Dark One. I kept falling when he never once told me not to pick up a sword or bow and instead handed one to me. ", Casteel: "What I can see is enough. I am an asset. And I don't know what you know of me, but I had no control over where I went, who I spoke to or could speak with. ", Casteel: "It's no secret that I planned to use Penellaphe as ransom. The shock of his lips against mine sent a jolt through me. Yes? ", Poppy: "Why did you tell me? ", Casteel: "I wouldn't be marrying her if I didn't plan on keeping her. ", Casteel: "It still turns me on, Princess. He adds a level of humor to everything with his personality, but obviously also takes his role as protector very seriously. I had plans. making jokes about poppy stabbing people, making jokes about poppy asking questions, and info dumping are the 3 only things that make up . I will not forget that., Casteel: And I will not be able to forgive you.. Casteel has plans for her. ", Casteel: "You just need to be yourself, Poppy. Not with me. Like completely naked, and I saw way too much tawny-hued skin. Yes to the Joining or no. "At least, not physically. And I think this was actually part of the problem. or. But by the end of the book, I was right back to thinking this asshole is. And from what I've learned about you from my brother and Casteel, the Ascended have already stolen a lot of joy from you. Nykthos is the King of the Gods. Understand? Poppy: "I know exactly what he's referencing, thank you very much. ", Casteel: "I didn't take you then because I knew the moment I did, you would stop looking at me like like I was just Hawke. Vonetta: "Planning to stab him during the ceremony? Neither was freeing my brother or preventing a war. Kieran the way he is now just feels like another accolade that Poppy can lay around her neck. Their relationship is so teasing and annoying each other. Prince Casteel Da'Neer. ", Casteel: "I mean, all we're doing is sleeping side by side. It would also force a lot of character development for the two of them as they work through Casteel . Then, we get our first true taste of Hawke's character When he and Vikter argue about Poppy and him being caught alone together. And if you refer to her as the Maiden one more time, we are going to have a problem. ", Kieran: "Ask where every single god or goddess sleeps, because that will lead to more questions. It's just that I would've paid good money to see him try to explain that to you. ", Casteel: "That's because I don't want to be awed by something so incredibly reckless. ", Poppy: "I don't know what you want from me. Poppy: "It's the part where you think I would actually marry you.". There were plenty of hints in the book that a possible threesome might happen at some point, and while I usually wouldn't mind that level of smut, I just don't see it. But I really like your comments about Kieran in general and I think youre so right. ", Poppy: "Yes. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, crowding out the world around us. ", Poppy: "I only stabbed him . a few times. So, I'm thoroughly distracted. It feels like forever. Book. Delano: "Please don't fight atop the horse. ", Poppy: "His name was Leopold, but my mother called him Leo or or Lion. I can't control you. Besides, I doubt I'd be able to sleep. Subjectively, the romance was the only reason I was really still here, and that was badly damaged/ruined by the emotional cheating from Poppy. The problem is what I said before: thats not what this series set out to be (or at least theres no rational interpretation of the previous books or authors statements that could lead you to thinking otherwise). I think my mother is going to like you.". Casteel: "So incredibly violent, my Princess. It didn't seem impersonal last night.". I wasnt so much surprised by the actual joining itself, either the physical act (though I think it could have been written better) or the magical motivation for the decision. Kieran Contou, Penellaphe Balfour and Hawke Flynn ;) (lets avoid giving out spoilers haha) characters of From Blood And Ash written by Jennifer L. Armentrout Okay, it was about time, that I drew my favorite lovers, so here they are . And you thought it would kill him? Im not insecure enough to care about the opinions of little men. . It was evident in the way Kieran was physically described to. . Before I write this review, I feel like I need to show you the progression of emotions I have had the last few days of my life since A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire showed up on my Kindle. Cas is super possessive of Poppy except with Kieran, and I think its because Kieran almost feels like an extension of Casteel. At least, not physically. He needs her alive, healthy, and whole to achieve his goals. Because I do.". This would open up the door for a Kieran/Poppy romance, which wouldn't be shocking as they have a very weird relationship anyway. The surprise is half the fun. She doesn't deny the conflicting feelings she has, she just fights from letting those emotions take over. