dark, damp Roman dungeon. thankfulness similar to that expressed in his letter If we put all that together it sounds very much as though Claudia came to Rome, met Pudens, married him there, and they became Christians. I am already being poured out as a drink offering, I have fought a good fight; I have finished the course; I have kept the faith. Letter of Paul to the Colossians, also called Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Colossians, abbreviation Colossians, twelfth book of the New Testament, addressed to Christians at Colossae, Asia Minor, whose congregation was founded by St. Paul the Apostle's colleague Epaphras. faithful old apostle to the Gentiles saying for Nero's burning of Rome. tenderness and sadness, yet triumph, glory and deep "Christ in you, the hope of glory" Col. 1:27. It is clear from this moving letter that he nothing about Paul after the conclusion of Acts 28. ( This is what has happened to Demas. 2 Tim. ", Series: Introduction to But there is no proof that these two Alexanders were identical. The World of the New Testament Journeys, English Translations of the New Testament, Jesus teaches how to receive the Holy Spirit, Jesus is changed on the slopes of Mount Hermon, Jesus heralds the end of the sacrificial system, The believers are filled with the Holy Spirit, Stephen is killed & the believers are scattered, 9. and strengthened me, in order that through me the He [Paul] was confident of Timothy's commitment to and dependence on the Scriptures, and he was even more confident of God's ability to supply all Timothy's needs through the Word. When St. Paul came to Athens, he sent for Timothy to come to him. becoming a Christian here is this letter was written in Rome, but logistically it more plausible He saw that Paul's letters were part of the Scriptures and spent time reading and studying them. from 1972 until 2005, and a weekly radio External Erastus is still in Corinth (where he is the Director of Public Works) (see Acts 19:22 & Romans 16:23) while Trophimus was . One was the silversmith in Ephesus who led the riot, recorded in the eighteenth chapter of Acts, that threatened the apostle's life. Malachi & Joel await the Day of the LORD, 48. the exception of Romans and I Corinthians. . (2Timothy 4:13-15 RSV), It seems very likely that Paul was re-arrested by the Roman authorities in Troas. . We know that suggesting Timothy was imprisoned elsewhere while Paul was awaiting They, perhaps, were the parents of the man who turned out to be the first Bishop of Rome. Lockman Foundation Used by permission." Thus the Apostle Paul dies. Tychicus I have sent to Ephesus. Website 2023 by Ray Stedman Ministries. The apostle admonished the younger pastor to make full use . He is cold, lonely, and sometimes bored, yet he is full of faith, confident in the Lord, without regrets for the past. Paul anticipates his "crown of Timothy was a trustworthy friend who carried money collected by the Philippian church to care for Paul's needs in Corinth. confinement in a prison cell at the famous Roman coming from Paul. If you need help in So this brings us right up to the present time, to the end of our studies in these two letters of Paul, and to the end of the apostle's life. Mark is another name familiar to all who know the New Testament. 4:13-15 Paul warns Timothy to be on his guard against Alexander, the Jewish metal worker who has done Paul a great deal of harm (see 1 Timothy 1:20). continue the work on Crete (Titus 1:5). Troas (II Tim. Index of 365 daily Bible studies and sermon starters. No advocate would venture to plead his cause, no procurator to aid him in arranging the evidence, no patronus (such as he might have found, perhaps, in the powerful Aemilian house) to appear as his supporter, and to deprecate, according to ancient usage, the severity of the sentence. Roman imprisonment about A.D. 63. He appealed, however, to the sentence of a juster Judge, who would soon change the fetters of the criminal into the wreath of the conqueror. quotations taken from theNASB." Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. eu. We are not left to conjecture the feelings with which Paul awaited his ultimate fate in Rome, for he has himself expressed them in that sublime strain of triumphant hope which is familiar to the memory of every Christian, and which has nerved the hearts of a thousand martyrs. He is the One on whom you can always count. Theological Seminary, Th. (Hebrews 13:6). As far as we know, this is the last picture we have of Demas. He may have. 2 Tim. 2:9; 4:13, 15, 20). I am already being poured out as a drink offering, Who makes the plaid blue coat Jesse stone wears in Sea Change? There is no urging Timothy to try to get even with Alexander for Paul's sake, or any attempt on Paul's part to call down curses on this man's head. He also gives Timothy news of his fellow-workers. Paul was charged as a criminal (2 Tim. Paul asks Timothy to visit him soon, bringing John Mark (the nephew of Barnabas), whom Paul earlier sent from Rome to Ephesus and Colossae (see Colossians 4:10). The past was forgotten. He Subject to permissions policy, all rights reserved. 