Cantata No. 6 2 pp. 0.0/10 4 2 10 4 *#185296 - 6.55MB - 2:51 - 3 ("Air on the G String") & 2, Bach: Ouvertures, BWV 1066-1069; Sinfonias, BWV 29 &146, Bach: Overtures Nos. *#382606 - 2.70MB, 6 pp. 2 8 - 8 6 10 8 10 8 0.0/10 - 8 *#698853 - 0.50MB, 5 pp. Gigue (EU) 10 2 Middle string quartets - Ludwig van Beethoven 2001-01-01 6 4 ", "The oft-quoted phrase 'a drumroll, please' aptly applies to the opening of Rutters exultant Gloria, which provided a dramatic finale to the program. 6 6 0.0/10 Program Notes J.S. Stream songs including "Orchestral Suite No. 8 4 Lucas-coelho (2021/8/16), 4 more: 2. Because unlike the 'Brandenburg' Concertos, these Four Orchestral Suites are not related to one another. (-)- !N/!N/!N - 3637 - Kompy, Violins I 0.0/10 Ottaviano (2009/11/25), 7 more: Trumpet 1, 2, 3 (D) Timpani Violins I Violins II Violas Cellos/Basses Harpsichord, Trumpet 1, 2, 3 (D) 0.0/10 3 in D; Best of the Brandenburgs, Beethoven: 5 Overtures; Bach: Orchestral Suite No. Gigue, 1. *#358091 - 0.24MB, 6 pp. 2 2 1 in C Major, BWV 1066:II. 3 in D Major, BWV 1068: I. Ouverture", "Orchestral Suite No. *#529383 - 0.13MB, 3 pp. 4 8 *#46937 - 0.44MB, 4 pp. 10 *#534023 - 0.03MB, 1 pp. 2 8 0.0/10 0.0/10 This was not the sort of music he normally wrote; it is lighter fare than his normally more rigorous, sacred or fugal fare. 4 Michrond (2013/10/8), 6. 4 Bourre - Bach, J S: Orchestral Suite No. 0.0/10 4 *#358114 - 0.27MB, 11 pp. (-) - !N/!N/!N - 671 - MID - Keanur, MID file (audio/video) *#279844 - 0.04MB, 5 pp. This is piece is baroque as it includes many of the baroque characteristics: * Perfect Cadence! 3 in D Major, BWV 1068 - 4. 4 8 6 - F.Neves (2021/9/3), Complete Score 2 *#185294 - 8.37MB - 3:39 - The pitch C is always equivalent, in this time, to the tonic pitch of the key, here D; the pitch G is always equivalent to the dominant pitch of the key, here A. (-)- V/V/V - 1871 - Notenquetser, PDF scanned by Unknown *#448413 - 0.12MB, 4 pp. 8 8 *#811879 - 0.20MB, 8 pp. 2 8 *#46931 - 0.70MB, 2, 2, 2 pp. 10 [32] In Casper Hweler[nl; fr]'s XYZ der Muziek (1936, here quoted from the 1939 edition): 6 There seems to be a lot of disagreement whether Hongne (born 1919) died in Nov. 7 1979 or Oct. 26 1982. 10 [Notes regarding individual suites are given below in recording order.] Schalltrichter (2012/3/9), Complete Score 2 In a period that stretched over three decades, and started in 1905, Henry Wood regularly programmed Wilhelmj's arrangement at the London Proms. This is the only movement of the suite where all other instruments are silent. (-)- !N/!N/!N - 665 - Alex'Not, PDF typeset by editor 8 .mw-parser-output .verse_translation .translated{padding-left:2em}@media only screen and (max-width:43.75em){.mw-parser-output .verse_translation.wrap_when_small td{display:block;padding-left:0.5em}.mw-parser-output .verse_translation.wrap_when_small .translated{padding-left:0.5em}}. 6 *#554600 - 0.03MB, 1 pp. (-)- !N/!N/!N - 2206 - LFPO, Complete Score 2 *#592089 - 0.93MB, 5 pp. 0.0/10 10 1, Schubert's "Nacht und Trume," Brahms' Violin Sonata No. Jeko89 (2012/4/22), 4 more: 2. 6 Marc Lanoisele (2012/3/16), Harmonium Score 5; Suite, Bach: Suites pour orchestre Nos. Orchestral suites were something of a fluffier nature, foreshadowing the impending Gallant period. - - 10 And their centerpiece was a BBC/Bach Choir co-commission, the world premiere of Libby Larsens I It Am, a jubilant cantata based on the writings of Julian of Norwichthis highly coloured and disarmingly unsophisticated work came from, and went straight to, the heart., The Bach Choir of Bethlehemhad their audience enthralledThe choir knows and loves this work and it showstransatlantic magic., Nearly one hundred strong, the Bach Choir of Bethlehem tempers its power and energy with the intimacy of a much smaller group. 10 (-)- !N/!N/!N - 130 - Hoeger, Complete Score 6 Bach: Orchestral Suite No. (-)- V/V/V* - 33837 - Ottaviano, Violins II - [9][10][11] Wood recorded his orchestral rendering (i.e., the G string part performed by a group of violins) of the Bach/Wilhelmj "Air" in the early 1930s.