The damage is very significant.. Do they know their names? Chris Hixon (first floor hallway, west end): Initially shot multiple times in the leg (s). Another witness stated in regards to the 911 operator asking them whether he was in his chair or not: "Yeah he was still sitting on the chair. You should try to comprehend your daughter who you are so proud of, and who was just beginning to live her life being riddled by bullets. Carmen was a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist, one of 53 in Broward County. Where was Bourges when he was shot? ", April Schentrup can imagine what that feels like. Part of it was to push people to think internally about their stance and really come to their own conclusion about it, he said. The family opted for online schooling after Evelyn had a couple of panic attacks at her new high school in Washington. . One year after their older daughter, Carmen, was killed in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., the Schentrup family works to find a new normal. It took more than four years for the sounds of shots fired at Marjory Stoneman Dougla The class split in half. ", April always wears bracelets in honor of Carmen and the 16 other victims of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Mr. Schentrup said he would find the trial traumatizing. Couresy of the Schentrup family It was only in the last year and a half or so, he said, with the trial approaching that he thought about it more and his opinion was clarified, thanks in part to Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson, the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative. Carmen, 16, a senior, was in her AP Psychology class in room 1213, near a podium, when she was shot three times and died of her wounds, according to Chief Assistant State Attorney Mike Satz. Here are the victims: Alyssa Alhadeff, 14 Alyssa, 14, was. ", The blue urn holding Carmen's ashes rests with photos and drawings in a glass cabinet in the family's living room. The urn is blue: Carmen's favorite color. Wondering if you can possibly find it or more unleaked videos. Robert Schentrup at his Seattle apartment on September 15, 2022. Her father Philip's voice shakes with anger and grief as he speaks of the aftermath. Satz again asked about the significance of the high-powered bullets. Our beautiful daughter Carmen was murdered on Valentine's Day 2018, one week before her 17th birthday. A small number of people connected to the tragedy have publicly opposed capital punishment, in part because the very process of securing a death penalty verdict and waiting out the inevitable years of appeals would be so difficult. Another girl, shot four times, was missing much of her arm. Robert Schentrup holds flowers and a candle during a candlelight vigil at Memory Mall on the University of Central Florida campus in Orlando, Florida, on the one-year anniversary of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, on Thursday, February 14, 2019. They are part of the advocacy group Stand With Parkland, started by the victims' families, which is pushing for changes nationwide: tougher school safety measures, better mental health screening and tighter gun laws. Later finished off with multiple shots to the chest and abdomen. Then Nicholas Dworet rapidly fell over in front of me. Victim of school shooting in Parkland, Florida She has been cremated and ashes will be given to her family here is the obituary Carmen Schentrup passed away on February 14 . As I sat down I remember telling myself, if I were to get shot anywhere I wouldn't make it, I needed to get behind something. hide caption. 25 Feb/23. It was just like a river of tears down my face. They want to see loopholes in background checks closed. How the high-powered bullets ravaged childrens bodies. "And then come tell me why we can't do things to keep our kids safe. Evelyn Schentrup wears a sweatshirt designed by students involved with the March for Our Lives organization. Her senior year in high school, she signed up for six Advanced Placement classes, even though her father suggested she lighten her load and have more fun. '", "On the other hand," April adds, "we had another family member right when this incident happened tell me, 'We have this type of gun in our home, and we no longer want it.'". "I just felt this urgency," Lundy says. We dont have control over whats going on in the courtroom with the jury, she said. This during the penalty phase in the trial of confessed shooter Nikolas Cruz who previously plead guilty to all 17 counts of premeditated murder and 17 counts of attempted murder. . Court deputies exit vans that transported jurors to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2022, to view the "1200 building," the crime scene where the 2018 shootings took place. After that, the bullet was fragmented into multiple fragments that perforated the lungs, liver, kidney and exits on the left lateral side of the torso, Boiko testified. Alyse Young for NPR 2/21/01-2/14/18. Carmens murderer deserves the death penalty.. They were among the 17 people killed by a gunman at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on Valentine's Day in 2018. Candles glow at a memorial site to honor 17 people who were killed in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. My Account; Password Reset . We want to make it an academic debate, because then we don't have to feel the pain and suffering of others. But she was like a lot of other teens, too, with a close-knit group of friends she would always hang out with, Schentrup remembered. On Monday, Nikolas Cruz's defense team was found guilty of killing 17 people and injuring 17 others in a fatal shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018, and