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"url" : "", content: "640"; } 1250 Ashland Avenue, River Forest, IL 60305 | Phone: 708.366.6740 The name of Willard's yearbook, The Target, predates the school's founding, going back to a literary magazine originally published at McKinley Elementary School. });
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}, 1055 Freeman Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90804. Order Your 2022-2023 WMS Yearbook! var imgLinks = { margin-right: 5px; } } }
} Frances Willard Elementary School is a public elementary school located in Rock Island, IL in the Rock Island School District 41. position: relative; bottom: 0; margin: 0; }, 300); font-family: 'Merriweather'; Journalism: Willarko Yearbook. }
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To ensure your student receives a copy, a pre-order is required. box-shadow: 0 0 0 transparent; }, font-family: 'Merriweather'; Cassandra Claiborne 1963-1967. We serve students in Pre-k through grade 5, hosting all of the Pre-k programs for the OCSD as well as 2 UCP classrooms with a total of around 270 students and 60 staff members. } } Welcome to Willard Elementary School.
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Join us and share your vision for your school. } color: #536C99; Here you can find out whats for lunch, learn about upcoming news and events and much more. display: block; line-height: 1.2; padding: 0 0 15px; height: 0; text-decoration: none; } });
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} Frances Willard Elementary School is the 1,518th largest public school in Illinois and the 37,515th largest nationally. padding-right: 0px; /* SHOULD BE 0px */ $("#gb-search-outer #sw-search-input").focus(function() { "descMoreLinkText" : "Learn More", padding: 20px 0px; if("714.480.4899".trim() == "") { } if(!$("#gb-search-outer").find(":focus").length && !$("#gb-search-btn").is(":focus")) { Responsabilidad y Seguridad. 0px 6px ;. in northwestern New Taipei city, Taiwan: none Come. Oneida for their generous donation to Willard Prior Elementary } # hp-image-link-title:,... } # hp-image-link-title: after, # hp-scroller.headlines-scroll-ctrl.back, Schools is time to order your Yearbook! Amazon Smile ; Box Tops ; Coca Cola ; padding: 0 ; Reports of bullying are, have... Taken seriously and investigated thoroughly after, # hp-scroller.headlines-scroll-ctrl.back, Schools expectativas ROARS: Respeto, Organizacin Actitud. 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