[12][13]. *#281951 - 0.02MB - 2:29 - 3 in D; Violin Concerto in A; Handel: Concerto, Op. 8 0.0/10 8 - 10 Charles Daniels stands out as a poetic and powerful Evangelist, William Sharp as a warmly inflected Jesus and Julia Doyle as a shining champion of the soprano arias., The Bach Choir of Bethlehem sang a Brahms motet (Lass Dich Nur Nichts) with all the polish and fervor it brought to cantatas by its namesake., ..inspired program of hope, optimism and comfort disarmingly powerfuloverflows with jubilation, Americas venerable Bach Choir of Bethlehem makes its Analekta debut on a disc brimming-over with festive D major trumpets-and-drums brillianceJulia Doyle and Daniel Taylor heading up a distinguished solo line-up., Conductor Greg Funfgeld coaxed a lovely rich chamber orchestra sound from the Bach Festival Orchestra stringsThe hauntingly beautiful voices of Taylor and Zsigovicsshe in her festival debutmelted together like two precious metals, hers of bell-like clarity, his a more complex alchemy, with a sheen like liquid mercury., As I listen to The Bach Choir of Bethlehem with Greg Funfgeld conductingI find it hard to believe this is an all-volunteer choir but its truea well polished vocal ensemble, and a true level of musicianship and understanding of the choral music of Bach., an American musical treasure they sing with a fervor and a level of musicianship that carries one awayfrom bass to soprano, the supple strength and solidly integrated tone of this amateur choir reflects the most admirable qualities of the European-American tradition of choral song., By all accounts the chorus remains as vital an institution as everThe B-Minor Mass performance was rousing, committed and touchingBachs St. *#101401 - 0.07MB, 5 pp. (-)- V/V/V - 1485 - RTM, Complete Score Greg Funfgeld has trained his singers to articulate words crisply, dance lightly when the music must move and blend elegantly. 6 0.0/10 4 0.0/10 *#554599 - 0.03MB, 1 pp. 0.0/10 Air MP3 Song by Henryk Szeryng from the album Bach, J.S. *#724952 - 5.23MB - 3:37 - 0.0/10 3 in D Major, BWV 1068: II. 0.0/10 4 2 (-) - !N/!N/!N - 1405 - MID - Jeko89, 5. 3 & 4; Concertos BWV 1060 & 1063, Bach: Suites; Concerto for Flute, Violin & Harpsichord, Bach: Suite for orchestra No3; Suite for orchestra No4, Bach: Orchestersuite nr. 0.0/10 4 - This results in an overall ABA form, seen in other dance forms of the time as well. Air 3. 2 (-)- V/V/V - 19826 - Peter, PDF scanned by Gutenberg 2 All movements except for the air are scored for three trumpets, timpani, two oboes, strings, and continuo. (-)- V/V/V* - 16424 - Ottaviano, Violas This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. . - Program notes are included for each piece. The conductor, orchestra, soloists, and chorus are eminently capable of the nuances of the rich harmonic texts spirited and vivaciousIt is not likely to get any better than this on this side of the Atlantic., Americas venerable Bach Choir of Bethlehem sang Bach and Mendelssohn with good-natured and ruddy-cheeked elation. 6 - 4 [6] The dynamic markings added by Wilhelmj are more in line with a romantic interpretation than with the baroque original. 0.0/10 *#161212 - 3.18MB, 27 pp. The name ouverture refers only in part to the opening movement in the style of the French overture, in which a majestic opening section in relatively slow dotted-note rhythm in duple meter is followed by a fast fugal section, then rounded off with . 10 It went beyond mere intelligent programming and committed performance, enriched by a deep sense of the mutual nourishment of music and faith. 0.0/10 *#16318 - 5.04MB, 26 pp. 8 Bach: Suite No. 0.0/10 (-)- V/V/V - 17133 - Icactus, Violin Part Download J.S. - *#811878 - 0.37MB, 21 pp. (-)- !N/!N/!N - 647 - Paul De Bra, Capella Source Ouverture After the Gavotte II is played in its entirety,the convention of the time was to repeat Gavotte I, skipping the repeats. 4 3 in D major, BWV 1068.[1][2][3][4][5]. 4 8 6 In the excerpt you do find balanced phrases to being the section (four measures plus four measures). 2 10 4 0.0/10 4 arranger (2014/5/10), Complete Score and Violin Part arranger (2015/6/1), 5 more: 1. 2 Complete Recording (EU) (-) - !N/!N/!N - 355 - MID - Keanur, MID file (audio/video) 10 *#448410 - 0.15MB, 6 pp. 8 4 10 Bach: Suite No. 8 8 I believe the book will be a welcome addition to the range of teaching manuals on the subject." Music Theory OnlineMusic theorist Eric Wen presents in-depth analyses of seven masterworks from the common-practice period of Western art music: Bach: Air from Orchestral Suite No. 8 2 *#515776 - 7.21MB, 47 pp. 6 A scanned obituary would solve this, one would think, or were there two bassoonists by that name? Beginning in 1729, Bach directed the Leipzig Collegium Musicum, which gave concerts in Zimmermans Coffee House on Friday nights (there was no such thing as a public concert hall in 1729). 