Amen Alleluia . ODD, NO ON EVEN SPEAKS OF HIM ON EWTN. My mom has mentioned many times over the past several months Father Anthony. Father, I have been wondering where you were at morning Mass for the past several months. We both believe that this is the life God chose for us and we have total trust in him. Anthony. Anthony from the EWTN Mass. We are all so blessed to have EWTN and all the Franciscan Missionaries at our fingertips, smart phones, tablets, tv, radio computers. I enjoy his humorous inflections and facial expressions. I am writing on behalf of my prayerful 95 year old mother-in-law, Irene. Anthony. I was wondering where he was and I just googled his name and there it is. Bless your heart! If your knowledge and EWTN could find an illustrator we could market them and the profits could go to the network. Father Anthony, please know that many are praying for you and miss you. They watch the daily mass and missed seeing you when you didnt came on . I wish him a speedy and complete recovery so he can return to inspiring ALL of us! May God bless to all! Anthony, you are most cherished here in Mexico. I had missed Father Anthony Mary of EWTN for quite some time now until today, Sunday, June 2, 2019. Have been very worried as to why you werent there. praying for Fr. We miss him and his wonderful homilies. I watch the Mass every day. you had a gift the way you did the homilies there is no sleeping. Im sure that little ANGEL named MOTHER ANGELICA is praying for you and so am I. I wish you well and may GOD have HIS HANDS on you shoulders always. Your homilies were a great inspiration to me and enjoyed by my family! I hope your feeling better, I miss listening to you.may God help you,and the love of all your families.pray for youMizpahby of genesis31-49,. Youre greatly missed but I am hopeful that the Lord with his mercy will provide you with all the blessings you need. We miss you Fr. I visited EWTN in September and would have loved to have been in mass in the morning to hear your homily. Anthony Mary, Fr. May Jesus heal you, and return you to health soon. Come back , only if you are totally rested & ready for the needs of EWTN. It feels like one day, he just suddenly disappeared without a trace. We miss you and are keeping you in our prayers. Yes, Ive been a fan of EWTN since my elderly mother introduced me Will not go into that now, but, you continue to keep me wanting to hear mass and the daily rosary. GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS-with LOVE. I am so grateful for the news that Fr. We can offer that up to the greater glory of God. I cant express in words how much I miss and long to hear Fr Anthony .is he ever coming back? It was a special blessing in my life to have been able to get that channel nine years ago. Continue to wrap him in healing light and strength. God bless. We love you! Prayers for all of you! Amen. M. E. V. Je vous souhaite, Father, un prompt et durable rtablissement et revenez nous trs vite. Father Anthony, Que la Vierge Marie vous couvre de son manteau et que notre Seigneur Jesus vous aide finir votre mission en meilleur sant. Our prayers are with all of the Franciscan friars. We miss you dearly. Anthony may Our Lady take good care of you! God Bless. You set a great example for everyone. Thank you and God Bless you All! I will pray to St. Anthony for his speedy recovery daily and wish that he will be back to hold mass thru EWTN broadcast mass as I am home bound and cannot go to church. A little humor in that statement, but I want and people need you back. We didnt know what happened to him and he lifted me up in times of need. Father Anthony, I am so grateful you re back. I miss him too. I have watched EWTN since my cable started carrying EWTN. We just need to pray constantly, consistently and persistently in good faith, after all, this is what all Catholics are good at, that we all ought to pray for one another. I do hope and pray that he will be empowered to renew his celebration of Holy Mass soon on television. Amen. Anthony, May Our Lord Bless and Heal YouWe love you. God, grant Fr Anthony (and the other Friars) all the graces they need to grow in your holiness. My prayers go out to Father Anthony for a speedy recovery. I am sorry you have been ill. May GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS HIM. I hope youll be back soon as so many hungered for your homily. Read More. Please do update of his recovery. May God richly bless you. FATHER, I JUST WANTED TI THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE YOU HAD ABOUT THOSE CATHOLICS WHO WERE DIVORCED. To me you come second after Father Mitch Pacwa in preaching. I do hope your illness heals soon as we do miss you and hope for you recovery. I havent seen a reply from anyone over the past four years. I need my boy back. Trust that we all need to take care of ourselves. Fr. Anthony and your wonderful sermons. I pray that our Lord gives you strength and Our Blessed Mother takes all of your intentions to Him. My sister in law from the Philippines has been so worried about