4:11). The developed theology of the letter, many believe, indicates that it was either composed by Paul in Rome about . B. Rome [Hebrews] 1. Get Mark and bring him with you; for he is very useful in serving me. Only Luke is with me. visiting Paul in Caesarea or if he was a fellow prisoner. . Paul writes thus to Timothy immediately after. Thus we have here at the close of this letter to Timothy a tie with British Christianity, from which eventually American Christianity largely came. The only entrance to his cell was through a I have fought Timothy is asked to come to be a comfort to Paul, and also to be strengthened by Paul, for carrying on the Gospel work after Paul's decease. Does it Matter That I Didn't Keep My Goals for Lent? All of this was part of the schemes of Satan to accomplish Paul's death, or at least to destroy his testimony. (2Timothy 4:22a RSV). When St. Paul came to Derbe and Lystra, about 51 or 52 A.D., the brethren gave such an advantageous testimony of the merit and good disposition of Timothy that the apostle Paul took Timothy with him in order to assist him in propagating the doctrine of his great Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. The Israelites face continuing opposition, The Israelites fight the remaining Canaanites, Israel under the 'judges': Othniel and Ehud, Gibeah is destroyed & the Benjamites punished, The Ark of the Covenant is captured at Aphek, 30. 12I sent Tychicus to Ephesus. The Lord be with your spirit. For months he worries about his dear friend in prison hundreds of miles away. Then he left Titus to Paul's other companions had left him, probably before his arrival at Rome. Paul didn't see Timothy before this winter he would Timothy 4:9-22, et passim). We have seen some of these names before. . The time has come for Pauls departure, and there is A.; New Orleans Baptist This conclusion is drawn from the fact that Paul mentions help he says a genuine and warm "goodbye" to perhaps his His journey would involve two water crossings, which would be difficult once winter had set in; and, as we will read in a moment, Paul urges him to come before winter, setting forth certain reasons for his urgent request. But notice again Paul's lack of vindictiveness. Despite one successful trial, Paul knows he will not leave Rome alive. (See introduction to I Crescens is mentioned as going to Galatia. All rights reserved. Timothy is venerated as an apostle, saint, and martyr by the Eastern Orthodox Church, with his feast day on 22 January. the Gentiles might hear; and I was delivered out of He was in bonds with few visitors, and he felt his death was imminent ( 4:6-8 ). PAUL FROM THE BIBLE. At his second imprisonment had a daily expository Bible teaching From the above description we can realize in some measure the external features of Paul's last trial. Many believe he was made the chief scapegoat At his second imprisonment By the time of writing in c.67AD, Aquila and Pricilla had first returned to Rome (from where they had been expelled by the Emperor Claudius some years earlier see Romans 16:3-5 & Acts 18:2), and then had later moved back to Ephesus. Second Timothy 4:9-22 is Paul's last written words before he was beheaded. Titus, a young man who like Timothy had traveled much with Paul, was regarded as a very responsible and trustworthy servant. What a wonderful close to a marvelous life! This holy disciple accompanied St. Paul to Macedonia, to Philippi, to Thessalonica, to Berea; and when the apostle went from Berea, he left Timothy and Silas there to confirm the converts. 3. no one supported me, but all deserted me; may it not his final hours before his execution in a cold, There is very little evidence for that. serves as a Baptist missionary, and 4:20 Paul brings Timothy up-to-date on the whereabouts of two other fellow-workers from Ephesus. During the 3 years Paul was in Ephesus teaching them about the amazing power of God, Timothy was there, too. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 4:16-18 Paul reports that no-one stood by him when he defended himself at his first trial but the Lord rescued him from being sentenced to death, so he could continue to proclaim the message to all the Gentiles. Paul is imprisoned in Rome, beginning in 61 A.D., at the end of his fourth missionary journey (Acts 28:16 - 31). Also, because Paul was a Roman citizen, the law required that he could not be executed by being thrown to the lions. be counted against them. Notice how he stresses that, "Above all bring the parchments." He has It is a spiritual last Mamertine Prison during his "second" imprisonment He continues to seek thankfulness similar to that expressed in his letter very long journey from Rome. Paul sent Artemas or Tychicus to relieve Titus on Crete, an action Paul was hoping would make a way for Titus to join him during the winter months in Nicopolis (Titus 3:12). And no one tried to stop him . Paul the apostle (1:1). Paul sent Timothy and Erastus ahead into Macedonia, but Paul stayed in Asia for a season (Acts 19:22). evidence supports Pauline authorship of these Only Luke is with me. It is evident from this paragraph that the apostle expects Timothy to leave Ephesus and come to Rome to join him, and to travel not by ship across the Mediterranean, but to come by the overland route. Paul always had the desire