Being Muslim and professing the prophecy of Muhammad is not enough for salvation in the absence of believing in Shia Imams (Khoshkjan Citation2016, p. 3). Role of Mother: Traditionally, Hmong mothers nurture and take care of the children. In above citation, we see a passive approach to facing ones illness and totally relying on God. I begged Him not to let me die in pain. In so doing, the following steps were undertaken. After the coding process was complete, we established the fundamental characteristics of the methods the informants employed to cope with their cancer disease. It is uncommon for people to overtly express themselves or publicly identify with unconventional subcultures or hobbies. It is commonly accepted that health care providers must strive to deliver care in a "culturally competent" manner; that is, they must be aware of the importance of the values, beliefs, traditions, parenting styles, and other aspects of a person's culture when serving and interacting with a patient, and they must develop the competencies necessary to address these cultural differences in . The researcher visited or phoned potential patients, survivors, and those who were kept in hospice to invite them to voluntarily participate in the project, and to make an appointment for an interview at the Behnam Daheshpour Charity Organization. To request a reprint or commercial or derivative permissions for this article, please click on the relevant link below. The holy places may also function as reminders of God; Islamic/Quranic teachings argue that remembrance of Allah leads to peace and satisfaction: Those who believe and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of Allh. So I prepared a notebook and started to write about whatever was going to happen. In the current article, we present the results from our study in Iran, which looks at religious coping methods from a cultural perspective. Results and Discussion on religious coping methods (RCOPE),,, 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4679(200004)56:4<519::AID-JCLP6>3.0.CO;2-1,, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health. This work was supported by Hgskolan i Gvle: [Grant Number 7350]. This being said, many families see the education and development of their daughters as equally important. Individuals then keep any information surrounding troubles within the family circle away from public knowledge. The study highlights the importance of investigating cultural and social context when exploring the use of the meaning-making coping strategies in different countries. perceived barriers to health. to work, get an education, marry, divorce, bear children or not) varies significantly depending on the attitude of her husband or closest male relative. Look! Culture impacts the way a person views life, values, social norms, and other aspects that constitute daily life, including health and diseases. The interviews occurred in a private room at the Behnam Daheshpour Charity Organization; there were no interruptions. 1.1 Taking responsibility People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals take responsibility for ensuring that person-centred care is not compromised by personal values or beliefs. The concept of savab is based on a rational calculation of means and aims an attempt to find the best solution to a serious problem. Reducing health . Iran recognises Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian religious minorities, among others. The present article is confined to the results obtained in our study in Iran and restricted to religious coping methods. The person may also believe that he/she must cope alone because God has abandoned him/her, or finally. Putting others before ones self is considered the most dignified behaviour (see Taarof in Etiquette for a further explanation). In Iranian families, children are raised to be disciplined and to respect their elders. 7. For those who find themselves in a life crisis, such as a serious illness like cancer, ziyarat is a safe shortcut to reaching God and obtaining His blessing and help. Instead, people are expected to self-deprecate their success. Because Iran is largely a desert, however, the ideal open space is a culturally constructed spacea garden. Ziyarat is, however, not merely a way of reaching God to ask for help. Relevance to clinical practice These are sometimes called 'cultural value preferences'. I did Nazr without understanding why. If a father or brother knows of a girls boyfriend, they may pretend that they are oblivious to that knowledge. Im not in charge, but only God. Results of data analysis show the importance of using protective expressions when complimenting in Persian and Arabic. They are expected to be clean, well-behaved, and good students. However, in 1979, the Islamic Revolution overthrew the secular monarchy and the Islamic Republic was subsequently established. Figure 1. Such an unwillingness to turn to clergies in the time of difficulty is also found in our Turkish study. As the present findings show, the RCOPE methods appear to be of great importance to the Iranian interviewees. TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) - According to, food culture is the practices, attitudes, and beliefs surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food. The informants had various types of cancer; their stage of cancer varied from the earliest to palliative care and survivors. 6. Thus, the belief system, ways of thinking and lifestyle of an individual are chiefly culturally constructed. Underground, people behave the way they truly believe, often relaxing their moral codes of behaviour. I never go to Mosques but too other holy places since they are sources of comfort for me. An orienting system is formed by the culture and affects the individuals life. Cultural factors that can influence family planning discussions and decisions include gender role inequality, deference to family or physician authority, religious influences, belief that. Someone who is a theologian is presumed to have the moral high ground and power in decision-making, gaining them a lot of respect. Inscriptions from the Achaemenid Persian Empire (c. 550-330 BCE) reference the kings' religious beliefs - which may have been the early polytheistic faith or the later Zoroastrian monotheism - and religion continued to play a central role in the later Parthian Empire (247 BCE-224 CE) and, to a much greater degree, in the Sassanian Empire (224-651 CE) which made Zoroastrianism the state . Speaking up or publishing material that questions the current system can also be interpreted as anti-Islamic. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were employed to identify the meaning-making coping methods used by cancer patients in Iran. These values define what is meaningful to your familythe beliefs and ideas that bind your family together. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. According to Bhardwaj (Citation1998), ziyarat expresses a certain regional Islamic culture, especially among non-Arab populations. Many Asian people, by comparison, have a strong belief that uncertainty is inherent in life and each day is taken as it comes. Family Solidarity - Intergenerational solidarity refers to the degree of closeness and support between different generations. T raditionally Iranian culture has been patriarchal with the father or the husband at the head of the family and household. Traditions, cultural values, attitudes and behaviors help in children's rearing in the society and relays the family structure from generation to generation [ 7 ]. In the first pattern, the informants redefined the situation by regarding it as Gods test. Perhaps the biggest implication the system of governance has had on Iranian culture relates to the way Iranians conduct themselves in public and private. The study reveals that, as Shia Muslims, the informants while relying on the power of the God believe in their own efforts to receive Gods mercy, often by making a pilgrimage, ziyarat. The term "family values" has become a popular phrase in recent years. Self-directing religious coping: A deistic god, abandoning god, or no god at all? (p. 12). We learn from our parents, but also from our surroundings, or maybe we ourselves choose such beliefs consciously. Patient-centered care implies involving family members and incorporating care tailored to the patient's culture. They verified the process of coding and categorisation. The study offers nurses empirical data to help shape conversations about end-of-life care, and thus to enhance their commitment to help people 'die well'. Being a collectivist society, people in Iran show very strong loyalty to their family. Demonic Reappraisal - which refers to redefining the stressor as an act of the Devil/an evil power is another coping method we found in the present study. Careful consideration was made during this phase. Islamic clergy can be regarded as vicar, master or guardian. It is a Muslim man, or woman, educated in Islamic theology and sacred law. According to research published in the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour by Erin Cornwell of Cornell University and Linda Waite of the University of Chicago, social relationships are particularly important for those coping with mental illness; social withdrawal aggravates loneliness, stress, and feelings of low self-worth. The government does not approve of casual dating or premarital sex and enforces the separation of the genders. According to Nation Master, females made up over 60% of the overall Iranian student body in 2012. Iranian Culture 12 Traditions and Customs Only Iranians Will Understand Posted on 28 July 2019 As in any other country, Iran is ripe with quirks and eccentricities. Cultural, spiritual and religious beliefs and practices can impact on: health behaviours health outcomes use of and access to healthcare services beliefs, rites and rituals around. The eye is a pragmatic element in both cultures. Here the concept of savab (reward) comes into the picture. Among Muslims, the idea of testing (Ekhtebar) is rather robust. Rice and fresh unleavened or semi leavened whole-grain bread are staple starches. Dec 15, 2012. At the same time Iranians will try to bring the outdoors inside whenever possible. In a professional context where both males and females may be employed, people are cautious to maintain a physical distance from the other gender. Nevertheless, many parents suggest partners to their children, who then may or may not agree with their recommendation. Permission is granted subject to the terms of the License under which the work was published. In relation to the premium placed on education, there is also a common openness to innovation. In this pattern, praying to and conversing with saints and imams are in focus; one interesting finding was that no one reported having turned to Clergies in this respect. Iranian nurses revealed a unique and culture-based set of ethical values. One interviewee, a 53-year-old woman, explained: I thought maybe I had committed sins and that this was Gods way of punishing me. The study reveals, among others, the impact of cultural beliefs on certain religious coping methods, even among those who are not regarded as practicing Muslims. Education is greatly valued in Iranian culture and so people often seek to have at least a basic understanding of a broad range of topics. In this regard, a 60-year-old woman explained: I feel extreme closeness to God. Significant class differences were exacerbated through periods of recent economic hardship and instability. I always went to pilgrims when I was under chemotherapy. However, Iranians generally do not try to talk themselves up to defend their honour. Stigma surrounding psychological disorders in Iran often leads to isolation, as fear of judgment and ridicule creates barriers to pursuing treatment. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. All these things calm me down and give me strength. Many people study for a higher education or post-graduate degree as strong respect is shown to those who have proof of expertise. Im not dependent on anything or anybody. So I accepted it and was happy with it. First, we will explain our view of the relation between culture, religion and coping. One can notice it in the institutions dedicated to technology and medical sciences, but also in the general populations remarkable mobilisation of multiple social networks. Stigma surrounding psychological disorders in Iran often leads to isolation, as fear of judgment and ridicule creates barriers to pursuing treatment. One of the most interesting finding from the present study is that although several interviewees reported relying on God, their coping methods cannot be defined as passive. They are also sometimes taught early that the protection of family honour also resides with them. They help teach kids the difference between right and wrong. The term existential coping is employed because these methods involve individuals efforts to discover an inwardly source in nature, themselves or others that can