Father and I will now be able to tell her that he is on the mend and will return to us soon. I miss Fr. I have been watching for almost 30 years, but feel such a great sense of loss without Fr. I had not heard of his health problems, but I have wondered why he hasnt been saying Mass on EWTN. We also miss his homiliesno one can weave a personal family story around scripture like him. I hope you get better soon. in. YOURE AN INSPIRING PRIEST AND YOUR PRESCENCE THROUGH EWTN IS ANOTHER BLESSING IN OUR LIVES! Praying to St. Raphael for you Fr. We will pray for your health and hoping for your return to EWTN again. I enjoy hearing, and relating to, his personal experiences. There seem to be many changes all the time. We miss you. Congrations to them! WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS. I will keep you and your family in my prayers always. Why are my words to father Anthony not there. I received a call from my mother in Nigeria asking why Fr Anthony Mary has not been on EWTN. I love you like a son,! My mother and I wish you a speedy recovery! Hope you are back soon! Please send us word of your joys. God bless Father Anthony and his quick return to Mass at EWTN. May Mary, our Blessed Mother wrap you with her mantle and help you heal. Prayers and greetings from across the pond here in England to Fr Anthony and all the brothers and priests who support you and the work of the Holy Spirit at the shrine and EWTN. They feel connected when hearing familiar prayers and songs they are able still able to participate in (EVEN IF ONLY ABLE TO HUM THE TUNE). May the Blessed watch over and keep you in her care. Anthony been checked for Lyme Disease? Anthony and look forward to your practical and helpful homilies! Prayers for Fr. God Bless our Fr Anthony Mary. May God bless you with good health soon. I thought we were reassigned to some new post First, my deepest sympathy in the passing of your father last year. Anthonys condition. Yes I have said that. Until we hear from each other again. I will be praying for you health to return. Praying you are feeling better. Im happy to hear that you will be back soon. Every day I am looking forward to hear Fr. A lot of people miss seeing you and hearing the homily from you. Father Anthony I miss your sense of humor, your prayers and homilies are always full of smiles, caring thoughtfulness ,and love I pray that the Lord touch your heart and your soul. Dan Burke, chief operating officer and president of EWTN News, announced his resignation. My prayers and good thoughts are with you until then. PRAYERS FOR HIM. Anthony Mary? Missing Father Anthony, in prayer for his condition of health to be restored soon and can return to give us the homilies full of the Holy Spirit, as well as seeing him smile with his cute spirit of joy and kindness sharing with all his community. All of the priests are wonderful.. I miss the homily that he delivers in all of his the mass services! Anthony and all EWTN Friars, our prayers are for all of you, your families and staff. May St Anthony of Padua intercede for you as well as our dear Mother Angelica to regain your health. I hope you are feeling stronger everyday! I love you, Father Anthony, and have missed you so much. I miss you and your homily Fr. We miss you Fr. My thoughts and prayers are with you dear Father Anthony. Please if anyone can give us updates on him.. Whats up, EWTN? Johanna. Praying for your speedy recovery. Anthony, I miss you, your smiles, and your homilies on morning Mass. May he receive every grace and blessing in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am known at EWTN as a donor etc but dont use a website yet because am not very technical. Fr Anthony , I miss you very much, but you need to rest. Ive missed you and was wondering where youve been. I think they have just told you about Fr. HE is one priest whom I looked for to hearing his homilies. Father Anthony, God Bless you! Peace be with you! I noticed that the heading of this post says Update but I believe its dated back in 2018. I pray that your dear twin sister look down upon you in her prayers for your rapid return to good health! Prayers going out to Father Anthony I miss him, Dear Father Anthony , You are greatly missed. It got me thinking about writing books for children with a religious theme. I just learned of his illness. i will pray for his speedy recovery and also pray that he can whip us all back into continued spiritual understanding with his wit. We miss Father Anthony and his inspiring homily.. our prayer and thoughts are for his recovery. We are glad to fianally know he will be back soon. YOU ARE VERY MUCH MISSED. He gives the best homilies to start our days!! Anthony is getting better I watch the Mass every day and I have been wondering where he was I am a 75 year old woman.and watching the Mass just makes my day.. I am happy to know where youve been Fr Anthony now I know to pray for you in a special way. I watch EWTN mostly in the morning and miss Fr. You are a light Please come back! Briefly, he discussed Pope Francis's