to work in Rome: Romans 15:22,28 Perhaps this is where he got his chance! For the letter which summoned him could not have been despatched from Rome till the end of winter, and Apostle Paul's martyrdom took place in the middle of summer. . Wil is a graduate of William Carey William Barclay, the great Scottish commentator, suggests that there may be some reason to believe, however, that Demas later returned to fellowship wit h the Lord. Nero set fire to Rome in order to rebuild it to his own designs. Some years after this, St. Paul sent Timothy and Erastus into Macedonia; and gave Timothy orders to call at Corinth to refresh the minds of the Corinthians with regard to the truths which he had inculcated in them. no one supported me, but all deserted me; may it not The difficulty of dating this letter is that we know One reason was that Demas, who had been Paul's fellow worker, had forsaken him. Timothy Timothy: Circumcised; Becomes Paul's Companion Timothy: Confined With Paul in Rome Timothy: Joined Paul in the Letters: To Philemon Timothy: Joined Paul in the Letters: To the Colossians Timothy: Joined Paul in the Letters: To the Philippians Timothy: Joined Paul in the Letters: To the Thessalonians Timothy: Left by Paul at Berea He was delivered from the immediate peril, and saved from the ignominious and painful death which might have been his doom had he been convicted on such a charge. and strengthened me, in order that through me the : hole in the ceiling which was 6.5 feet high. to the Philippians. Some time after, writing to the same Corinthians, he recommends them to take care of Timothy and send him back in peace; after which Timothy returned to St. Paul into Asia. personal letters. |, What does it mean to have a form of godliness but deny its power in 2 Timothy 3:5? "Make every effort to Peter's warning, "Your enemy the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" 1Peter 5:8), is still true today. servant meaning they where chained down in prison. As the final stage of his trial approaches, the Apostle Paul looks forward to death as his certain sentence (2Timothy 4:6 - 8). Timothy (1:2). He is another whom Paul calls, "my own son." We have no means of knowing the precise charge now made against the Apostle Paul. Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, The World of the Old Testament Journeys, 23.The Journeys of Adam, Enoch, Noah & Abraham, Cain is sent on a journey to the east of Eden, 24. He also writes to encourage Timothy 11Only Luke is with me. Erastus remained at Corinth; Trophimus I left ill at Miletus. If Early his final hours before his execution in a cold, Isaiah predicts the fall of Israel & Judah, Prophecies written before the fall of Jerusalem, Isaiah reassures King Ahaz of God's support, Troubled times and a glorious future kingdom, 40. . And he sends his recommendations to the Romans in the letter which he wrote from Corinth the same year. The Roman emperor Nero had been slowly descending into madness since his ascent to the throne in AD 54, a process exacerbated by the great fire of Rome in AD 64 that burned half the city. If that is so, why then does Paul leave Trophimus ill, especially when as an apostle he had had remarkable demonstrations of the ability to heal the sick? Since that time, some years had passed, and now a decent respect would be paid to the forms of law, in dealing with one who, like Apostle Paul, possessed the privilege of citizenship. (2 . PAUL FROM THE BIBLE. ministry heard in over 100 countries Thus, Paul wants Timothy to make every effort to visit him "soon." Second Timothy 4:9 Please, don't delay, make every effort to come to me soon. This makes most sense if both are in prison, especially given the risk inherent in naming an accomplice who remains free. a good fight, I have finished the course, I have 2 Timothy 2:9. Paul looked beyond the transitory present and the vista was closed by the judgment seat of Christ. I can testify from personal experience that nothing hurts more than to see someone you love, someone who has been walking in keen fellowship with the Lord, grow dull and cool in that love and go back again to the emptiness of the world and its pleasures. proclamation might be fully accomplished, and that arrived in Rome around the time of Paul's trial and was likely with 40. The place of execution in Rome was not far distant. Then first, as it appears, Christians were recognized as a distinct body, separate both from Jews and heathens. Sustained by such a blessed and glorious hope and knowing, as Paul did, that nothing in heaven or in earth could separate him from the love of Christ, it mattered to him but little if he was destitute of earthly sympathy. "A very great multitude," as Tacitus informs us, perished in this manner and it appears from his statement that the mere fact of professing Christianity was accounted sufficient to justify their execution. Free Bible studies indexed by Bible references and doctrines. Paul spoke of Jesus, of His death and His resurrection, so that all the Heathen multitude might hear. 2 Tim. Timothy's tears at their last parting increased Paul's desire to see him again (vs. 4). Answer Timothy's death is not recorded in the Bible. Here the apostle was confined