Because of this, they can be very selective on what they spend their time on. I love my friends but sometimes I just need a little time to recharge. That doesnt mean he wants to break up necessarily but in essence, hes trying to teach his partner how to treat him. My love reading gave me the guidance I was looking for (and needed) during a painful and confusing time. If an Aquarius woman becomes distant, then it is a sure sign that she is considering removing herself from the relationship that the two of you maintain. . Because they place a high value on their freedom, an Aquarius man may also pull away when he feels like his independence is being threatened. There's a good. Check out my series Aquarius Man Secrets. Some of these are easier to look past than others. All he really cares about is finding someone he can call his best friend and his other half. Or he did something that he knows you would have liked to do. How do You Get an Aquarius Man to Open Up? The Aquarian guy goes where the fun, excitement, and adventure are. Most men tend to conceal some parts of themselves to fit into societys expectations. Miscommunication That Leads To Boredom. I really don't think you Aquarian men . So give him a chance to feel like he has the space to move around without any restrictions. Some flaws are easily resolved with time and space. No matter what his reasons are, the fact of the matter is he walked away. If hes making excuses to delay his departure, it means that subconsciously, his heart wants you around. Sometimes, space is what he needed, not a breakup. They value their freedom above all else. The good, valuable woman will attract an Aquarius, not the needy and clingy woman who begs for love and everything. He knows that his problems with commitment can be a headache (especially if hes around one moment and gone the next, but having someone like you make him feel less weird about it makes you special. What you usually do when you feel the environment surround you make you feel uncomfortable? Much like any other human being, Aquarius men crave connection. You can test him by leaving him a voice message or sending him a text message, even if its just making light conversation. Find out to see whether he actually likes you by taking this quick free quiz. The goat leaves so as not to come back, like a good self-defense mechanism, because if it is, it is for something. Based on his zodiac sign, Aquarius men dont take too kindly to the past. He cant get enough of you because he realizes that theres no one even remotely like you. And coming back to you once is one thing, but when a guy keeps coming back after breaking up with you again and again, it can be even more confusing to deal with. He could have been on his way back during all of that time, but then something else happened to distract him. The way to know if your Sagittarius man will come back is how he responds to you when he goes quiet, breaks up, or gets upset. There are a few reasons why he may clam up or pull back when hes in a relationship. When an Aquarius man suddenly goes hot and cold with you, its highly likely that hes overwhelmed with the intensity of his feelings and simply not ready to let themselves be emotionally exposed. Even if you think you have the proverbial spark and strong chemistry, you need to be honest with yourself if this relationship is right for you. Its like a clashing of energies that I need to recover from. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The more you'll hold on to what you two used to have, the more he'll try to distance himself from you, not to mention how much he hates drama, arguments and being stabbed in his back. Why do they do this? They use woman and get money from them and have many woman on the side and they don't care how you feel about anything. Go about your business and do your own thing. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. The specific problems your relationship had will determine whether or not an Aquarius man is willing to rekindle that relationship. Unless something big changes, that is always going to be a flaw in your relationship. Whatever the case may be, hes not giving up. Capricorn needs that extra time to heal from the broken relationship and they also need to reflect on their choices, their ex's choices and, ultimately, the circumstances surrounding the eventual breakup. Another sign of a guy who is fighting in the game of love is when he starts making you chase him. But when he begins to talk about the good old days, hes just trying to let you know that his future was never about leaving you. Make him jealous. Hell want to show you that he can be better. You could say this about a few zodiac signs, but Capricorn knows better than anyone that relationships arent a walk in the park. RELATED:How To Keep A Virgo Madly In Love With You, Per Astrology. Incompatibility happens. Sometimes, its because there was a specific flaw in the relationship that ended it, and that flaw gets resolved. Based on my own personal experience with them, I know theyre kind and genuinely helpful. Currently in this period. He will start dropping subtle hints into conversations, which are almost impossible to pick up on unless youre looking for them. He also comes back because you make him feel good about himself. You make him feel like he can talk to you about anything and that makes him feel special. With such a strong imagination, you can count on your Pisces partner to come up with the most fantastical ways of showing you that you're #1. Welcome to my blog about the Aries man. Hell invite you over for dinner, take time away from his favorite band or movie to spend time with you, and show true signs of what hes actually feeling. Staying friends after a relationship ends sometimes results in an Aquarius man rekindling that relationship. How Do You Mentally Stimulate an Aquarius Man? He might be calling you, texting you, and even asking your friends how youre doing. Making a person jealous may sound like a bit of a game to play, but it can be such a good way to get a Sagittarius man back. Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (dont worry, its anonymous). If you found some friends that accept that then you're in a better position than most! Hell then focus less on trying to prove any point to you and more on enjoying the partnership. What is the last thing you would tell an Aquarius man as soon as he returned your feelings? So, knowing that communication problem may lead into a big problem to a relationship then communication way need to be fixed so to prevent such things to be happened. Learn to somewhat detach so that you dont react, cry, yell, or become visibly shaken. It can be both from internal and external factors. Sagittarius men like to disappear, and it's because they value their freedom and alone time. He has his freedom. Aquarius resembles a royal blue mermaid. Not only can a gifted advisor tell you whether or not hes coming back, but they can also reveal all your love possibilities. Often these men like to do what they like, when they like. Above all else, Aquarius men want to have fun. When he does come back, things wont remain the same. It's not because he doesn't love you or value the . So be yourself around him, and then dont overthink it. Aquarius men also tend to withdraw when they feel like theyre losing themselves in the relationship. Aquarius doesnt have a long punch list of things that he looks for in a partner. He might break up with you only to realize thats not actually what he wanted after hes had some time to think. Being well rounded will help you succeed in making sure you understand him better. Aquarius men dream big. When he chooses friends, he does so carefully to make sure that no matter what, they stay loyal to him. 1) He will try to find out if you are independent. No, he doesnt actually need an ego boost, but he does appreciate someone noticing that he works hard at his job and is putting in effort in his relationships and friendships. Aquarius men are highly ambitious. Hes smitten! When he chooses a partner, he tends to keep things casual until he knows for sure how he feels. You will never see him putting time and effort (and money) into something he knows isnt going to last. Being honest and vulnerable takes time, but he likes knowing that the time doesnt matter, just the experience. I hope you find what you're looking for. He wants to keep you in his life for as long as possible, and being in a romantic relationship might mess things up. Does anyone else randomly take a couple weeks off of your social life? So what if this is just a phase that he's going through, and once it's over, you'll be back together for good, rock solid, like you'd hope you'd be? They have already made a choice to remove themselves from your life. If you reach out to him, and he doesnt answer you, hes probably dead, kidnapped, or simply doesnt care about your feelings. Their focus is always on achieving something, even if it means sacrificing their own happiness. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think. Pisces loves to romance and BE romanced. If it doesn't, you may be stuck wondering what makes one breakup real and anothernot so final, and how to know which kind you just went through. They want you to believe that when you ghost them, they won't give a shit because they're too busy floating around high on psychedelics at some. If you did something to betray him, he is unlikely to want to come back to you. I bet you have a question about an Aquarius. I am still active and engaged and do things I like to do but just alone. They always remained optimistic and hopeful, but they also kept their emotions hidden. If you are able to know on how to tell if an Aquarius man has a crush on you then you should be able to tell the reason why an aquarius man disappears. Unless the man is firmly established in a committed relationship with someone, he will often need his space. So if youre ready to become one again, here are some tips for making it happen: If you wait around for him to get in touch with you, hell most likely just become more and more distant. Based on his personality, your Aquarius man is going to have a hard time communicating with you in words. Pisces also happens to be one of the most supportive signs of the zodiac. Unfortunately, this is how they think and how they operate. Youll be pulled in two different directions and youll begin to get confused about where you stand with him. At the end of the day, you did everything you could to get him back. See additional information. So, the easiest way will be just disappear without any notice. When an Aquarius man feels like hes losing his individuality, hell likely pull back and retreat. I couldnt sleep last night and was really hoping youd call, or Do you remember what we did that time? Why would a seemingly perfect boyfriend, or any guy for that matter, suddenly decide to break off the relationship and then decide to come back for more just a few months later? If an Aquarius man thought a relationship was holding him back from his dreams, hes not likely to want to return to that relationship. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh who is passionate about the environment and feminism and knows that anything is possible in the right pair of shoes. Your Aquarius ex-boyfriend might just need space in the relationship if he breaks up with you. But if you ask he will on his own. Capricorn has a very wizarding sixth sense. He wants to know who youre hanging out with, whos calling you, texting you, and pretty much anyone that is coming into contact with you. 1) He has a hard time saying goodbye The truth is: No matter how strong-willed an Aquarius man is, he will have a hard time saying goodbye to you. They prefer sorting out their problems on their own. He wants to improve. The best advice I can give to you is to relax and be yourself. Or Aquarians will simply abandon the job. Because no matter how much you tell him to stay out of your life, his heart wants you around. The past is already gone and the future hasnt yet been dictated so enjoy what time you have today at this moment. This simple secret about Aquarius men puts you first in his mind and makes him fall deeply in love with you. but I cant bring myself to want to be around them. If youre involved with an Aquarius or want to become involved with one, realize that he could pull a disappearing act from time to time. Another possible culprit why an Aquarius man pulls away when in love is because hes not ready for a serious commitment. Just having that validation from someone who cares goes a long way. Aquarius feels like his own man and will go through great lengths to prove it. Another reason is because you are too needy to him. Put your guard down and be open to the possibility that hes ready to make a commitment to you again. Of course, one of the most direct and quickest ways to find out why he's pulling away from you is to talk to him. Then, all of the sudden, he comes back with no explanation like it's normal to give someone a lot of attention, then disappear and miraculously reappear later on. Im sure its something like, I missed you so much! or, Oh my gosh, I thought you were going to go back to her!. . He doesnt need to be in a relationship to be happy. And if he keeps coming back to you, it definitely means something. Fortunately, understanding more about the traits and characteristics of a guy's zodiac sign can help you to figure the puzzle out. Here are 15 ways to tell if he'll come back. I want to hear about couples that still doesn't say much. It is not unusual for Aquarians to ignore their job, while keeping it, and use the time to work on their novel or new invention. Aquarius men are known for suddenly disappearing. Even when you do feel like you had closure, theres still a chance a guy could come back. My friends are out and about doing things and Im just working making $ and relaxing at home. He might not want to hurt you which is why he isnt saying anything . It might mean more than he's calling it quits. So when he shares a memory that has a positive emotional tie to it, hes really letting you know that he missed you and wanted to reconnect. Aquarius Love. You can set this number anywhere from three days up to four months, depending on how much time has passed since he left you. Youre passionate and sexy, and you have a big heart just pouring with love. The beginning of any relationship is often characterized by butterflies in the stomach and an overflowing chemical rush. I do the exact same thing! They not only want the right partner but they want that partner to be their best friend. Ending a relationship with someone you still have feelings for is difficult. These tiny dips in the deep end are like practice to him. If his ex was too clingy or overly reliant on him, he is unlikely to go back to her after a breakup. Theres a good chance that you two were friends long before you started getting involved in something more romantic. They're the funniest and most melancholy partners. As one of the most cerebral signs, Aquarius men tend to get frightened with unfamiliar emotions. When he keeps coming back to you, its very likely that he still remembers the very first time you went out together, and he probably still reminisces about it. Youre left wondering what is going on and why hes this way. You cannot write them all off because of a few bad eggs. When I felt social I just follow along and listen to whatever they have to say but when I need my alone time I just ghost them and they know this I do this ALL the time and hate when they try to bring me back to my social-self but I feel so guilty about it that I try to be a good friend. When he disappears for no apparent reason, it can feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you and you're left in a state of real confusion and it even hurt. If he always seems to be coming back to you, its most likely because you are the closest thing to an amusement park that a person can get. What Is The Most Compatible Sign for Gemini Man? If you thought there was no way back for your two, think again. Like other zodiac signs, you and Pisces have probably known each other for a long time and are even possibly friends. His Aquarius love language is acts of service. He has a family. However, they tend to veer away from entering a serious relationship as they feel like it restricts their movements and their thinking. You just have to accept it, move forward, and focus on making a masterpiece out of your life. Unfortunately, this seems to the partner that hes cold and has possibly broken it off. Your Aquarius man isnt going to make a move until he feels that he has totally exhausted his options with you. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. That can be deeply dismantling. When an Aquarius man pulls a disappearing act, they give no hints, they just stop talking and stop being available. Youve finally allowed yourself to be vulnerable to someone, and they choose to walk away from you without so much as an explanation. Like me on Facebook to see more articles like this in your feed. Hell reflect on how you were before, which makes him want to pursue a future with you in it again. So when your guy comes back to you, with no hard feelings or bitterness, he needs to make sure that you know that hes changed as well. By being needy, this also means that you are expecting that he can complete you. Try not to overreact. So, when they want you back they begin to act very uncharacteristically. He Doesn't Feel Comfortable What you usually do when you feel the environment surround you make you feel uncomfortable? Maybe youre always confused and dont know what hes thinking. The Leo guy can be a bit complicated even though he's as open as a book when he's in love. For sure an aquarius trait. Hes just playing the game by his rules now, and theyre definitely not yours. He is likely to throw a temper tantrum and demand you to give him 2 more weeks or 2 more months of your time. Other times, it is for the best that a relationship ends. Us Aquas do our disappearing acts and come back to take your temperature, and then dip again. If someone is into you, he will make an effort, and if not, you need to stop investing mental energy in him and redirect your attention to your goals. Heres a common scenario that could mean your Aquarius man is coming back to you: Hes doing something out of character, like calling you late at night, or sending you a long text message. (They're also entirely capable of dropping a connection completely). Communication will always be the key to any kind of relationship. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. An Aquarius man might also pull away if he still has lingering feelings for his ex. According to his astrological sign, Aquarius men often have a hard time following the rules. He Values His Freedom More Aquarius men are highly ambitious. Aquarius men are unique individuals. The best way to win the Aquarius man back is to be cool about the breakup and to just let him go. If youre patient, youll see him slowly start to open up to you. The advisor I spoke to was kind, understanding, and genuinely helpful. Sometimes when an Aquarius man dumps you, its for good and hes not going to change his mind. When an Aquarius man wants you back, he wont always go after you right away. If he really doesnt want you around, he wont ask for an extension. Give him space they take so long to process what they are feeling and then deciding if they want those feelings or want to freeze them out. This can make a partner feel as though hes being cold or keeping her at arms length. "Scorpios can be, shall we say, obsessive, especially when it comes to affairs . You may or may not become one of the reason of him feeling uncomfortable. If you did something to betray him or he just knows that the relationship will never work out, hell get over you eventually. If you want to know how to tell if an Aquarius man misses you, it wont always be obvious. Hes just waiting for you to realize that without him it doesnt feel like the same thing anymore. How do you know if he really is clear on what he wants now, especially when he says that what he wants is you. Here are more tips when your Aquarius man comes back. So, to help you to get to know some of the possibilities, here are some. When Libra keeps coming back to you, its because you enjoy every part of the relationship like he does. He might even share a memory about something that happened in high school when you were a couple. He has friends. This will distract him from the fact that you guys want to get back together, because his mind will be racing with thoughts of rejection. Its not like I dislike my friends (very much the opposite!) Aquarius hates the whole idea of working for others and wants short hours or none. You are a surprise and a thrill, and being with you makes him excited and happy all the time. 1. This is absolutely a normal Aquarius thing which Im sure you understand if you are also Aquarius. Disappear. Just when you think you have him figured out, he does something that totally throws you back off. If he breaks up with you after a fight, he might come back later and apologize. He also likes that youre a complex creature and that you have a busy life outside of the time you spend together. That being said, an Aquarius man will come back to you if he feels that you are the one. Dont go begging for closure. When an Aquarius man is done with you for good, he wont stay friends with you. Dont make his life more difficult than it has to be by waiting around for a response from him. Is Your Aries Man Playing Mind Games With You. RELATED: They will make it known that this is the end of your relationship, friendship,. Aquarius men are often good friends with their partners and he might not want to let that friendship go. He has friends and families to spend his time with. One of the traits of an Aquarius man is the ability to read people. Aquarius women like to date, but it has to be on their terms. If hes constantly coming back to you, its because you are thrilling him like no other. Whatever the case may be, hes obviously trying to let you know that he wants you back. When he keeps coming back to you, its because he sees those traits within you. They don't like to feel like they are being confined or limited in any way, or they will flee in the opposite direction at full speed. #3. 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