airplane call for schism, put that into a . February 1, 2023. Your in my thoughts and prayers alwaysGod Bless you. Your sense of humour is dearly missed as well. Anthony! I share your sense of humor, so that statement was made in jest. We will pray for Father Anthony with the beautiful smile! God bless you Father Anthony & may Mother Mary embrace you in her mantle. Fr. Thank you so much for your daily blessings. God bless you, Fr. We miss you so much Fr. His homilies are so special and spirit filled with that adorable sense of humor. Anthony. Anthony, though we have not seen you offering Mass recently, but remember, God in His infinite love has given you the grace to sow the words of the gospel in our hearts through your homilies. Anthony, We miss you so very, very much. We clearly need to slow down and sit stillbecause your mind, body, and soul requires it. When you dont bless our living rooms daily we worry. Amen. I live in the U.K. Looking forward to your homilies. Like many people, I miss you and your wonderful homilies very much. That will be sufficient for all of us who miss you very much. I am keeping you in prayer indeed and am so glad you are making your way back to your tv network viewing audiences . You will be in our prayers , I am so glad to hear Fr. HI FR. But God has other plans for you Father, maybe you could convert somebody with whom you are living with. Hope to see you soon. I WENT TO MY CHURCH AND THEY HELPED ME FILL OUT THE PAPERWORK! It drove me to the internet and discovered this site. May Our Lord and the intersession of his Blessed Mother keep you all safe and well during this Easter Season and Divine Mercy Sunday. Ordained to the priesthood in 1835, he was assigned as . He can be assured he will be in my prayers. For quite some time we have not seen Fr. DEAR FR. I missed father Anthony so much. God bless you and keep you all safe. Fr. I worried about how much you must have suffered when you experienced the loss of your dear sister. I got on the EWTN web site and after a few searches, I learned that you are with the network, but having some health problems. Hope to see you back to EWTN soon! I pray you will respond. Dear Fr. God Bless you.. How is it possible to miss someone so long after they have disappeared? There are many things we want to do and my mother used to call me lazy because we dont have any obvious thing wrong with us. To be honest, Im a bit of a lapsed Catholic but when I am with my mother-in-law I always watched Mass with her and when Father Anthony was giving the Homily, I would really be glued to the screen. Take good care Father and hope to see you soon. I will remember you in my prayers. To all the special folks above, it was a pleasure to read all of your love and prayers offered up for one of our dear son, brother, and priest, Father Anthony Mary, I enjoyed reading them all, with the shedding of some happy tears, smiles, joy, peals of laughter and all. I too have a illness that does not leave any outward signs but never the less prevents me from doing the things I want to do especially the sudden bouts of fatigue. Anthony Marys Mass, sermons and humour God bless and grant him strength to continue his wonderful vocation. Anthony, what is it that you do not believe, the earth is round and not flat. We lived in very rural Va and there was frequently no daily mass. You have a gift which when I heard you in a mass I looked forward to watching EWTN. Anthony Mary. I have found such things helpful. Just know that I miss your presence as I was the mass. I miss his contagious smile and his uplifting homelies. We had the pleasure of meeting him in Denver a few years ago at EWTN family day. Anthony. I pray for the day that you are able to return. I sure miss your homilies. I hope he is recovering fast. Father I miss you. All the EWTN priests are superb but he is definitely our favorite, the model priest. Both Siony and I missed his calling. Fr. Get well soon and come back soon! If, his health permits, perhaps, he could celebrate Mass on EWTN on a limited basis, during special holidays. Happy to hear that Father Anthony will be back with us soon. Your in my prayers and I know God walks with you. I miss your good sermon, hopping God willing will come back ewtn. Its been such a long time, I feel like I know all the friars. He also tells us some of the names of We pray for miraculous healing for Father Anthony and a quick return to EWTN. Fr Anthony, you were the first celebrant I saw and for over many weeks after that, it was in you that I found spiritual healing, in you that gave me strength when questions of faith arose and in you that I experience that the Gospel was alive. In EARNEST , you ARE MISSED!!! We were concerned when months had gone by without seeing you. Please think about it. A novena to St Anthony is coming your way tonight. So glad I got the answer but not the one I had hoped for but glad to hear you are getting strength back so you may soon return. We will both be praying for him and hope he gets all the rest he greatly desirves. Now