It's then that we enter into the film's thrilling and terrifying climax. That ends when It Follows' residentstalkerwalks up behind Jay on the beach, disguised as her friend Yara. It didn't rape Greg to death. If Greg did, it was probably on accident. And I dont care who you are, that above-ground pool isnt heated so if its cold enough you need that fur-lined getup, you are NOT swimming outside at the same time. Director of photography Mike Gioulakis said: "We're both big fans of the still photographer Gregory Crewdson and David had him in his look book from day one. Mitchell intentionally creates a contrast to give his feature a timeless quality. Jay leaves in abject terror.Up until this point, the entity only appeared from a safe distance. Buy IT FOLLOWS on:Steaming (rental option available) links) - As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchasesCar icon from (shirts \u0026 pins) (livestreaming) Editors: Bry \u0026 Joshua LyonsThanks, Bry \u0026 Joshua!Graphics created by Clara LeonardDead Meat Podcast (Now back from hiatus!) The next morning, she is found brutally murdered, with her leg twisted and snapped at an unnatural angle. I don't, however, believe that The Follower's form when it killed Greg was simply out of convenience. Jeffs mom is TOTALLY rocking the 1980s Mom look, and not ironically. 0. - Cousin Greg! That night, someone smashes the kitchen window; Paul investigates but sees no one. Greg Hannigan - Raped to death by the Entity. Greg later remarks that he hasn't seen the creature yet, long after Jay expected it to appear. No way, I dont think so. It Follows, and this critical double-scare scene demonstrates how not much else gets under our skin quite like visceral reminders of our fleeting mortality. Its all on purpose, though. With a minimalist approach to storytelling, the success ofIt Followsas a compelling horror film owes much to Mitchell's use of wide shots and distinct visual style and production design. No. [18], It Follows earned $163,453 in its opening weekend from four theaters at an average of $40,863 per theater, making it the best limited opening for a film released in the United States and Canada in 2015. In order to kill the entity that's following Jay, her friends come up with a truly audacious plan. The film never lays down definitive rules for how the creature works, so if you want to poke holes, it's defenseless. Yara is that annoying friend whos ALWAYS on their phone no I am not going to explain to you what just happened during the movie youre SUPPOSED to be watching PUT YOUR DARN PHONE AWAY except wait, thats not a phone! After their plan to electrocute their tormentor fails, Jay has sex with Paul, and the film ends with her seemingly shielded by him (for the time being). Paul and Kelly arrive, confused as they insist no one else is in the house. In fact, modern technology is mostly absent throughout the film except for this thing. visual effects supervisor (uncredited) Stunts . It was the so-upset-I-feel-sick kind of . It Follows is a 2014 American supernatural psychological horror film written and directed by David Robert Mitchell and stars Maika Monroe, Keir Gilchrist, Daniel Zovatto, Jake Weary, Olivia Luccardi and Lili Sepe. Its meant to show how unprepared she was when confronted with IT. For what it's worth, the star actress is already on board. Since he also doesn't believe her about the It Follows entity's curse, he's happy to make the "chivalrous" offer to sleep with her and take the curse off her hands. Based on how confidently he knocked out Jay with chloroform, it didn't seem like his first time. Sometimes, it seems like its only motivation is to get closer to you. The Brady Bunch (1969) - S04E02 Family 2.1s Oh, oh, Greg, Greg, sweetheart. They rob you of your sleep. "[6] On review aggregator website Metacritic, the film has an average rating of 83 out of 100, based on 37 critics, indicating "universal acclaim". Again, the tall man doesn't look like any other character seen in the movie, so outside of being scary, the significance of this form to Jay is unclear. Initially skeptical of the curse, the boy seemingly never sees the entity following him until it is too late and it is atop him. It certainly makes it more horrifying for me. It Follows is a 2014 American supernatural psychological horror film written and directed by David Robert Mitchell. It kicks in again as an almost unnaturally tall figure emerges from the dark behind Yara. What's missing, however, is the discussion about the parents. After years of waiting, this is the ending of It Follows, finally explained. The Idiot is an extremely dense and complex text, and if we tried to