two whole years (58-60 2. He desires him to come to Rome to him before winter and bring with him several things which he left at Troas. We can quite properly read into this much heartache on the part of Paul. . Paul says in Philippians 1:1 that He and Timothy was a Bond He recommends him to be more moderate in his austerities, and to drink a little wine, because of the weakness of his stomach, and his frequent infirmities. One friend from Asia, however, Onesiphorus, (2Timothy 1:16) had diligently sought him out, and visited him in his prison, undeterred by the fear of danger or of shame. . Grace be with you." For we must remember, that, since the time of Augustus, a great though silent change had taken place in the Roman system of criminal procedure. Paul wrote 4 writes expecting his execution, yet triumphant: "For Rome. He explains to Timothy climax comes in 4:6-8. be counted against them. The Emperor Nero was noted for his vindictiveness. Grace be with you." such opportunities were now granted the apostle, confined as he the Christian churches first learned that Paul was to //white/the acts of the apostles/lesson 44 caesars household.htm, The Epistles of Paul. For permission to use this content, please review trial. It was a time of unrest for many reasons. Part 19: Did Paul Ever Stand Before Caesar? We have concluded that his liberation took place early in A.D. 63. appearing" (2 Tim. But notice where the apostle rests his case: "The Lord will requite him for his deeds," he says. No-one knows exactly when Paul died. He is aware, as he himself put it, that he has "fought the good fight," he has "finished the race," he has "kept the faith," (2Timothy 4:7). Their prisoner, now at last and forever delivered from his captivity, rejoiced to follow his Lord "without the gate.". The Lord Jesus was always near him, but now was felt almost visibly present in the hour of his need. Thirty years after Paul's death, Timothy is Paul also passes along greetings from four specific people, as well as "all the brothers." There appears to have . All rights reserved. The Israelites journey from Egypt to Mt Sinai, 26. Probably no long time elapsed, after Apostle Paul's arrival, before his cause came on for hearing. The lives of all of us have been changed, perhaps even unconsciously as far as we are concerned, by the Apostle Paul. church tradition says Paul went to Spain (Rom. "Scripture It appears Paul's final imprisonment was much more severe than his first stint in prison there. the lion's mouth. A recent theory suggests that Timothy wrote Hebrews, except for the closing verses that Paul appended himself where Timothy is mentioned by name. "He did me great harm," Paul says; he opposed Paul's message. For the next two years, Paul lived in Rome at his own expense. Obadiah foretells the punishment of Edom, Obadiah prophesies the resurgence of Israel, 46. We get Paul's final greetings in this last paragraph: Greet Prisca and Aquila, and the household of Onesiphorus. This would take him north from Ephesus across the Hellespont into Macedonia; then he would take the Egnatian Road, the great Roman Highway, crossing the Greek Peninsula down to the eastern shores of the Adriatic Sea; then another short voyage across to the heel of the boot of Italy, from where he would then proceed by land across the Italian mountains to Rome. Priscilla (or Prisca) and Aquila were the Jewish couple, tentmakers like himself, whom Paul had met in Corinth. Paul was expecting to be released from prison, very different from the tone in 2 Timothy: A. Rome Set free early 63 AD 1. Demas, perhaps, came from Thessalonica, to which he had returned, lured away from the apostle's side by the bright lights, the pleasures and prosperity of the city. We get Paul's further instructions to Timothy in Verse13 and following: When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments. So Chaucer: "And night and day dide ever his diligence. 2 Tim. expects to be killed (4:6). Paul's friends, indeed, are still suffered to visit him in his confinement in Rome, but we hear nothing of his preaching. His labors at Thessalonica were not confined to the Paul found Timothy in his second missionary journey epistles"before the close of Paul's imprisonment at //barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxx the epistles of.htm, Timothy: Circumcised; Becomes Paul's Companion, Timothy: Joined Paul in the Letters: To Philemon, Timothy: Joined Paul in the Letters: To the Colossians, Timothy: Joined Paul in the Letters: To the Philippians, Timothy: Joined Paul in the Letters: To the Thessalonians, Timothy: Rejoined by Paul; Accompanies Paul to Asia, Timothy: Reputation and Christian Faith of, What does it mean to preach the Word (2 Timothy 4:2)? his friends. After Timothy had visited Paul at Rome, he returned to Ephesus, where he continued to govern the church as its bishop, without the least interruption for a considerable time, till at length he fell a victim to the malice of the pagans, who were his most inveterate enemies. and the time of my departure has come. His father was a Gentile, but his mother was a Jew. At no time do we ever find Peter in Rome. (See Acts 28:30-31). Philemon 1:1Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellow laborer,Nave's Topical Index, Hebrews 13:23Know you that our brother Timothy is set at liberty; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you.Nave's Topical Index, The Final Arrest Paul said, "Only Luke is with me." He However, scholars say that both epistles addressed to Timothy are clearly from the second. It was a great experience again for me to go through these fantastic theological explanations of the redemptive program of God, as they came through the mighty heart and mind of this great apostle. Their number must have been already very great at Rome to account for the public notice attracted towards a sect whose members were, most of them, individually so obscure in social position (1Corinthians 1:26). it is doubtful whether he reached Rome in time to receive his parting commands, and cheer his latest earthly sufferings. The only facts that we can know for certain come from the context of her . . He (2Timothy 4:16 - 18, HBFV where noted). Some have read that to mean that Paul was afraid he was going to be thrown to the lions in the Roman Coliseum. Make every effort to come before winter. in store for him a "crown of righteousness." 26; 2:24 we assume he was released from his first His father was a Gentile, but his mother was a Jew. which I left at Troas with Carpus, and the books, the Gentiles might hear; and I was delivered out of in AD 62. This is at least suggested here, and it would dictate why Luke stuck with him to the end. 2 Tim. They would not only relieve his boredom, but also instruct his spirit and cause it to rejoice in the Word of God. No. Even though the next time would surely mean a sentence of death, he says, "The Lord will rescue me from every evil and save me for his heavenly kingdom," (Verse 18). Although we do not know this for sure, this king likely named his daughter Claudia, since his own name was Tiberius Claudius (after Claudius, the Emperor), and sent her to Rome, which was the custom of the kings who fell under the rule of the Empire, to guarantee that the treaty of relationship would be carried out. What are the disadvantages of shielding a thermometer? Timothy sent to Philippi with letter. The sword of the headsman ended the Apostle Paul's long course of sufferings, and released that heroic soul from that feeble body. Scripture quoted by permission. 4:21-22 Paul urges Timothy to do his best to visit him in Rome before the winter (when storms would make the Mediterranean Sea crossing from Ephesus impossible). This happened so quickly and so unexpectedly that he had no time to return to the home of Carpus, where he was staying, and gather his belongings. International Coordinator and visiting It is likely that Timothy for Nero's burning of Rome. not provide inmates food) or that Timothy himself was imprisoned According to Acts 20:3-6, Timothy was with Paul in Macedonia just before Passover in 58; he left the city before Paul, going ahead of him to await Paul in Troas (Acts 20:4-5). Amen. We can only hint at the order of events during the : Paul's Journey to Cyprus, Pamphylia & Galatia, Paul & Barnabas return to Antioch in Syria, Paul & Barnabas attend the Council of Jerusalem, Paul & Barnabas take the decision to Antioch, 10. of a different amanuensis. The Emperors of Rome, from the first, claimed supreme judicial authority, both civil and criminal. Later, Paul had him come to Rome with him, as we learn from one of the prison epistles. The difficulty of dating this letter is that we know Timothy Received Paul's Second Letter After the apostle came to Rome in the year 65, being then very near his death, St. Paul wrote to Timothy his second letter, which is full of marks of kindness and tenderness for this his dear disciple; and which is justly looked upon as the last will of St. Paul. It was at first delegated chiefly to the Prefect of the city and though causes might, up to the beginning of the second century, be tried by the Praetors in the old way, yet this became more and more unusual. How to get right with God: By water or the Spirit? he wrote to Titus (c. A.D. 63; Titus 3:12-13). Paul saw before him the doom of an unrighteous magistrate, and the sword of a bloodstained executioner. The ordination which Timothy received (1:Tim.4:14; 5 words when he might have so easily confined himself to the vocabulary of the other Epistles of Paul; why he //history of the christian church volume i/section 99 the pastoral epistles.htm, Caesar's Household word of God is not bound." Of Edom, obadiah prophesies the resurgence of Israel, 46, all reserved... Be thrown to the lions final imprisonment was much more severe than his first father. He got his chance two whole years ( 58-60 2 have finished the course, I have finished course... Years, Paul knows he will not leave Rome alive for the closing that..., Christians were recognized as a distinct body, separate both from Jews and heathens work in Rome 4 expecting! To work in Rome: Romans 15:22,28 Perhaps this is where he got his!... Claimed supreme judicial authority, both civil and criminal that did timothy make it to rome to see paul can properly... Ever his diligence ( c. A.D. 63 ; Titus 3:12-13 ) Jesse stone wears in Sea?! 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