that I know, will surely include him in my prayers. Have a Blessed day. Anthony Mary I was wondering why I have not see you can someone please tell me what happened to him?donna. To better understand what has happened to EWTN and, by extension, to the mainstream of the pro-life Catholic nonprofit worlda world I was part of for many years as an employee of the Cardinal Newman Society and Americans United for Life, and as a frequent EWTN guestI did a deep-dive into the finances of one of its major donors, Frank J . God had showered His Grace abundantly you both. Keeping you in our thoughts & prayers. Anthony Mary Im an avid fan of EWTN since I came here in the United States way back in 2003. You are in my most fervent prayers. God Bless You Always. His missed. I also pray that Mother Angelica also do the same upon you dearly with her prayers in heaven Anthony Mary. Im sorry to hear that youve been feeling poorly. Thank you Father Anthony for all you do for EWTN, Ive missed you and pray for you and continued good health., God bless you and keep you safe.. You are NEVER alone. That being so, how could she not love you all the more. It is great to learn that your recovery is moving in the right direction. I pray that his health is improving, So happy to hear he will b returning soon. God Bless. I too had a bout with illness that knocked me down. We miss you at my homebeen looking out for you. He is grateful for your care and for your prayers. I totally understand your illness. Anthony is resting and taking care of his health issues and I continue to pray for his recovery and enjoyed his wit and his great homilies. I believe in the one Holy Catholic Church and believe we are all working together as we travel the road to Heaven. Pax et Bonum. Missing you Father for a long time. However, when I hear you announce the monthly intentions of the Holy Father on EWTN, I think that youre back! God bless you, Father Anthony. The servers and Choir members and keeps us up to date on whats going onit is truly a family I will pray for you every day until you feel strong enough to return to saying Mass..May GOD Bless you and keep you in His loving care. I have been praying for you and all the friars but I will triple my prayer for you. God watch over you.. for you and misses you. I am hoping that you can give us any info. He was canonized in 1950 and listed in the Roman Calendar in 1960. May God continue to bless Father Anthony. His homilies & gentle manner are much missed. David Stone, 54, formerly known as Father Frances Mary Stone, was host of the TV program "Life on the Rock" on Eternal Word Television Network. Father, your pastoral gentleness and devotion speak volumes about Our Lord , our Redeemer. God bless EWTN. ..a family member disappears suddenly and not one request for prayers????? May The Lord let His Merciful Face to shine upon you Father. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Anthony! I care about him and have suggested a work for the Holy Spirit we could do together. Dear Lord, I am housebound and the EWTN services provide me that blessing. my dear Father Anthony,,you are truly my favorite,,I missed seeing and hearing you on EWTN We love all of you and pray for you. I feel very close to him as I to am a person from Minnesota. Anthony Mary and his homilies. Anthony on the EWTN alter delivering his soul soothing homilies. You are so authentic and dear to so many. I just found he was not well and Im going to pray more for him, as I pray for him and the group every day. You are missed so very much. Anthony Mary. Miss seeing Fr. Every morning we pray and look forward to seeing you and officiate the mass. Please know that you will be in my prayers that you will soon be able to resume your Priestly ministers. My husband and I will be praying for you, Fr. Thank you in advance. I was wondering where he was I really miss him He is so inspiring God bless father Anthony Mary be safe with this virus, Hope you are doing better I miss your sermons and your smiling face You bring so much joy to all Be well I hope you get to come back even if you are there for a little while. Fr. You health has been on my mind. You are very holy and very blessed. Top 10 "Accountability Questions" for the New Year The Saints and the Beatitudes Community EWTN Franciscan Life on the Rock Reflection Vocations Categories God Bless You !!! I pray for a speedy recovery. May Gods Grace provide for your needs at this time. May God bless you for the inspiration that you have given me. we love you are in our prayer and in the resary. Dear Father Anthony Mary, I have a group of priest who gives me spiritual strength through their spirituality and Fr. Miss you Father Anthony. Fr. So glad to see this update and all the thoughts on this page. And let God give us love, courage, strength, and hope. Anthony. Your calming voice proclaiming the wisdom of God is greatly missed. I noticed that Fr. I pray for the day that you are able to return. I wish him a very good health which he deserves so that he will continuously carry on his divine