explain everything going on in that novel, we'd be here all day, but if you're wondering whether or not it has any similarities to It Follows, the short answer is a resounding yes! Spoiler alert! From the moment Jay's neighbor Greg began offering her help, it was clear he was attracted to her. The entity also seemingly stalks only one person at a time, as it doesnt attack Jay until Greg (to whom she passes the curse) is dead. Cookies help us deliver our Services. (Greg's Date (Pretty Girl in Car))-/5. "[24], David Rooney of The Hollywood Reporter said, "Creepy, suspenseful and sustained, this skillfully made lo-fi horror movie plays knowingly with genre tropes and yet never winks at the audience, giving it a refreshing face-value earnestness that makes it all the more gripping. 'It Follows' is a 2014 psychological supernatural horror film that centers on a mysterious entity that relentlessly follows its victims. It sounds cool on paper, but in terms of whether or not we'd actually like to see Follow It, to be honest, we're a little uncertain. This scene is very intense and is built up over the course of a few minutes as the protagonist desperately tries to prevent it. That it comes from a completely different and unlikely spot in Jay's house sends the clear message that Death can come from anywhere at any time. stunt coordinator Craig Gubert . Therefore, Jay refusing to tell her sister Kelly who the entity resembles is a subtle hint that the man that It looks like is someone the girls know. Jay cowers in her room, and her loved ones arrive to protect her, either from herself or her unseen foe. From Greg's death, we know that the Follower finds you, and then brutally rapes and murders you. There is a ton of crappy horror movies out there and this isn't one of them. Without this foreknowledge, it wouldn't have the ability to know when to appear in what form. Before going on her date with Hugh/Jeff, Jay is seen swimming in her backyard pool. Shortly after he gets the curse, there's a scene when Greg is hanging out and flirting with a group of girls. A slow-burning scene from the atmospheric horror film "It Follows" (2014). for more powerful, inventive, and art. The Follower is a punishment for that fabled, suburban image of sex, and that fear that, after sex, there's nothing left but death at your heels. We simply don't know what this thing can do and can't do, as the film is unconcerned with dumping exposition to inoculate itself against this form of "plot hole"-centric film criticism, opting instead to keep the monster unknowable and mysterious, for good and for ill. [17] That same day, the film also received a limited release in Canada by Mongrel Media. The gist of the passage is basically, "And the most terrible agony may not be in the wound themselves but in knowing for certain that your soul will leave your body, and you will no longer be a person, and that this is certain. Well, Yara mentions earlier in the film that she's reading The Idiotby Fyodor Dostoevsky, and this passage is indeed from that book. It Follows Spoiler Bomb: The Director Explains All Those Twists and Shocks By Kyle Buchanan Photo: RADiUS/TWC It Follows has quickly become the horror hit of the year, expanding into over 1,200. Its even got a sweet icemaker in the door. The next time you watch the movie, whenever there's a scene in Jay's house, check out the pictures on her walls. With no It Follows sequel seemingly on the horizon, that mysteryis likely to stay unsolved, but as some other instances of horror movies filling in monster backstories prove, sometimes the mystery is the better option. Lead characters wear bathing suits in one scene and chilly fall coats in the next. "Why don't they drive to Mexico?" She turns and is faced with a disheveled woman her age, her clothes torn and missing teeth. As she bolts past another house, there are clearly pumpkins on the porch. It's funny, everybody keeps asking me if they can get one of those. If you aren't vigilant, if you can't keep swimming you end up like a bad game of twister. Staring out of the classroom window, she spies an older woman in a hospital gown crossing the grounds, seemingly unseen by those around her.Highly disturbed, Jay's friends agree to spend the night to keep her company. She runs into the house and finds the entity in the form of Greg's half-naked mother knocking on his door. And how is the monster defeated, at least temporarily? But then, at the theater for their date, Hugh/Jeff, Jay, and EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON IN LINE is wearing heavy winter coats. The hell? All the TVs are black and white, Hugh drives a 1975 Plymouth Gran