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. If they are heartmates (which I think they are), he won't be able to endure that. Casteel: "Did I ever tell you what you taste like?". Theyve all been bloated, poorly edited behemoths of books. Now that Hawke is Poppy's guard, we start getting a lot of swoon-worthy moments. Confused, I glanced back to where Emil was walking toward the stairwell. She turned the diamond in her hand, light catching on its irregular dips and peaks. Like he'd lost his breath. I finished this book 24 hours ago, and I still feel like I'm in the middle of a book hangover. Im glad you enjoyed it though! But just so you know, he often slips into his wolven form and has a habit of kicking in his sleep. Its uncomfortable, unlikable, and decidedly NOT what I want from my soulmates romance stories. Whispers of war have become stronger, and Poppy is at the very heart of it all. That had something to do with it, of course, but if I wanted to experience pretty words or pleasure, I could've donned the mask once more and went back to the Red Pearl. Any little scenes or story lines I wanted to see when reading the fbaa series. The corners of my lips turned down. ", Poppy: "And that was nowhere near as difficult or as impressive as what you did. It would be easier -", Casteel: "there would be nothing easy about giving you to them. And that's because I need you. Poppy is the daughter of Queen Isbeth and the god Ires. Poppy, Casteel and Kieran are trying to find their new normal after the events of The war of two queens. She's intelligent and funny. That's why, even now, you are concerned about him. ", Casteel: "But didn't you just say nothing was impossible?". His head dipped, and his mouth was on mine before the laugh even faded. Shady, shady, shady. ", Casteel: "You don't need to stay up here, Poppy. And that was only because I'd convinced myself that was the reason. ", Casteel: "Since we've been married, she's already told me to shut up - how many times? Emotionally, I believe you left him shredded."' - A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire, p.257. And thirdly, the author seems to have broken a social contract with her readership by creating a soulmates romance story, publicly calling it such for years and writing three books setting that up, and then blindsiding them with a poor representation of a polyamory relationship at best or emotional infidelity at worst. Casteel: "This is getting extremely annoying.". Can I have you? Poppy and Casteel have no desire for anyone but each other, they aren't adding him to their relationship. ", Alastir: "This is going to be an incredibly awkward conversation. Today? ", Casteel: "There's something innately wrong with the idea of being stabbed and then having to clean up my own blood. ", Jasper: "You stabbed Casteel? Due to this, my theory is that JLA is going to kill Casteel off in the next book (probably via the blood queen). Utter perfection. Im not sure if its because of the popularity of the series or what, but it seems that the publisher has taken a very hands-off approach to editing this series. I'm pretty sure she's threatened to stab or punch me since then, too. Casteel spun suddenly, shielding my body with his. ", Casteel: "You seem real concerned sitting there. His hand drifted lower, over the flap of buttons on my pants. It looks like you've been sunbathing. I love her passion and fiery temper. And shes far too reckless, too hungry, to resist the temptation. Some thoughts on Poppy x Cass x Kieran The Joining. Poppy: "I chose him when I knew him as Hawke. ", Casteel: "Just so you know, Penellaphe doesn't need protection. You'd hate me. ", Kieran: "Cas told me once that he felt as if he already knew you after speaking with you just a few times.". Casteel: "But I was once told that the best relationships are the ones where passions run high.". ", Poppy: "There's something so entirely wrong with you. A slow grin spread across his lips. ", Poppy: "Why does everyone act like I'm seconds away from stabbing Casteel? And if they do the Joining, I have a feeling it will end up in a threesome because Kieran has been in one too many intimate moments between Poppy and Casteel. Casteel: "Don't get shot. His fingers trailed along my thigh, the ring around his finger cool against my skin. The Dark One. I love! What should have been an exciting addition (finally the heroes perspective!) And as far as being a distraction to Casteel, that's his weakness. Bastard. after Poppy and him have their first conversation, I was thinking that Poppy might actually get a father figure back in her life. ", Casteel: "But I know you won't allow it. When I didn't, he cupped my left cheek. (LogOut/ This would also solve the issue of what the plot is going to be after the war with the blood queen. It's no secret on this little blog of mine that I have a thing for the anti-hero. I stopped doing things I didn't want to do the moment I took off the damn veil. Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Blood and Ash Series - Jennifer L. Armentrout Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Poppy Balfour/Casteel Da'Neer, Poppy Balfour/Kieran Contou, Poppy Balfour/Kieran Contou/Casteel Da'Neer Characters: Poppy Balfour, Kieran Contou, Casteel Da'Neer Additional Tags: Threesome - F/M/M Summary: . But talking doesn't require you to be shirtless. Sure doesn't feel impersonal.". And maybe you should actually look at me when you try to order me to do things. ", Poppy: "I was just looking at you a few moments ago. King of the Gods. ", Casteel: "If you open your senses to me right now, you'll know exactly what I'm feeling. I was thinking she might have been part Wolven, considering her connection with them, but I like this. Objectively, it has the same flaws as weve seen in the rest of the series. I bit him extra hard for that.". Im kinda surprised at myself since Im normally a only one guy to one girl kinda gal but the joining and how it went felt right to me. Proudly created with. ", Kieran: "I would advice against saying that in front of Casteel. I'm expecting some insane drama resulting from the reveal though. And this book was marketed, spoken about by the author (she repeatedly said that Cas and Poppy were the main/only relationship for the last several years), and then set up for THREE BOOKS as an exclusive soulmates-style romance. How your stupid dimples are infuriating, but I look for them every time you smile because I know that's a real smile. ", Jasper: "I imagine I will still be officiating a wedding. ", Kieran: And you still look like you want to murder me. I shrieked my frustration - my irritation - at him. And when his fingers sifted through my h air, guiding my head back, t here were no protests to be found. and right there, basically, is all the dialogue that happens during this book. Poppy: "That and my sparkling personality. Trying to talk about my thoughts on characters, will be a little difficult to not spoil so if you have already read the book, feel free to highlight the hidden text to read. And I dont think Kiran and Poppy cleaving together in the way they do for emotional support is half as far fetched as other things in this series. ", Casteel: "I can always read to you. and our I cant see that stretching out over 3 more books so some new enemy or conflict is bound to pop up soon. You will have to force me, and I will not make it easy for you. Someone who pushes back. ", Casteel: "Talking doesn't require any clothes at all. ", Casteel: "Because it makes me want to strip you naked and sink so deep in you that neither of us will know where we start and end. And even a few of the comments/thoughts by Poppy after they were reunited. But what she does know is that nothing is as dangerous to her as him. Please please try to be careful. Casteel: "I'm a Prince. Not like this. I chose him because he made me feel like I was something other than the Maiden, and he saw me when no one else ever really did. He lowered himself to his knees in front me me. ", Kieran: "Is there something you wanted to discuss? You were just as violent then as you are now.". Casteel sends Kieran away, and the two of them fight, but Poppy realizes that while she has been able to keep up with Casteel, he was tiring her out until he could grab her. View thelibraryladiess profile on Facebook, View @LibraryLadiesMNs profile on Twitter, View thelibraryladiess profile on Instagram, View UCxD9rnvQKPh0zi3NIm4ftcQs profile on YouTube, The Great Animorphs Re-Read: Animorphs Graphix#2, Follow The Library Ladies on WordPress.com. They're going through the mist of the Skotos mountains. At myself. The magnitude of what the Blood Queen has done is almost unthinkable. Today. But damn are you for real? We haven't been for a very long time. Wait. Casteel grew up in Atlantia and was close with his brother Malik, his bonded wolven Kieran, and best friend, Shea. Too much tawny-hued skin weird relationship anyway confused, I glanced back to where Emil was walking toward stairwell... Lower, over the flap of buttons on my pants away from stabbing Casteel still be officiating a wedding is... As you are now. `` it would also force a lot of swoon-worthy moments things I n't! 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