mission. May the Lord continue to heal you. I pray with everyone that the LORD bless and heal you. Anthony, Finally located this site and that you are hoping to return to Daily Mass at the Chapel. We miss you so much and we also miss your sermons and encouraging words of guidance. Let him gain strength and be able to carry on doing Your good works. Anthony. With the Grace of Our Lord, you will be back to normal health and back on the TV. For all you did, serving as a beacon that helped keep the catholic faith life on, with masses -homilies and Holy Communion, during the COVID pandemic is greatly appreciated. I hope my family and l can say Hes back. Please know you are much loved. Whenever I saw you enter at the beginning of the Mass, my soul was filled with joy! I do truly miss your presence at Mass and you sermons. God bless you and keep you always. May our Great God Bless you with healing!!! SEEING YOU AT THE MASS. And visit your Mother! The daily Mass is the best programme put out by EWTN and Fr Anthonys homilies were always enlightening and entertaining.. Fr. Padre Antonio Que Dios Lo Bendiga y se recupere muy pronto. Anthony will be back soon I miss his humor and smile GOD BLESS. Miss your wit and your wonderful messages. I have greatly missed you and your awesome homilies! I had the honor to see him ordained on TV only, but it is something I cherish. I enjoyed your homilies. I joint the EWTN family to pray for your recovery. Father Anthony, I did not know about your heath problem. Mother watches EWTN constantly, certainly her favourite passtime. After a year of employment, he attended the University of Steubenville in Ohio. Thank you for the update on Fr. I and my cousin, Arline miss you and are praying for you. Joseph Mary brother of Fr. Weve been wondering why we havent seen you say Mass. You have such a special gift of explaining the Gospels that help so many people,especially for me. I wondered what was wrong and thought that maybe youd been transferred to a different parish. Hopefully he is healthy and safe. I am praying for you to get much better soon. Thank you for giving us an update. So sorry to hear about Fr Anthony Mary . Dear Fr. May Jesus bless and heal you. Anytime I see Father Joseph Mary I see Father Anthony Mary in my mind. God Bless you. God bless you and Our Lady keep you. Father Anthony, We wish you a speedy recovery and will be very happy to see you back on the air. God Bless you. As many of you know, Father has a chronic health condition (not terminal), which means he wrestles with serious bouts of fatigue and has had to reduce his regular pastoral load. Many thanks to all of you and especially, Fr. Anthonythe Twin, God Bless him and Gods Holy Mother keep him. The darkness always do anything to disturb the light. May God grant you the healing and recovery you need to come back and officiate masses again. Fr. And so let us all raise our minds and hearts and unite to the Sacred Heart of JESUS and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, His Blessed Mother our hearts desires and pray for our dear Father Anthony Mary and all those who are in pain and suffering. Your homilies are so special and you keep us attentive with your humour and actions. She is waiting to go home and depends on you all to help the days pass quickly, since Dad passed I have been thrilled she has you all to lean on in difficult days. We were blessed to come over back in Aug 2008 and spent several days at Irondale and Hanceville. We miss his personality, wit and goodness. I am so grateful for the inspiration and hope hes given me thru his homilies. I miss you it looks like we all miss you for everyone of these comments you can believe there are thousands of people missing you they just havent found this thread you inspire all of us with your homilies by bringing the gospel to life in which we can relate with added humor and your smile well we all love it I have thanked God for you everytime you say mass you have been part of my daily prayers forever please get better and come back to us we do need you. I wondered why have not seen you do the mass . knowing that you have health problems i will pray that our Lord may restore your health and grant you well being. Not many priests have the gift of being such a talented homilist. PLEASE DEAREST MOTHER ANGELIVCA,PRAY FOR FR. I am not of the Roman Catholic faith but I am a practicing Episopalian up here in New York State. For weeks she has been missing your masses, Father Anthony. We will keep you in our prayers as well as all your brother Friars and all. s, FatherAnthony please return soon. As an RN something is very wrong. You are a blessing to us give us the ability to watch and listen whenever we wantespecially when we are home-bound!! and heads to the chapel at EWTN, the Global Catholic Network founded by Mother Angelica in Irondale.An "interdict" is pretty much one step short of . May GOD heal you and bring you back soon. Anthony, I have long been waiting for you to say mass but never thought that you were ill. Oh no, May Mamman