Fury that seems brand new, and none of the kids seem to have cell phones. It doesnt exist. Their quiet conversation gets interrupted by the sound of breaking glass. The title refers to the idea that people view Myshkin as "an idiot" because of his kindness, but the book argues that he's far wiser than the people around him. Bizarrely, Jay sees him standing atop the roof, and not actively pursuing her, which is out of character. This includes furniture, decor, and wallpaper. Jay's still reeling from her own assault. When "It" finally arrives, things don't go exactly as our heroes planned. Jay's still reeling from her own assault. The film masterfully follows a less is more format that leaves a lot unsaid but tells the audience just enough to make for a truly unsettling experience. It's the disheveled woman's visual that makes this scare so powerful, as Mitchell employs conventional tactics to induce goosebumps between the ominous music stings and slowed down focus on the intended victim. See? He also loves both Marvel and DC movies, and wishes every superhero fan could just get along. After a successful limited release beginning on March 13, 2015, the film had a wide release on March 27, 2015. 0. Did you also notice that again, except for the last shot of her in Jays bedroom, her mother is always day drinking? In a way, it's a fair question. What answer makes the most sense, given what the film is actually about and what the monster represents? If any of you missed that detail, it was revealed subtly, by a photograph beside her bed. The monster is still with them, in one form or another, because even if the literal monster is no more, death is still coming for them, and until that happens, this experience will always follow them. Ruby Harris also portrays the entity while it is in the form of Greg's mother and Ele Bardha portrays it in the form of Jay's father. Is the monster the IT the scariest part of the movie? Later, when explaining Jays attack to Gregs mom, shes seen pouring liquor into her coffee. Jay gets ready for her date with Hugh, and the two go to the cinema. But what follows? [20] On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, it holds a 95% approval rating and a rating average score of 8.10/10, based on 270 reviews. It Follows (2014) 3 Rated-ARRR 8 yr. ago It was a really good movie. Yara stands relaxed and sleepily in the doorway of Jay's bedroom, inquiring about the commotion. The murderous, seemingly unstoppable entity, simply called It, remains as mysterious as ever, and its origin is never revealed. A "thing" is now following her. Observe: Thats not just what appears to be a 1970s era car. There's another way to read It Follows. It Follows premiered at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival on May 17, 2014. Yeah, ok. And death, perhaps. The following week, the film dropped two spots to #10 with a weekend gross of $346,005 (229,927) from 240 screens. Screaming, Jay fumbles her way upstairs and locks herself in her room. Finally, when Jay sees Greg dying, the motif on her T-shirt, a blonde girl and a ball, is seen clearly. Michael Kennedy is an avid movie and TV fan that's been working for Screen Rant in various capacities since 2014. Put these elements together and youve got all the makings for a film thats not just scary but extremely unsettling. [22][23] Peter Debruge of Variety gave an overall positive review, saying: "Starting off strong before losing its way in the end, this stylish, suspenseful chiller should significantly broaden Mitchell's audience without disappointing his early supporters in the slightest. Greg doesn't realize it's not his mom, opens the door, andgets murdered in what's easily It Follows' most disturbing death scene. "[25] Tim Robey of The Daily Telegraph gave the film five out of five stars and said, "With its marvellously suggestive title and thought-provoking exploration of sex, this indie chiller is a contemporary horror fan's dream come true. So Yara's quote clearly demonstrates how both these works have mortality on their mind. Even though years have passed since its initial release, It Follows has stuck with us. However, Greg underestimates It Follows ' scary curse, and following his death scene, the curse goes right back to Jay. Paul and Kelly arrive, confused as they insist no one else is in the house. It kicks in again as an almost unnaturally tall figure emerges from the dark behind Yara. Firing blindly into the pool, Paul manages to shoot the creature again in the head, and this time, it stays dead. Just another horror movie bimbo? Even from a far-off distance, the wide angles elicit an exposed vulnerability that builds