began to submit his case. If the projectile hit the kidney or the arteries connected to it, that would also be quickly fatal. I then placed myself underneath his lifeless body. The nature of a death-penalty trial requires documenting brutal crimes in painful detail, even when the defendants guilt has never been in doubt. "But in the end, if we allow him to have the gun that can fire indiscriminately large amounts of bullets, that's on us. That is the campus security firm hired by the district to assess safety at Broward schools. We put a gun in his hand, or allowed him to have a gun in his hand. Robert Schentrup, whose 16-year-old sister Carmen was killed in the shooting, opposes the death penalty altogether. ", "So you put on this facade that you're OK, you're strong, you're going to get through this, you're a fighter," she says. There is also some information around about how he apparently was sharing a Snapchat just moments before he was shot and killed. ALOT. The Schentrups' activism is overlaid with the daily struggles of just getting through another day without their daughter. Was killed near instantly but was also shot (possibly postmortem) in the chest, arms, and possibly the head again according to family friend Jesse Pan. And so, we're gonna keep advocating for the reasonable middle ground that most Americans can agree on to go get things done. Iouri Boiko, a Broward County medical examiner, performed autopsies for Martin Duque, Alaina Petty, Carmen Schentrup and Meadow Pollack the day after the Feb. 14, 2018 shooting. Anthony Borges, who was 15 at the time of the massacre, testified about being shot five times while he was in the hallway. "If you realize that 90% of the stuff. Carmen was 15. The public is hardly ever forced to confront grim evidence from autopsy reports, surveillance video and survivors testimony in proceedings held years after the deadly rampage. So I'm thinking that the moaning and heavy breathing in the 1213 video is actually Maddie since a bullet to the right temple would be near instant? But she quickly grew disillusioned. Family members and classmates held onto the little hope that perhaps she had been sent to the hospital and was in surgery, recovering, but just unidentified. "Every day I cry. All of them were failing. Full metal jacket rounds don't expand much if at all on entry, whereas hollow point bullets are meant to expand on entry. Parkland happened because of a series of cascading, systemic failures, which allowed someone to get to the point where they would commit a school shooting and buy a military-style rifle, Mr. Schentrup said in an interview. This is the part where people try to convince me that vengeance should make me feel better and that it will bring me closure so that I can continue to heal., But I do not f**king care, Schentrup wrote, because my sister is dead, and killing someone else will not bring her back.. He and his parents prefer to remember Carmen, who was hitting her stride as a young woman and wanted to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Memories of Carmen Schentrup lying lifeless on the classroom floor torment De Oliveira. Unfortunately, we never got the chance to do that.. He unzipped his jacket during his testimony to show jurors scars from the bullet wounds and from 14 subsequent operations. And hugging Evelyn a little bit harder. After her son shared his statement on Twitter expressing his opposition, April Schentrup retweeted it, writing, I love but disagree with my son., If police did their job that day the shooter wouldve been killed at MSD. Many of the Parkland victims families have endorsed the prosecutors pursuit of the death penalty, even knowing that the trial would be excruciating. Would this have been Hixon? Since the shooting and moving with her family across the country, Evelyn has struggled with anxiety and enrolled in online high school classes. Additionally, a bullet traveling through the body at a high rate of speed can cause hydrostatic shock. hide caption. The blue urn holding Carmen's ashes rests with photos and drawings in a glass cabinet in the family's living room. from CNN: Some people are just sad he's not with us anymore. hide caption, Evelyn and April sit below a portrait of Carmen. Carmen Schentrup, 16, suffered five wounds, including a lethal shot to the brain. David Ovalle covers crime and courts in Miami. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. On Valentine's Day 2018, my world forever changed. Was shot 3 times initially when Cruz first shot into the room and then was shoot approximately 7 more times when he came back the second time. She was the student whose body was visible in the the highly circulated photo/video that showed the students being evacuated from room 1213. Carmen was in her AP Psychology class, just minutes from finishing the school day and returning home to our family. "I just felt this urgency," Lundy says. Alyse Young for NPR Alyse Young for NPR April Schentrup is a survivor fellow with the . We need to do something more than pray and console each other. It was around dismissal time on a routine school day at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School when the horror began.. A 19-year-old gunman walked onto the campus of the school in Parkland, Florida, armed with what police say was a military-style semi-automatic rifle and countless magazines, and killed at least 17 people. Instead, one week earlier, she was one of 17 people gunned down at . "It's a hard story to tell," April adds. Going for the death penalty will not bring our loved ones back to us. hide caption. She saw your daughter get shot. Until Friday, the first week of trial testimony has largely been marked by harrowing accounts from teachers