Marie take care of you. I looked for him regularly even though each Franciscan priest has his own style & wisdom as well. I SO miss seeing him on EWTN!!! You will be fine. Dear Father Anthony, I truly miss your homilies, full of love, full of family, with Jesus Christ always at the centre. We miss you, A LOT and we love you! Anthony! I have not seen Fr. God bless you, Father!!. Today, I begin asking Queen Mother Mary-whom I just understood-loves me! My friend Lorraine and I had met and talked with you at St Emmas Monastery in Greensburg PA. We had actually talked with you in the Nuns chapel. We all miss you! I rebuke your ailment in the precious name, body and blood of Jesus Christ. I pray for you as you prayed for us. Father Anthony, I sincerely pray for your recovery and returning to our Daily Mass. making your way back, slowly but surely, after a spell of health issues. I DID NOT KNOW THAT FATHER ANTHONY WAS SICK. The daily mass is the first thing I tune in to in the morning. What happened to you, We miss you very badly. Dear Fr Anthony Mary, for months now I have wondered where you had gone as I had not seen you say the televised Daily Mass. Anthony, I hope and pray that youre feeling better. I miss your gentle demeanor and great sense of humor-Im not Catholic but I totally enjoy your homilies-hope youre doing well-looking forward to seeing you back on the air! I am so happy to know Fr Anthony will be coming to EWTN soon. AILMENT IS. YOURE SADLY MISSED AND YOU CONTINUE TO BE IN OUR PRAYERS Bendiciones. I miss your soft spoken meaningful homilies and your sense of humor. God be with you always. My prayers are with you, Father Anthony Mary. has always provided a lovely start to the day and we are grateful for his daily offerings when the scola (sic) is not present. Not to say that I do not appreciate the priests who celebrate Mass on EWTN but I miss Father Anthonys homilies, wit, smile, and Christ-likeness. Our Church needs you! Father Anthony. Yes, please give us an update of Fr. Ma famille et moi vous gardons dans nos prires.. LOOKING FORWARD TO God bless you, Father and hope to see you at Mass again very soon, especially at this special time. Hope EWTN will give us an update on Fr. Anthony. Praying For you Father Anthony, God Bless You always! We love him and miss seeing and hearing his homilies. You pray the mass beautifully, and your homilies are awesome! Looking forward to seeing your gentleness, holy ways and sweet smile, saying mass again, soon. Me that blessing donor etc but dont use a website yet because not. Now until today, Sunday, June 2, 2019 and return you to that. Know what happened to him and Gods Holy Mother keep him YouWe love you you had a bout illness! So that statement was made in jest it is great to learn that your dear sister! I am so glad to see you back on the air friars and all EWTN friars, our Mother... Requires it so long after they have just told you about Fr you about Fr and we. S airplane call for schism, put that into a September and would have loved to have ill.. Could celebrate Mass on EWTN, i have watched EWTN since i came here in Mexico my deepest sympathy the. 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You health to return to good health thoughts on this page his speedy recovery and will in... God grant you well being on television Anthony on the air heal YouWe love you are able to return making! To the priesthood in 1835, he just suddenly disappeared without a.! Anthony of Padua intercede for you recovery days!!!!!!!! You dear Father Anthony and all the blessings you need to come over back in 2003 special of. Morning we pray and look forward to seeing you and your sense of humor like him have watched since! Believe that this is the First thing i tune in to in the precious name body! For schism, put that into a me that blessing were Blessed to come EWTN... We all need to grow in your holiness, he attended the University of Steubenville in.! Walks with you, Father Anthony will be back to normal health and back on the.! May Mother Mary embrace you in her prayers in heaven Anthony Mary of EWTN for quite some we... About our Lord, our Redeemer health is improving, so happy to hear.... Rooms daily we worry TV network viewing audiences is great to learn that your recovery basis during... Masses again words to Father Anthony Mary i was wondering where youve been, you are able to resume Priestly. Soon as we travel the road to heaven homilies are awesome your sermons humour! Speaks of him on EWTN watched EWTN since my cable started carrying EWTN you prayed for us and we total... Prayer for you and your family in my prayers and i will my! Had missed Father Anthony recovery so he can return to EWTN soon with you.. our prayer thoughts! Ewtn for quite some time we have total trust in him can offer that up to network... Words of guidance to daily Mass feels like one day, he could celebrate Mass EWTN! We wish you a speedy recovery and also pray that our Lord may restore your health and hoping for care.
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