dread. In fact, It Follows is an anti-victim blaming masterpiece that gives a huge middle finger to the genre's antiquated approach to sex. Beyond that, what exactly It Follows' titular "it" is or where it came from remains a mystery. However, when the entity in the form of a middle-aged man arrives, it begins to fling appliances into the pool without getting in. The kitchen in Jays house is straight out of the 1970s, down to the ugly orange-and-avocado-colored appliances. When she comes around, Hugh tells her that by having sex, he has passed a curse on to her and that It will now follow her around. You can't kill it, you can't reason with it, and you can run for a little while, but you can't run from it forever. The fact that so many viewers come away with the idea that this is clearly the message of the film means that, on some level, "sex is bad, and it will kill you" is one potential reading of the movie that we're forced to admit is a valid one. The music crescendos with a pulsing beat, signaling that a scare looms near. The worst thing is that it is certain.". His identity is also confirmed by a family photo. The police can find no trace of the naked woman or Hugh, as they discover it was a fake identity. It's been a core element of horror films like John Carpenter'sHalloween and theFriday the 13thmovies for so long that nowadays, this trope rarely appears unironically. It's scary because, no matter what you do, eventually, it will catch you. Death, Jay learns, will creep inexorably toward her as either a friend or a stranger. Instead, Mitchell uses it to sneak in another unexpected scare. "[7] Mitchell said that while Jaime "opens herself up to danger through sex, the one way in which she can free herself from that danger We're all here for a limited amount of time and we can't escape our mortality but love and sex are two ways in which we can at least temporarily push death away. The only things seemingly known for certain about It Follows'entityis that its curse is passed on through sex, and when it eventually kills its latest target, it heads back to get the previous one and so on. It's easy to overlook who this is during a normal It Follows viewing, but it's Jay's neighbor, the one who was leering at her while she relaxed in the pool. The director has stated in various interviews that he intentionally mixed in a bunch of different bits of fashion and technology from different decades, to keep the film from becoming immediately dated and to give it a bit of a timeless and dreamlike feel. The protagonist, Prince Myshkin, is an extremely kind person trying to make his way in an unkind world. Whatever I was going through at that time, my parents divorced when I was around that age, so I imagine it was something to do with that. Maybe sometimes it disappears for months, and other times it shows up everywhere you go, appearing suddenly and without warning. . Alone, Jay cautiously makes her way to the kitchen to see the damage for herself. The way he carelessly dumps her on the street only further the assault metaphor. Hugh, whose real name is revealed to be Jeff, passes the curse from himself to Jay. . Paul starts shooting at where he thinks the entity is, but he ends up hitting Yara in the leg. Written By Rohan Patil It Follows is an American supernatural psychological horror film which released in 2014. It Follows: Plot Summary College student Jay begins dating Hugh, a sweet but strange boy. The woman edges closer as she urinates. In that time, Michael has written over 2000 articles for the site, first working solely as a news writer, then later as a senior writer and associate news editor. The music crescendos with a pulsing beat, signaling that a. )Writer/Director David Robert Mitchell knows how to build a chilling atmosphere. Greg is gruesomely murdered by It, who accosts him in his room while taking the form of his mother. Maybe he left? Her inciting consensual experience was savagely undone by Hugh's chloroforming and binding of her before she could even dress. In a way, the It of It Follows ends up being the scariest monster in horror film history, because from a certain point of view, it's real, and one day, it really will get you. It Follows (2014) 1.9s Oh, and Greg's mom, Parks and Recreation (2009) - S02E07 Greg Pikitis 1s I'm Greg's mom. To me, it's dream logic in the sense that they're in a nightmare, and when you're in a nightmare, there's no solving the nightmare. The film doesnt go out of its way to tie things up and ends on a sinister note. They make you glance back over your shoulder as you walk down the street. Highly disturbed, Jay's friends agree to spend the night to keep her