assist them in coping with their problems. Visiting pilgrims is for me like praying. The several religious coping methods found in the present study are categorised on the basis of RCOPEs five basic religious functions. It is common for Iranians to refer to themselves as Persian, which carries the association and prestige of the historical empire.1 The Iranian culture and people have a history of being one of the most progressive in the Middle East. For example, the Quran says: We try you by means of danger, and hunger, and loss of worldly goods, of lives and of [labors] fruits, but give glad tidings unto those who are patient in adversity.Footnote1 Therefore, according to the religious teachings, the negative events have a purpose and people are required to be patient to achieve spiritual growth. The interesting point is that some interviewees, who do not identify themselves as religious, have also told us they have used these practices. Today, Iran is home to a population of around 83,024,745 individuals. As it seems, believing that imams have outwardly powers, that visiting imams tombs ziyarat means nearing the source of the divine, and that through ziyarat they gain rewards savab has brought about the kind of psychological confidence and security that our informants needed while facing a serious life crisis. As Khoshkjan (Citation2016) suggested, belief in the intercession of Imams is one of the most important principles for Shia Muslims. They are always in my heart and I do not forget them for a single moment, each second they are present in my mind and heart. In this respect, two interviewees understood their collaboration with God as follows: I dont believe in predestination. The interviews varied in length, from around one hour to one and half hours. In an effort to study from a sociological perspective more closely the role of culture in cancer patients meaning-making coping methods, an international project has been conducted in 10 countries (Sweden, South Korea, China, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Portugal, Brazil, Turkey and Iran). As Corbin (Citation1964/Citation1993, p. 4) mentions, in Islam there is no clergy which possesses the means of grace. Islam has neither a dogmatic magisterium, nor a council which has the task of defining dogma. Jul 2018. It is worth noting that the expectations regarding what is honourable and shameful can vary significantly between different people, family backgrounds and social attitudes. It is a kind of charity, helping people in need. Family values are important to the structure and well-being of the family. Cultural family values normalizing child marriage. The primary beverage is black tea. Therefore, if Iranians go out with their girlfriend or boyfriend in public, they run the risk of being berated, reported on or even detained. In order to provide sensitive and culturally appropriate care, nurses should be aware of the general impact of cultural norms and values on the process of maternal role attainment and strive to meet the cultural needs of all mothers. The researchers have a continued commitment to the research areas. Across its history, Iran has continuously pursued modernisation whilst looking to maintain its spiritual integrity. It is also a possible way to make ones bargaining with God more successful. The first, and perhaps most crucial, elements of culture we will discuss are its values and beliefs. Such habitual practices are not straightforwardly religious, but emerge from a powerful amalgamation of religious superstitions and ancient cultural beliefs. This ensures that the households name is not implicated with trouble and their honour is protected. While this is statistically unlikely to happen, it is a consideration that affects behaviour. And this is the way he wants to remind me. According to Cuesta and Yousefian (Citation2015): Although compliments might be seen as face-flattering acts, in Islamic societies it is believed that they could attract the evil ey. Awareness can translate to an enhanced understanding of the complexity of mental-health problems in a culture that holds rigid attitudes about mental health and illness. The health care beliefs and values of Mexican-Americans. Nonetheless, there are some mainstays of Iranian society, such as the importance of family, the proud adherence to local culture and traditions, and the tendencies toward post-modern ways of life and ways of thinking that influence the choice of coping strategies. One 60-year-old woman explained this: I am very close to God and talk to Him a lot. Many people use humour to criticise their leaders through doublespeak, and share their theories of scandal and corruption with strangers. Besides these seven items, Iranian people paint eggs and put them on Haft Sin table. 5. Illness may be considered a product of Gods will, and thus accepted or as in the story of Job viewed as educational theodicy (Dein & Stygall, Citation1997). The Middle East consists of . It seems that the value of food for Iranians is more than providing energy and relieving hunger. A health belief system has four key components: perceived susceptibility. Iran is the 17th largest country in the world. In accomplishing this, we started from the project aim, using previous results from the project as a whole. The individual derives a social network and assistance in times of need from the family. interviewed women who visited the health care centers in Ahvaz, Iran, in an effort to understand the determinants of early marriage . Role of Father: In traditional families, the father is the head of the household. Culture influences, accordingly, the complex whole of social life: its institutions, laws, knowledge, customs, morals and lifestyles (Ahmadi, Citation2006). For more information please visit our Permissions help page. Conceptualisations of cheshm eye (in Persian), Psychological effects of ziyarat on mental health and life of human, Uppsala University, Department of Sociology. As Corbin ( Citation1964/Citation1993, p. 4 ) mentions, in 1979, the ideal open space a! Same time Iranians will try to bring the outdoors inside whenever possible commitment to the Iranian interviewees behaviour. Relaxing their moral codes of behaviour present study are categorised on the relevant link.... Early marriage Francis Online account you can gain access to the way they truly believe, often their! % of the genders extreme closeness to God we ourselves choose such beliefs consciously presumed to have moral. 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