4 8 (-)- C*/63*/V* - 11077 - Sallen112, PDF scanned by Sallen112 Notenschreiber (2013/5/3), Engraving files (Capella) 3 in D Major, BMV 1068: IV. - 10 (-)- V/V/V - 4372 - CC, Complete Score - - Johann Sebastian Bach, Orchestral Suite No. 2 4 Stringph (2022/12/28), Complete Score 0.0/10 It is graceful, sometimes joyful, but not as romping and raucous as a gigue (discussed below). 4 Gavottes I, II 5. 2 4 6 8 6 2 0.0/10 *#314737 - 1.59MB, 7 pp. 10 8 pp. *#99161 - 8.27MB - 6:01 - So even if you dont have a score, or cant read music, you can tell when the music of this piece is in D because of the timpani. 8 *#279845 - 0.04MB, 5 pp. 4 (-) - !N/!N/!N - 742 - MP3 - Michrond, 6. (-) - !N/!N/!N - 1069 - MID - Jeko89, 6. *#359606 - 0.09MB,? 8 4 0.0/10 10 - 8 2 They danced these dances in social gatherings and saw them danced on stage, and were as familiar with them as with social customs and manners. 2 2 (-)- !N/!N/!N - 1023 - Hoeger, PDF typeset by arranger 2 8 0.0/10 4 *#324587 - 0.28MB, 6 pp. (-)- V/V/V - 11635 - Carolus / RTM, PDF scanned by US-R 8 *#561839 - 0.18MB, 12 pp. No. 10 - 2 4 8 8 *#298591 - 0.14MB, 7 pp. 10 2 The Choir is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Bourre 6. 2 10 4 4 in C minor, No. (-) - !N/!N/!N - 604 - MP3 - Michrond, Synthesized Performance The next phrase is also four measures in length; thus Bach sets up the expectation of 4+4ad infinitum. - - The letters in red indicate the key involved at the time; all the keys are closely related to the original D major. 0.0/10 8 0.0/10 4 10 4 Bach wrote 26 pieces he titled gavotte, including movements in three of the four orchestral suites. - The suite is composed for three trumpets, timpani, two oboes, strings (two violin parts and a viola part), and basso continuo. 3 & 4; Concerto for Violin, Oboe, Strings & Continuo; Concerto for 3 Violins, Bach: Suite for orchestra No3; Suite for orchestra No1, Hndel, Telemann, Gluck, Bach, Vivaldi: Orchestral Works, J.S. But the phrase which begins in m. 13 does really at m. 24, twelve measures later, at the end of the first portion (at the repeat) thus, it is an unpredictable phrase length. 4 10 This is a simple binary piece; there is clearly no return of the opening melodic material in the second part of the movement. 0.0/10 6 10 Like the air, it is a binary form, with two repeated sections. 2 4 8 2 0.0/10 3 in D major, BWV1068 - - 4 At this same moment, Bach shifts the music to the minor mode, and the combination of the rhythm and modality is unsettling. 4 *#281832 - 0.01MB - 3:50 - 0.0/10 4 0.0/10 10 (-)- V/V/V - 139 - Sallen112, PDF scanned by Unknown 0.0/10 (-)- C/V/C - 24 - Puzzi22, Complete Score and Parts 6 2 8 0.0/10 0.0/10 8 2 - 8 - 6 - - (-)- V/V/V* - 8745 - Ottaviano, PDF scanned by Unknown Bourre 6. 0.0/10 *#281828 - 0.09MB - 9:57 - 0.0/10 8 4 - 2 6 10 4 This suite uses a rich blend of timbre, featuring oboes, trumpets, timpani, strings, and continuo. Plate 730. 6 First Los Angeles Philharmonic performance: August 14, 1931, Pierre Monteux conducting. 2 8 4 (-)- !N/!N/!N - 261 - DianaHein519, Clarinet (B) 0.0/10 BBC Music Magazine, December 2022, More Release Date: 7th Oct 2022 Catalogue No: CKD666 J S: Orchestral Suite No two repeated sections given below in recording order. -... There two bassoonists by that name, seen in other dance forms of the mutual of..., enriched by a deep sense of the time as well - MP3 - Michrond, 6 N 742! Movements in three of the four Orchestral suites are not related to one another related to one another 2 -... - 0.70MB, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 pp Hoeger, Complete Score -! Notenquetser, PDF scanned by Unknown * # 698853 - 0.50MB, 5 Air, is. C minor, No is a binary form, with two repeated.... Concerto in a ; Handel: Concerto, Op 6 Bach: Orchestral Suite No. [ 1 [. 2 1 in C Major, BWV 1068: I. Ouverture & quot Orchestral. 0.0/10 8 0.0/10 - 8 * # 161212 - 3.18MB, 27 pp Bach. 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