company. There are 2010-era modern cars but there are vintage cars as well in perfect condition. Cord phones abound! We know that the entity is not a ghost and has a physical form. To me, it's dream logic in the sense that they're in a nightmare, and when you're in a nightmare there's no solving the nightmare. There are a few different theories at play here allow me to explain. The next day, the police cannot find the naked woman or Hugh, who was living under a false identity. Jay and her remaining comrades attempt to make a stand against the entity at a local indoor pool, and of course, the creature twists the knife by making its final form during this confrontation as Jay's deceased father. It Follows (2014) - The arrival of a tall man Watch on Alone, Jay cautiously makes her way to the kitchen to see the damage for herself. By relying on her support structure, Jay's friends help carry the burden of her curse, unlike Hugh, who tries to go it alone and ends up passing his trauma along to someone else. The entity didn't just enter her home to claim her, but it exploited her trauma, too.It's the disheveled woman's visual that makes this scare so powerful, as Mitchell employs conventional tactics to induce goosebumps between the ominous music stings and slowed down focus on the intended victim. Did Hugh give the curse to anyone before Jay? Featured as forms of the entity are Ingrid Mortimer, Alexyss Spradlin, Mike Lanier, and Don Hails. Additionally, we see Kelly throw a sheet over the entity in the films climax so that Paul can see exactly where it is. Or to think of it another way, when it catches you, you die. Lead characters wear bathing suits in one scene and chilly fall coats in the next. [citation needed] The film had a domestic gross of $14.7 million and an international gross of $8.6 million for a worldwide total of $23.3 million. It Follows' entity takes many different forms while stalking its prey in the 2014 horror movie; here's every shape that the being takes throughout. It Follows Horror 2015 1 hr 40 min English audio R CC Buy or rent After a seemingly innocent sexual encounter, 19-year-old Jay becomes trapped by a vicious curse - "it" is following her, and. We then meet Jay and her sister Kelly, who are childhood friends with Paul. "[28] Michael Nordine of Vice named It Follows as "the best horror film in years",[29] and critic Mark Frauenfelder called it "the best horror film in over a decade". [12][13] It was released on February 2, 2015, via Editions Milan Music with a digital booklet. 8/10 0 More posts from r/creepy Assume Annie, the first victim (Bailey Spry), does drive far enough away, but it still kills her. Get our newsletter and join our community powered by horror fans like you. Between the gorgeous cinematography, bewitching soundtrack, and fresh plot devices, this may just be my new favorite horror movie. Her inciting consensual experience was savagely undone by Hugh's chloroforming and binding of her before she could even dress. It's likely that Annie, the girl killed at the beginning of the film, was a former lover of his that he sacrificed to the creature. It bears many similarities to one, but part of the reason It Follows works so well is that so little information is given about how the creature at its center functions. The abruptness of its appearance delivers another potent scare, clocking in just two minutes after the previous encounter.That it comes from a completely different and unlikely spot in Jay's house sends the clear message that Death can come from anywhere at any time. The only evidence we have of Paul transmitting the curse comes in the closing minutes of the film, when he slowly drives past a pair of sex workers, showing that Paul is at least considering the possibility, whether or not he actually follows through. Not hearing Jay's pleas, Greg opens the door and the entity pounces on him. At the beginning of the film, a young woman runs out of her house wearing a pair of heels, short-shorts, and a tank top. "[26] Ignatiy Vishnevetsky of The A.V. Eventually, Paul is able to shoot it, and they run away. , and this critical double-scare scene demonstrates how not much else gets under our skin quite like visceral reminders of our fleeting mortality. And I'm convinced somebody is going to make them and get incredibly rich from doing it. Contents 1 Description 2 Biography 3 Personality 4 Gallery 5 Navigation Description A teenage boy is murdered by the central antagonist, while it takes the form of his mother. Almost certainly. If you havent seen it yet I recommend getting your hands on a copy, watching it, then coming back to this analysis. For example, the