and students who dodged bullets, suffered gunshot wounds and saw their classmates shot dead inside classrooms of the freshman building. Todd. BBC News A gunman who killed 17 people at his former high school has gone on trial in Florida, with jurors set to decide whether he faces the death penalty or life in prison. Was killed after opening the door to his classroom to let students in. Feis was critically injured when he threw himself between the shooter and his students, his body taking the bullets that had been meant for them. Some sources say he was killed before he could get up from his desk but other sources say that he was killed when him and a group of students hid in a corner that was in the direct line of sight of the door. The Schentrups now focus on their activism. As far as leg wounds, they're not usually fatal but if the femoral artery is hit, it can be fatal very quickly. Robert, 18, a college freshman, highlights his sister's competitive streak. The first hint she got that something was wrong was when she received a baffling text message from daughter Evelyn. Photos seen by the jurors, and later reviewed by reporters, revealed the damage was massive: small entrance wounds, with massive, gaping exits wounds. Schentrup, who was an 18-year-old freshman at the University of Central Florida when his sister was killed, remembers her as a brainy and ambitious teenager, someone whose focus was doing well in. The gunman shot out a window in the class door. hide caption. The painting, acrylic on canvas, is by Parkland artist Nava Lundy, who created portraits of all 17 Parkland victims and gave them to the families. One year after Carmen's death, April Schentrup stands beside a photograph of her daughter that was used during her funeral but now rests in the family's new home. His body, along with Gina's, can be seen in the hallway during the video of the students being evacuated from room 1213. And when a hail of rifle bullets cut her down in her classroom, the high-velocity bullets caused extensive damage to her body, an associate medical examiner testified on Friday, underscoring the devastating carnage wrought by the AR-15 fired by shooter Nikolas Cruz. Soul-Less Shoes of Death; How They Do It To Us; The Holohoax; You are Being Deceived; Exposing Corona Video; Message to Agencies; CONTACT. hide caption. Questions like, how many kids do you have? Now, her parents, Philip and April, wear teal bracelets printed with her name and the dates that mark her short life: 2/21/2001-2/14/2018. The experience of victims of similar tragedies points to the distress of hearing the brutal details of a loved ones death described in open court. "And I walk up to her and say, 'Hey, would you like daddy to help you read the book?' "I think part of me just broke," April says, weeping as she recalls that moment. As April breaks down, her children, Evelyn and Robert, lean in close, knitting their fingers around her hand. While son Robert remained in Florida to attend college, the rest of the family moved to Washington state. Were not all in support. "We've always been private people," Phil explains. Bathroom doors were locked due to students vaping? Alyse Young for NPR Jurors have also watched surveillance footage of each victim being shot, and cellphone videos that students recorded during the shooting. One girl suffered five wounds, including a fatal one to the head. . Dr. Boiko described autopsies of four students, and the details were gut-wrenching. Carmen was one of 17 students and staff killed in that Valentine's Day shooting, and over the past year, the Schentrups have formed a tight bond with the other Parkland victims' families. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. To shield heartsick families from the most macabre details of how their loved ones were murdered in a mass school shooting in Parkland, Fla., the court handling the gunmans sentencing trial has taken an extraordinary step: Graphic videos and photographs are shown only to the jury, so that victims relatives and others in the courtroom gallery do not have to endure them. The Schentrups have traded the palm trees of southern Florida for snowy mountain views outside Seattle. . The dark day was February 14, 2018, and even after 4 years of what happened people still cannot forget the horrific day. The painting, acrylic on canvas, is by Parkland artist Nava Lundy, who created portraits of all 17 Parkland victims and gave them to the families. Before they moved west, April, who was then an elementary school principal, was given a newly created leadership job: director of school safety and security for the entire Broward County district. The family has no special plans that day. She wanted to get into the best colleges she could.". The program for a concert in memory of Robert Schentrup's sister Carmen Schentrup. Politicians on both sides of the aisle expressed their condolences to the families and victims of Parkland's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting Tuesday on the tragedy's fifth anniversary. "And some days, you know, it's true. Gina Montalto (1st floor hallway, east end): Multiple gunshot wounds to legs/torso. In a general sense he felt he was opposed to it. Carmen Marie Schentrup 2/21/01-2/14/18. ABOUT Carmen. They moved mostly for Philip's job; he works for a tech company based here. Mariah Carey Is Making a Secret Appearance in Broadway's Some Like It Hot Musical Watch,Mariah Carey isn't just producing the new musical Some Like It Hot, she's also got a small part in it! Get into the best colleges she could. `` for our Lives.! Similar technologies to provide you with a better experience private people, '' April says, weeping she! 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