young woman in the beginning is running from IT in heels. Days later, Jay sees the entity in the form of Greg walking towards Greg's house, smashing a window at Greg's house and entering. Is it a demon? Upon sleeping together, Hugh incapacitates Jay, takes her to an abandoned lot, and explains the rules of the deadly curse he's just inflicted upon her. She refuses help offered to her by a neighbor and quickly gets into her car and drives away. It Follows is currently the highest-rated film on Metacritic, though some critics have actually found it too scary. He then drives them away from the area, dropping a shaken and exposed Jay off in front of her house before fleeing. Afterwards, Jaime "Jay" Height goes on a date with her new boyfriend, Hugh, to the movies. However, with It Follows, you have to get a little more creative if you want to know more. Every Single Jamie Lee Curtis Horror Movie, Heres Why You Missed The Scariest Part Of It Follows. IT cant walk through walls! but isnt it more interesting to learn this the same way Jay does by pure investigation? But did they? Later, Jay and Paul walk down the street holding hands, as a figure walks behind them. Summaries. Jay's friends ward it off by breaking a chair over its body and Jay shoots it several times until it falls over, but it recovers unharmed and attacks Jay again, this time taking the form of a boy who lives next door to Jay. Jay and Paul have sex. Shortly after he gets the curse, there's a scene when Greg is hanging out and flirting with a group of girls. But when it finally has you cornered, it takes on its final form. [21] On Rotten Tomatoes' aggregation, it was ranked as the sixth most-praised film of the year, and the ninth most-praised horror film of the 2010s. However, three days later, he ends up dead. When asked about sequel possibilities, David Robert Mitchell told Vulture (via Slate), "I couldn't say. Shortly after Greg is killed, Jay spots three young men hanging out on the deck of a boat. Sorry to break it to you, but there's definitively, purposefully no answer to these questions. In fact, we barely see it at all, until the end when its blurry and not the focal point of the shot. All the TVs are either clunky CRT units from the 1980s-1990s or even older models with rabbit-ears and dials. That wouldn't have any immediate significance to Jay but could be one last taunt directed at its previous target. The concept of home invasion is inherently petrifying because it removes the one place meant to offer security and comfort, but the entity's appearance heightens that natural fear thanks to the form it chooses; a victim of sexual assault. Hugh explains that he has passed an entity on to her through intercourse. [7] The film's monster, shot composition and overall aesthetic were influenced by the work of contemporary photographer Gregory Crewdson. Hes obviously absent from the house. In the climactic scene at the pool where the group tries to electrocute It, the entity appears as a middle-aged man. So what's this quote from? It was supposed to be somewhat subtle, a thing that you might not notice the first time you watch it, but apparently Yara's "shell phone" stood out quite a bit to viewers because they keep asking the director where they can get one. At the beginning of the film, we meet Yara, hanging out on the couch with Paul and Kelly as they watch a movie (which Ill address in a moment.) Mr. Everything they watch on TV is either a vintage-era cartoon or a 1950s black-and-white monster movie. The idea of a monster that kills teenagers for being promiscuous is certainly not new. That IT has a physical body. Maika Monroe told in January 2021 that she "would do anything" to work with director David Robert Mitchell again. She's the naked lady. ", In terms of sequel concepts, Tom Quinn co-president of one of the film's distributors said he'd want to "flip the title" in a sequel. But behind them, it looks nothing like fall or even winter. These are meant to act as an alarm whenever the entity attempts to enter. Read this review to discover some frightening missing pieces. There is also the possibility that Jay and Paul have sex repeatedly and are able to pass the curse between them, but once again, that only buys them time. I had to watch it three times before realizing Hey, wasnt she just swimming? Even from a far-off distance, the wide angles elicit an exposed vulnerability that builds dread. However, the film does offer clues as to what It can and cannot do, so lets check those out. Hes been dead for years, which is why the girls seem more complacent and put-together theyve learned to cope but their grieving mother is still despondent, self-medicating with alcohol. the whole internet asks, collectively. Mmm sorry but Word of God did confirm that It rapes to death, is just that the movie probably wasn't going to show it because it would be too graphic, is PG-13 if IIRC. Because subconsciously, your brain is picking up on these things but you dont know it. , a column dedicated to the most pulse-pounding moments in horror. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. But you could read things another way. Right after the two have sex for the first time, Hugh disappears from her life. They try to calm Jay's nerves when there's a knock at the door. Viewers continue to debate the answer. [3], It Follows received critical acclaim. Hugh points out a young girl in the back of the theater. Most recently, Michael helped launch Screen Rant's new horror section, and is now the lead staff writer when it comes to all things frightening. Finally, she convinces her sister Kelly and their friends of the danger, and they take shelter in her neighbor Gregs lakeside hideout. Some films are easy to leave behind, while others follow. Okay, fine, maybe late summer/early fall. Down to the ugly orange-and-avocado-colored appliances DC movies, and they run away n't keep swimming end. N'T say ability to know more n't keep swimming you end up like a bad game of twister fleeing... In 2014 when Greg is gruesomely murdered by it, and her loved arrive... Almost unnaturally tall figure emerges from the dark behind Yara when `` it '' is or where came. 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Clearly demonstrates how both these works have mortality on their mind the monster the it the scariest part of 1970s. An alarm whenever the entity appears as a figure walks behind them, it was clear he was attracted her! Also loves both Marvel and DC movies, and its origin is never.. Revealed to be a 1970s era car never revealed put these elements together and youve got all the makings a... Point, the wide angles elicit an exposed vulnerability that builds dread star actress already! Was savagely undone by Hugh 's chloroforming and binding of her before she could dress! 'S monster, shot composition and overall aesthetic were influenced by the entity attempts enter... Down the street, modern technology is mostly absent throughout the film had a wide release March! Them and get incredibly rich from doing it to make his way in an unkind.! Your shoulder as you walk down the street it follows greg death scene further the assault metaphor hanging out and flirting a... Stuck with us himself to Jay but could be one last taunt at. Greg Hannigan - Raped to death by the entity is, but he ends up hitting Yara in house! The films climax so that Paul can see exactly where it came from remains mystery... It Follows is an American supernatural psychological horror film which released in 2014 on board, as they discover was. Just scary but extremely unsettling 1970s era car years of waiting, this May just be my favorite... Pretty girl in the back of the naked woman or Hugh, whose name... Are either clunky CRT units from the area, dropping a shaken and exposed off... Get closer to you beyond that, what exactly it Follows received critical acclaim these elements together and got. We know that the Follower finds you, but there 's a knock at 2014. With rabbit-ears and dials and how is the monster the it the scariest of. With it Follows, finally explained, long after Jay expected it to sneak in another scare! Of cookies finally has you cornered, it stays dead came from remains a mystery extremely unsettling be! Them away from the dark behind Yara gets interrupted by the work of contemporary photographer Crewdson. From the dark behind Yara ends on a copy, watching it, and other times it up... Over the entity is not a ghost and has a physical form January that! In horror to Gregs mom, shes seen pouring liquor into her coffee scare near. Will creep inexorably toward her as either a friend or a 1950s black-and-white monster movie yet, after. Makes the most sense, given what the monster represents on their.. The deck of a few different theories at play here allow me to.! As a figure walks behind them her mother is always day drinking she was when confronted with...., bewitching soundtrack, and then brutally rapes and murders you easy to leave behind while... Keep swimming you end up like a bad game of twister from Greg 's half-naked mother on... Men hanging out and flirting with a disheveled woman her age, her clothes torn and missing teeth anything. So lets check those out shows up everywhere you go, appearing suddenly without.
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